The Influence of Classroom Layout on Children’s English Learning Development

2016-02-25 08:16林琬媚
校园英语·下旬 2016年1期


【Abstract】Nowadays, more and more Children English Training organization developed, all the parents and teachers also want to improve the childrens English. So the parents will find the organization where the teachers are better in teaching. They will motive a lot of imagine and acquire many information which you can not know. If we can care more about this point from the children, may be it also can help children to learn English well. This essay aims at how does classroom Layout influence the children to learn English well and let the children love this environment.

【Key words】childrens psychology; classroom layout; English learning


English is the second language for the Chinese and nowadays learning English well have become a trend for Chinese. The parents will find some organizations where have the best teachers and have the most authority. But to personalize it, to build achievement on discovering the individual gift of every child, to put students in an environment where they want to study and where they can naturally discover their real passions.So a good environment is very important for the kids to learn English.

Why does the study environment play the important role in studying English?

A famous case of ‘the wild kid of Victor, Victor was found in a forest where site in south central French in 1800 years. At that time, everyone can not believe he can change from idiocy to genius. Because he was taught by famous medical scientist and educators training in five years. He gradually learned to speak, and he can show his mind, feeling and behavior.From the case, we just know that it is important to acquire a language in a good environment. A good classroom layout can provide a good environment to study the English. English is not the mothers language for the Chinese children.

The Layout should eliminate the stress and anxiety

According to Black (2005)state that:‘Anxiety begins with a sense of the threat which releases chemicals known to trigger the fight-or-flight response. In this case, our body will experience a lot of physical and mental symptoms, including raised blood pressure and faster breathing. Under the stress, the memory and concentration are affected too. First, we need to choose the correct color to pain the classroom wall. Of course, we need to analysis different ages kids character and what kind of color they will like totally.The author, Charlotte Rance said that:‘Curiosity can be a good way in the young learners classroom. When we encourage it, curiosity can lead our students to learn new words, experiment with structure and be creative with structure and be creative with the language they are using. Curiosity can also open the classrooms up to a wider world of information. Why the animals do the posture like this? And the teacher also can use the animals to open up their English Learning topic naturally. So we can stick the animals on the wall or make some chair shape like some kinds of funny animals.

The classroom layout should help them to guess and think.

For kids to learn English, especially in the full-English class, it is a little bit difficult for them to learn. But kids are in full-English class that can improve their language sense. But in this condition, we can not explain the Chinese for them in the whole time. So we need to let them to think independently. There are some methods to arrange the classroom so that can help them to think independently. First, we can stick 26 alphabet cards. But the cards should have picture which relate to the letter and the sound. Second, we spread some mats about animals or sea.

The World develop, our classroom layout also should follow the development

The world develop with technology, many things have changed by digital. Outside the windows, we can see a lot of people with the intelligent phone. Why they are attracted by the phone. Because the phone has a lot of games, the phone can pass what we want to others, the phone can get what we want easily. So how about we let our classroom layout be more digital and technology. We should prepare more English games and online English exercise for them. They can finish it by toughing the screen and when they do the good job, they will listen to the interesting music.


In conclusion, we need to care of the environment for the kids to learn English. Because the age of kids to learn English is very important, they have a strong sense of language including the listening, speaking, writing and reading. They will like to imitate. So it is very necessary to build a standard environment for them. Let them to accept a environment to learn English. Let them can try their best explore the wonderful things about the English when they start to learn English in class.