
2014-04-29 11:29李琼霞
求学·理科版 2014年5期



1. get accustomed to 表示“习惯于”。

辨析:get accustomed/ used to和used to,be used to的区别。

get accustomed/ used to doing表示“习惯于做某事”。used to do表示“过去经常做某事”。be used to do表示“被用来做”。例如:

(1)I am accustomed/ used to the weather here.我已经适应了这里的天气。

(2)I used to get up early, but now I get up late. 我过去习惯早起,不过现在都起得比较晚。

(3)Wood is used to make paper. 木头被用来造纸。

2. get across表示“(使)通过,(把……)讲清楚”。例如:The teacher spoke slowly and tried to get across the difficulties to his students. 老师讲得很慢,尽量把难点给学生讲清楚。

3. get along表示“成功,前進,进步,相处融洽”。例如:How are you getting along with your work? 你最近工作进展得怎样?

4. get down to (doing) sth.表示“开始认真做某事”。例如:The mid-term examination is coming. Its time for us to get down to our studies. 期中考试快到了,是时候开始认真学习了。

高考链接:(2010福建卷)Weve just moved into a bigger house and a lot to do. Lets get down to it. 我们刚搬进大房子,有很多事情要做,赶紧开始吧。

5. get in表示“进站,收(庄稼),收起来”。例如:What time does the train from London get in? 从伦敦来的那列火车什么时间进站?

高考链接:(2008陕西卷)Its going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me get in the clothes on the line? 快下雨了!肖锋,你能帮我把晾衣架上的衣服收一下吗?

6. get into表示“进入,陷入,养成(习惯)”。例如:Competition to get into medical school is intense. 进入医学院的竞争十分激烈。

高考链接:(2012江西卷)Ive got into the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school. 我已经养成了在从学校回家的路上去看一下爷爷奶奶的习惯。

7. get over表示“越过,克服困难,痊愈,恢复”。

辨析:get over和go over的区别。

go over表示“受欢迎,察看,检查,复习重温”。例如:

(1)We will find ways to get over the difficulties. 我们会找到克服困难的方法。

(2)We went over several houses, but havent bought one yet. 我们看了几栋房子,但还没买。

高考链接:(2013江苏卷)Team leaders must ensure that all members get over their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes. 团队领导者必须确保所有成员都能克服害怕因出错而尴尬的自然心理。

8. get through表示“通过,渡过,完成,接通(电话),穿过,及格”。

辨析:get through和go through的区别。

go through 表示“经历,被通过,讨论,举行”。例如:

(1)I have a pile of papers to get through before my leaving. 离开之前,我有一堆文件要完成。

(2)The new law did not go through. 新法案未获得通过。

高考链接:(2010浙江卷)After that, he knew he could get through any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. 在那之后,他知道自己可以尽全力去渡过任何紧急情况。

(2009四川卷)—Have you got through? 你电话打通了没?

—No. I had the wrong number. 没,号码错了。


1. be made up of 表示“由……组成,由……构成”。

辨析:be made up of和consist of的区别。

be made up of表示“由……构成/组成”,后面多接与材料有关的词。consist of常用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分组成”,可引申为“包含有”,多用于抽象事物或是正式的组织,一般不用于进行时态和被动语态。例如:

(1)Our class is made up of thirty boys and twenty girls. 30位男生和20位女生组成了我们的班级。

(2)The health club consists of many old workers from the nearby district. 这个健康俱乐部由很多附近地区的老龄工人组成。

2. make a difference表示“起作用,有关系”。例如:Together,individuals can make a difference. 团结力量大。

3. make ones way 表示“前进、前往,获得成功,取得进展”。例如:It is still unclear exactly how the images made their way to the web. 目前还不太清楚他们究竟是怎么把照片传到网上的。

4. make out表示“理解、明白,辨认、看清楚,填写”。

辨析:make out和pick out的区别。

make out强调“弄清、辨认”,可以表示“认出字迹等”。而pick out强调“挑选、挑出”,如“在人群中认出人”等。例如:

(1)Tamara heard Mama say something in her deep, scratchy old voice but couldnt make out the words. 特瑞沙听到妈妈用她那低沉、沙哑而苍老的声音在说话,但听不清在说什么。

(2)We must pick out the enemys weakest units for attack. 我们必须找敌人最薄弱的部队进行攻击。

5. make sense表示“有意义,讲得通”。例如:Sometimes paragraphs need only to be rearranged for the story to make sense. 有时候,只需重新安排段落,便可使故事讲得通。

6. make the best of 表示“充分利用”。例如:We should make the best of time in our study. 在学习过程中,我们应该充分利用时间。

高考链接:(2011浙江卷)The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to, but I suppose Ill just have to make the best of it. 这个学校并不是我原来最想去的,但我应该充分利用好它。

7. make up表示“化妝、打扮,虚构、编造,组成,弥补,占……比例”。例如:Please make up a situation where you can put the daily expressions. 请编造一个能使用这些日常用语的语言环境。

辨析:make up和dress up的区别。

make up表示“化妆、打扮”时,往往是指脸部化妆,比如上粉底、画眉等。而dress up表示“盛装打扮”。例如:

(1)She made up her face to look more beautiful. 为使自己看上去漂亮些,她化了妆。

(2)We dress up for the holiday. 在节日时,我们往往盛装打扮。

8. make up for表示“补充,补偿”。例如:He drove faster to make up for lost time. 他加速驾驶,以弥补损失的时间。


1. set about表示“开始、着手”,后接名词或动名词。例如:The girl attendant has set about cleaning the room. 那位女服务员已开始打扫房间。

高考链接:(2012浙江卷)Armed with the information you have gathered, you can set about preparing your business plan. 有了收集到的材料,你可以着手准备你的商业计划了。

2. set out表示“开始做,出发、启程”,后接动词不定式。例如:The government has set out to make many needed reforms. 政府开始进行许多必要的改革。

高考链接:(2012全国卷II)We set out to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day. 我们开始粉刷整间房子,但是那天只完成了前面的部分。

3. set aside表示“留出,对……不予考虑”。

高考链接:(2013湖北卷)In much of the animal world, night is the time set aside for sleep—pure and simple. 在很多动物的世界里,晚上是留出来作为睡觉时间的,简单、纯粹。

(2012福建卷)You had better set aside some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic. 你最好每天抽出时间做运动,以使自己保持精力充沛。

4. set down表示“写下、记下,放下,使(飞机)着陆,让(乘客)下车,制定、规定”。例如:

(1)The policeman sets down my car number. 警察记下了我的车牌号。

(2)It is necessary to set down these additional rules. 制定这些补充规则是必要的。

5. set up表示“建立,开办,树立,造成,产生”。

辨析:set up和establish,found,build的区别。

set up表示“建立、建设、开创”时,是口语用词,着重表示开始,主要是指建立组织,有时可与establish换用。establish表示“建立、建设”时,主要指建立较大的机构、组织或联系,有“稳固建成”的意思。found主要用于表示建立或创立机构、组织、理论等。build为最普通用词,主要是指“修建、建筑(房屋)”,或者“建起(抽象的东西,如习惯等)”。例如:

(1)A new government was set up after the war. 战后,新政府成立。

(2)She established her fame as an actress. 她成了大名鼎鼎的演員。

(3)His theory is founded on facts. 他的理论建立在事实的基础上。

(4)The house was built of wood. 这房子是用木头建造的。

6. set off表示“出发、动身,使爆炸,引发,激起”。例如:

(1)It set off speculation about what led her to leave so abruptly. 这一消息引发了人们对她如此匆忙离开的原因的猜测。

(2)Hearing the news, she set off to the airport at once. 一听到这个消息,她就马上去机场了。

Traditionally, college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey. 按照传统,大学毕业生会在踏上生活的征程前举办一次毕业典礼来鼓励自己。

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