
2010-11-25 03:41本栏主持
散文诗世界 2010年4期

本栏主持:远 行

















站在逡巡天鹅与无瑕恒星之间的码头,呼吸着夜晚的空气。当快乐的时刻深入, 乐趣的消失也似乎逐渐开始,它的尘染的美丽,只能是原本面目的美丽。维持它长一点的时间, 当它离去的时候,我相信我们自己的顺利通道, 穿越等级的间隔,危机流向普通,使我们每次更困倦一些, 远离经验一些,在过去,这把握、俘获了我们许多时辰。


2010.1.25 译

Morning, Noon, and Night

by Mark Strand


And the morning green, and the buildup weather, and my brows

Have no been brushed, and never will be,by the breezes of divinity.

That much is clear, at least to me, but yesterday I noticed

Something floating in and out of clouds,something like a bird,

But also like a man, black-suited, with his arm outspread.

And I thought this could be a sign that I’ve been wrong. Then I woke,

And on my bed the shadow of the future fell, and on the liquid ruins

Of the sea outside, and on the shells of buildings at the water’s edge.

A rapid overcast blew in, bending trees and fl attening fi elds. I stayed in bed,

Hoping it would pass. What might have been still waited for its chance.


Whatever the star charts told us to watch for or the maps

Said we would find, nothing prepared us for what we discovered.

We toiled away in the shadowless depths of noon,

While an alien wind slept in the branches,and dead leaves

Turned to dust in the streets. Cities of light,long summers

Of leisure, were not to be ours; for to come as we had, long after

It mattered, to live among tombs, great as they are,

Was to be no nearer the end, no farther from where we began.


These nights of pinks and purples vanishing, of freakish heat

That stokes our skin until we fall asleep and stray to places

We hoped would always be beyond our reach—the deeps

Where nothing flourishes, where everything that happens seems

To be for keeps. We sweat, and plead to be released

Into the coming day on time, and panic at the thought

Of never getting there and being forced to drift forgotten

Of a midnight sea where every thousand years a ship is sighted, or a swan,

Or a drowned swimmer whose imagination has outlived his fate, and who swims

To prove, to no one in particular, how false his life had been.

Our Masterpieces Is the Private Life

by Mark Strand

For Jules


Is there something down by the water keeping itself from us,

Some shy event, some secret of the light that falls upon the deep,

Some source of sorrow that does not wish to be discovered yet?

Why should we care? Doesn’t desire cast its

rainbows over the coarse porcelain

Of the world’s skin and with its measures fi ll the

air? Why look for more?


And now, while the advocates of awfulness and sorrow

Push their dripping barge up and down the beach, let’s eat

Our brill, and sip this beautiful white Beaune.

True, the light is artif i cial, and we are not well-dressed.

So what. We like it here. We like the bullocks in the fi eld next door,

We like the sound of wind passing over grass. The way you speak,

In that low voice, our late night disclosures……why live

For anything else? Our masterpiece is the private life.


Standing on the quay between the Roving Swan and the Star Immaculate,

Breathing the night air as the moment of pleasure taken

In pleasure vanishing seems to grow, its self-soiling

Beauty, which can only be what it was,sustaining itself

A little longer in its going, I think of our own smooth passage

Through the graded partitions, the crises that bleed

Into the ordinary, leaving us a little more tired each time,

A little more distant from the experiences,which, in the old days,

Held us captive for hours. The drive along the winding road

Back to the house, the sea pounding against the cliffs,

The glass of whiskey on the table, the open book, the questions,

All the day’s rewards waiting at the doors of sleep……

Vanke’s Empire
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