
2016-04-11 09:22露西娅博尔多内玛拉科苏薇奥拉莫尔登蒂LuciaBordoneMaraCossuViolaMordenti黄华青TranslatedbyHUANGHuaqing
世界建筑 2016年3期

露西娅·博尔多内,玛拉·科苏,薇奥拉·莫尔登蒂/Lucia Bordone,Mara Cossu,Viola Mordenti黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing


Regeneration in Contemporary Rome:the Case of the Mattatoio

露西娅·博尔多内,玛拉·科苏,薇奥拉·莫尔登蒂/Lucia Bordone,Mara Cossu,Viola Mordenti
黄华青 译/Translated by HUANG Huaqing





Memory and Regeneration

Column Editors :Michele Bonino,Pierre-Alain Croset


The project featured in the fourth issue of the column–the Mattatoio–is one of the major projects of post-industrial regeneration within the contemporary city of Rome.An ancient slaughterhouse abandoned in 1975,today the building houses the School of Architecture of the University Roma Tre,the MACRO(Museum of Contemporary Art),and the City of Alternative Economy–a space dedicated to organic farming,fair trade,ethical finance and tourism.The paper we publish in the next pages originated within the research project "Mapping controversial memories in the historic urban landscape project:a multidisciplinary study of Beijing,Mexico City and Rome",led by the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne and funded by the Swiss Network for International Studies.

1 屠宰场总平面/Mattatoio:General map(图片来源/Resource:Atlante di Roma(Atlas of Rome).La forma del centro storico in scala 1:1000 nel fotopiano e nella carta numerica,Marsilio Editori,Venice 1991.Quadri 252,253,264,265)





2 波亚里奥广场和屠宰场的外景,罗马/Roma:Foro Boario and Mattatoio,external view

3 在改造建筑物中间的屠宰场,罗马/Roma:Mattatoio,in between renovated buildings

4 屠宰场废弃建筑,罗马/Roma:Mattatoio,abandoned buildings

5 屠宰场图纸原稿/Mattatoio:Pelanda dei Suini,original drawings

6 屠宰场主入口图纸原稿/Mattatoio:Main entrance from Via Galvani,original drawings (5,6图片来源/Photo Resource:Franco,G.,Il Mattatoio di Testaccio a Roma.Costruzioni e trasformazioni del complesso dismesso,Roma 1998)

7 屠宰场室内/Mattatoio:interior of the slaughterhouse(图片来源/Photo Resource:L' illustrazione Italiana,anno XIX,nn.67,1892)

In the city of Rome,urban regeneration projects and,more generally,the reuse of historic buildings represent a constant challenge for architecture.It has been the case at all historical stages.One can think,for instance,of the emblematic monuments of the city,like the Coliseum,which has seen its functions redefined several times,turning from a place hosting circus games into a place of residence or worship.In this sense,the remaking of use and meaning has always been a central issue in the city.Over the past twenty years,regeneration processes have been developed in post-industrial sites,while the antique and medieval archaeological remains have often been monumentalized.

At the beginning of the 19th century,many slaughterhouses were built in Europe.Due to demographic growth and rapid urban development,slaughtering became a urban service and moved from the countryside to the periphery of urban areas.Around 1970 however,slaughter operations were progressively delocalized.At this time,these buildings – which were generally of high architectural value,but were only accessible to workers – started to be rediscovered.In France,Italy,Spain or Great Britain,slaughterhouses have been progressively renovated and host new functions,becoming places of cultural and academic production.It is worth mentioning just a few examples,such as la Villettein Paris,by Bernard Tschumi; les Abattoirs in Toulouse,by Antoine Stinco and RémiPapillault; the Stadtbibliothek Landau by AnsgarLamott or the Matadero of Madrid,by Rafael Fernández-Rañada.

The Mattatoio of Rome was designed at the end of the 19th century by the architect Gioacchino Ersoch.The complex was built between 1888 and 1891 in the area of Ostiense,erected at the time as the place where to concentrate the industrial development of the city.The building is eventually abandoned almost one century later,in 1975.In the 1990's however,the Mattatoio became part of a large urban regeneration strategy,aiming at creating a "City of the Arts"(Cittàdelle Arti)in whathas become the main post-industrial zone of the city.The strategy,called "Progetto Urbano Ostiense Marconi" and spearheaded by Rome Municipality,covered several sites and gathers many participators,both public and private:the University of Roma Tre; the MACRO; the Academy of Fine Arts,as well as other associations and urban services.As a vast and important structure,the Mattatoio is assigned specific planning tools,embedded in the Use Plan for the Ex-Mattatoio(Piano di Utilizzazioned ell'ExMattatoio)designed in 2000.The challenge was to open the complex of buildings to the city and to make it accessible in terms of functions and of physical configuration.After several stages(conference of the stakeholders,endorsement of the Plan,approval of the programme),the unitary strategy failed.Nevertheless,transformation began and moved forward through single interventions,following a somehow fragmented and discontinuous process.In this context,the University was the first public institution to move into the building in 2000.Fifteen years later,most involved institutions have entered their new locations.

8 废弃火车工厂的再利用,罗马/Roma:Officine Oz,re-using abandoned train factory

9 Ex Ospedale al Mare住宅外景,利多/Lido di Venezia:Ex Ospedale al Mare,external view

10 Ex Ospedale al Mare 住宅废弃空间的内部,利多/Lido di Venezia:Ex Ospedale al Mare,inside an abandoned pavillion (2-4,8-10图片版权/Fig.2-4,8-10©AndreaSarti)

In conclusion,despite a highly fragmented implementation,the intervention as a whole led to one of the most relevant cultural hubs at the urban level,maintaining an openness to different local experiences and associations(i.e.The Popular Music School of Testaccio and the Kurdish cultural centre).However,an effective public management of the renovation strategy and a serious reflection on the common space connecting the single buildings have been missing.Indeed,the Mattatoio still appears as an island in the middle of the city,where the pedestrians hesitate to enter and are oftentimes discouraged by walls,dead ends and fences that still cross this incredible piece of history and architecture,compromising the ability of the city to fully enhance its potential.(Special thanks to Andrea Sarti for his photography and contribution to this project.Andrea Sarti has been working on a broader project of on-going visual mapping about waiting spaces in Italy.)



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