Methodology of Viewing Stone AppreciatingTake Nature as Beauty

2021-03-10 11:06
宝藏 2021年1期

In the relationship between human and nature, "the unity of man and nature" is reflected in people's respect and adaptation to the natural environment and natural laws. Taking nature as beauty is logical necessity.

Advocating the beauty of nature has become one of the aesthetic ideals of Chinese traditional culture.Nature has its own independent aesthetic value, and it is even higher than artificial beauty and artistic beauty. In the Song Dynasty, Wei Wang said in "Syrian Painting": "Looking at the autumn clouds, it is beautiful. In face of the spring breeze, we can think mighty. Although there is the joy of stone, how can you feel like it? "In Tang Dynasty, Li Bai said in his poem, "Lotus comes out of clear water, and carving is done naturally", and Lu You in Song Dynasty also said, "Articles are made in nature, and wonderful hands have it".Ji Cheng, a great gardener in Ming Dynasty, put forward that gardening should achieve the effect of "even though it is made by people, it is just like heaven".

In Laozi's thought of "the unity of man and nature", everything in human and nature is the result of Tao's "Qi". Therefore, people can know the root of things-"Tao" by observing things. In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Zong Bing played the role of "showing the taste image", appreciating the root of the universe through aesthetics with an aesthetic mind. After that, scholars in Song Dynasty came out of the mud without being stained, and the appreciation of stone and Zen in the contemporary aesthetic appreciation of stone can be said to be inherited from "cleaning away the Xuan Jian" and "revealing the taste image".

Taking nature as beauty is reflected in the relationship between subject and object. There are two ways:"viewing things with things" and "viewing things with myself" that put forward by Shao Yong in Song Dynasty. "Viewing things with things" is to exclude the subjective "emotion" of individual's "temporary denial of Thai", but to view things from the nature of things themselves, so as not to be tired of feelings. As Shao Yong, who hold the negative attitude of "looking at things with me" is "implied in things" with his personal emotion of "asking for words with tears".

In the appreciation of viewing stones,"Viewing things with things" can be viewed from a small perspective. Although it is a stone with one punch, it can enjoy the trend of mountains and peaks; When appreciating, "seeing things with my own eyes" can be manifested as wandering in the meantime and incarnating in the scene blending of stone.