
2015-10-28 13:59聂文广黄琦
湖北农业科学 2015年16期


摘要:使用2004—2012年中国31个省(市)的面板数据,实证分析了中国农业保险与粮食产量之间的关系。结果表明,从全国来看,农业保险对粮食产量在1%显著水平有促进作用,但是粮食产量对农业保险的弹性系数仅为0.010 2;从三大区域来看,东部和西部地区农业保险对粮食产量的增长有显著的正向作用,弹性系数分别为0.015 2和0.010 6,中部地区农业保险对粮食产量增加影响不显著;从粮食产区上看,非粮食主产区农业保险对粮食产量的增长有着显著的正向影响,弹性系数为0.016 4,粮食主产区农业保险对粮食产量增长无显著影响。因此,应有针对性地加大农业保险支持力度、合理调整农业保险结构,切实发挥农业保险对粮食生产的促进作用。


中图分类号:F840.66 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2015)16-4077-06


Research on Relationship between Agricultural Insurance and Grain Production Increase

——An Empirical Analysis of the Panel Data from 31 Provinces of China

NIE Wen-guang,HUANG Qi

(Hubei Rural Development Research Center, College of Economics and Management of Huazhong Agricultural University,

Wuhan 430070, China)

Abstract: Using the 2004-2012 panel data of 31 provinces(municipalities) of China, the relationship between Chinese agricultural insurance and grain production was analyzed from enpirical perspective. The results showed that, from the whole country, the agricultural insurance have positive effect on grain production at 1% significant level, but the elasticity coefficient of grain production to agricultural insurance was only 0.010 2; from three regions, in eastern and western regions the agricultural insurance have notable positive effect on grain production increase, the elasticity coefficients were 0.015 2 and 0.010 6 respectively, and in central region the effect of agricultural insurance on grain production increase was insignificant; from the grain production regions,in non-major grain production regions the agricultural insurance have notable positive effcet on grain production increase, the elasticity coifficient was 0.016 4, and in major grain production regions the agricultural insurance have insignificant effcet on grain production increase. Therefore, it′s necessary to strengthen support for the agricultural insurance, to adjust structure of the agricultural insurance reasonably, accordingly to ensure agricultural insurance play promotion role in grain production.

Key words: agricultural insurance; grain production; elasticity coefficient; regional difference.

如何提高粮食产量,确保国家粮食安全是关乎国计民生的重要问题,粮食安全已上升为国家重大战略部署。近年来,粮食安全风险依然存在,主要表现在耕地面积逐年减少、粮食消费持续增长。粮食安全问题的解决关键是提高粮食自给能力,然而中国是一个农业自然灾害频发的国家,农民的抗风险能力较弱,粮食生产在一定程度上受到农业自然灾害的影响,仅2012年全国农业自然灾害成灾面积就有182.63万hm2,直接经济损失3 533.4亿元;农业自然灾害不仅造成粮食减产,同时也降低了农民生产的积极性,不利于农业生产。农业保险则具有转移、分散风险,提高农民风险承受能力的作用。自2004年起,连续11年的中央一号文件均提出发展农业保险的要求,在政策层面强调了发展农业保险的重要性,农业保险发展取得重大进展。2012年全国农业保险纯保费收入238.71亿元、赔付总额129.06亿元,达到历史最高。农业保险是否通过转移风险促进了农业生产,农业保险与粮食产出之间的关系值得探讨。endprint
