
2021-08-14 04:25陈宁
考试与评价·七年级版 2021年1期


Golf ① began in Holland as a game played on the ice. The game first appeared② in Scotland. It then became very popular, and kings found that it was so enjoyable that people called it “the royal③ game”. But James Ⅱ didnt think that people would work hard when they play this attractive game. In 1457, he ordered his people not to play the game any more. But the king soon changed his mind when he found how attractive④ the game was, and it became popular again in a short time. Golf spread slowly to other countries. It reached America in 1890.

Choose the best answer.

1. The underlined word “popular” means “____” in Chinese.

A. 受歡迎的          B. 快乐的             C. 骄傲的      D. 广泛的

2. Where did golf begin?

A. In Scotland. B. In America.   C. In Holland.    D. The passage doesnt tell us.

3. Why did James Ⅱ order his people not to play golf?

A. Because he didnt like the game.

B Because he thought the game was boring.

C. Because he didnt think the game was popular.

D. Because he didnt think people would work hard if they played this game.

4. Why did James Ⅱ change his mind about the game?

A. Because he liked it very much.

B. Because he didnt like the game.

C. Because he found the game was so attractive.

D. Because he found the game was so boring.

5. Which of the following is True?

A. Golf began in Poland as a game played on the ice.

B. In 1457, James II ordered all his people to play the game.

C. Golf reached America in 1890.

D. Golf spread quickly to other countries.