Compulsory Education Without Pay

2008-05-31 10:02张志红
中学英语园地·教学指导版 2008年4期

All the Chinese middle school students in the countryside dont have to pay for school any more. 51-year-old Ren Yuqi is even happier than the students. It was he who suggested the idea to the government about this.

Ren is not a government official but the boss of a big company in Hunan. He talks to the government as a deputy(代表) of the National Peoples Congress(全国人民代表大会). He is in Beijing for the NPCs yearly meeting.

“This year I have 20 suggestions for making farmers lives and the environment better. They all come from studying country peoples lives,” said Ren.

Ren went to several provinces to find out how people lived in the countryside. He saw that many children dropped out of school because they were poor. So at the last NPC meeting he suggested the government spend more money on helping kids get back to school. Most of the NPC deputies agreed to it,the government adopted and made it law.

The Chinese people elected Ren one of their deputies,just like they did the other 2,977 NPC members. The lower-level(较低级别的) deputies chose the upper-level ones.

At NPC meetings deputies also take part in making and changing laws. They help decide on State leaders and public policies(政策) as well.

1. Many poor kids from the countryside can go back to school because____.

A. Ren Yuqi has paid the money for them

B. Ren Yuqis idea to help poor children from the countryside has been adopted by the government

C. the government is so rich that it can afford all the kids tuition fees(学费)

D. the kids parents have worked so hard that they have enough money

2. The underlined word “adopted” means “____” in Chinese.

A. 吸取 B. 放弃 C. 按照 D. 采纳

3. Who chooses the deputies?

A. Students in the countryside. B. The government.

C. The Chinese people. D. The farmers.

4. How many deputies are there altogether according to the passage?

A. 2976. B. 2977. C. 2978. D. 2979.

5. In the sentence “They all come from studying country peoples lives.”,“They” refers to(指) “____”.

A. suggestions B. deputiesC. farmers D. peoples lives

Key: 1-5 BDCCA

(河南郑州市第24中学 张志红)

大学学费不是该涨 而是该降
The Value of a University Education