
2015-12-19 01:19主持建筑师李立
世界建筑 2015年5期







The site is where Mount Tai ranges smoothly join the city on the south, which forms a distinctive geographical character of Jinan, the Spring City.Therefore, rooted in specific site implication and the historical-cultural connotation of Shandong Province, we established the basic concept of "mountain-city interdependence", in which the mountain-like form of the 3rd level gradually sharpens and transforms into the cubic volume of the top 5th level.

The "mountain-city interdependence" concept is generated from exterior site analysis; the interior space is shaped in close response to formal characters while carrying out the design in the guidance of the concept. The entrance hall expresses the "mountain" motif, its exhibition rooms twisting and projecting appropriately to provide multilayered exhibition platforms. Slowly rising ramps, twisted body, suspended overbridge, all provide chance spatial experience; together with contemporary artworks, they create a vivid 3-dimentional spectacle. The hall on the 2nd floor expresses the "city" motif, its evenly gentle light atmosphere shaped by large north-facing louvers; here is the space for quiet contemplation on modern art.

Visiting large museums can easily cause boredom; an important approach to visual adjustment is to constantly overcome restrictions of uniform space and to increase depth of field. We first played with topology to expand originally solidified spatial interface: the public space and exhibition space at two key positions on the south of the trapezoid plan are made mutually embracing and interpenetrating, which also correspond to the two gaps in the building's mountainlike exterior. Secondly, particular stress is given to design for diagonal spaces at important spatial turns, thus improving the visitors' perceptivity of topological space. Besides, space-shaping bodies shift and twist about one another, which enhances the sense of spatial mobility. In terms of material selection, dry travertine wall finish and plasterboard wall are arranged in an alternating manner, which helps define space vertically while strengthening spatial orientation.

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计单位/Design Institution: 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司/Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.

业主/Client: 山东省文化厅/Shandong Provincial Department of Culture

设计团队/Design Team: 王文胜,周峻,马溪茵,王腾,陈捷,高山,汪一宁,章珺珺,郑聪,梁力,章雯,程

宇/WANG Wensheng, ZHOU Jun, MA Xiyin, WANG Teng, CHEN Jie, GAO Shan, WANG Yining, ZHANG Junjun, ZHENG Cong, LIANG Li, ZHANG Wen, CHENG Yu

场地面积/Site Area: 20,700m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 52,138m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2011

摄影/Photos: 姚力/YAO Li

Shandong Art Museum, Jinan, Shandong, China, 2013

Principal Architect: LI Li

1 平面轴测/Diagram axonometric

2 剖面/Section

3 内景/Interior view

4 外景/Exterior view

5 内景/Interior view

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