
2016-06-18 07:12王大安刘刚王翔鹰张帅
中国水土保持科学 2016年1期

王大安, 刘刚, 王翔鹰, 张帅

(北京师范大学 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,地理学与遥感科学学院,100875,北京)


王大安, 刘刚†, 王翔鹰, 张帅

(北京师范大学 地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室,地理学与遥感科学学院,100875,北京)


关键词:侵蚀泥沙粒径分布; 吸管法; 激光法; 转换模型

土壤颗粒组成是土壤物理性质的重要指标之一[1-2],也是侵蚀泥沙养分富集研究的重要参数[3-5]。测定土壤颗粒组成的方法主要有筛分法、静水沉降法、吸管法和比重计法。其中,吸管法作为沉降法中最经典的方法,在20世纪90年代以前的粒度测量中被普遍使用[6],目前多用于校准其他测量方法。其优点是对实验条件要求低,简单易行,缺点是需要样品量大、测量时间长、受环境温度影响大。激光粒度仪作为一种测定颗粒组成的新兴仪器,近年来,在土壤和泥沙颗粒组成测定中得到了广泛应用[7-12],该方法能够很好地克服吸管法测量速度慢、单个样品需要量大的缺点;但诸多研究表明,激光法与吸管法在测定土壤和泥沙颗粒组成时存在明显差异,使用激光法测定某种土壤颗粒组成时,需要与其他测定方法建立转换模型[1,7-8,13-16]。为了使激光法能够更好地应用于颗粒组成分析上,针对2种方法不同粒级之间的转换关系开展了很多研究。国外研究大多认为2种方法在黏粒粒级间,具有很好的线性转换关系[17-19],而对于砂粒和粉粒部分,L. Beuselinck等[17]通过86个土样的测定,得出了很好的线性转换关系,但J. Eshel等.[19]通过研究认为,2种测定方法在粉粒和砂粒间没有固定的转换关系。在国内,针对多种土壤类型,杨金玲等[1]对全国6个主要土纲265个土壤样品,利用2种方法测定了砂粒、粉粒和黏粒含量,发现3种粒级在2种方法间均存在很好的线性转换关系,对粒级进一步的分类研究,发现2种方法在多个粒径上均具有较好的关系。王成燕等[20]对内蒙古地区7种土壤类型42个土壤样本进行2种方法的测定,吴焕焕等[21]利用全国15个省份20种不同土壤类型进行测定,2种方法间在砂粒、粉粒和黏粒间都建立了较好的线性转换关系。另外,我国针对单一土壤类型2种方法间砂粒、粉粒和黏粒的转换关系研究也很多,其中,刘涛等[22]对北京周边的褐土进行了测定,王彬等[23]对东北地区的黑土进行了测定,杨艳芳等[24]对江西林地富铁土进行了测定,这些研究都建立了2种方法的线性回归模型。而在2种方法间,关于泥沙颗粒组成测定差异方面,我国的研究主要集中于河流泥沙方面,并得出了一些2种测定方法间,河流泥沙特征指标的转化模型[25-27]。




图1 激光法和吸管法测定泥沙级配图Fig.1 Distribution curve of sediment size by laser method and pipette method of 18 samples

本研究共选取了2013年4月13—30日,春季融雪期间的18个侵蚀泥沙样品。样品取自鹤北2号小流域[28],流域地处小兴安岭南麓,行政区划隶属于黑龙江省黑河市嫩江县,由黑龙江省农垦总局九三分局鹤山农场管辖,流域出口位于E 125°18′15″、N 49°0′24″。泥沙样品的前期处理为:泥沙样品静置24 h后,移除上清液,烘箱105~110 ℃烘干,然后过2 mm筛,用感量0.01 g电子天平,称取10 g左右泥沙样品,放入500 mL锥形瓶中,用30%双氧水除去有机质,过量双氧水采用加热法排除。将泥沙样品放入500 mL锥形瓶中,先加300 mL左右蒸馏水,再加入10 mL浓度为0.5 mol/L的NaOH,摇动使其充分混合,静置12 h,电热板加热至沸腾,持续1 h,然后冷却至室温备用。


在吸液之前,首先利用0.25 mm和0.1 mm的筛子,对预处理的泥沙样品利进行筛分,将<0.1 mm样品悬浊液转移至1 000 mL量筒中,并定容至1 000 mL,测定量筒内水温至稳定,依量筒内的水温,按照Stokes定律,计算不同粒级的吸液时间。参考南京土壤研究所《土壤物理性质测定法》进行吸液。>0.25 mm的颗粒及0.25~0.1 mm的颗粒洗入蒸发皿,烘干称量。


泥沙样品烘干过2 mm筛后,称取1 g左右,用30%双氧水去除有机质,然后加入2 mL的NaOH进行分散,后冷却至室温备用。研究中使用激光粒度仪型号为S3500,美国Microtrac公司生产,颗粒测量范围0.021 5~2 000 μm。使用时依次打开仪器和控制电脑,实验前先控制仪器清洗管路,使仪器处于加样状态。实验时充分摇匀泥沙悬浊液,用取样匙取大约0.4 mL悬浊液,加入到仪器的样品池中,运行自动检测程序,开始测定。每个样品测定3次,最后统一导出数据。


数据统计分析采用SPSS18.0,将2种方法测得的数据,依据粒径进行线性回归分析,并采用Origin 8.1绘制转换关系图等。




为了直观获得泥沙样品的粗细情况,选取中值粒径(D50)和平均质量直径(MWD)作为评价指标。针对这2个指标的统计结果见表1。2种方法测定的中值粒径和平均质量直径,均表现为激光法高于吸管法,且在所有被测样品中趋势一致。该结论与2种测定方法级配曲线中表现的结论一致,说明对于同一泥沙样品,激光法确实会使颗粒测定结果偏高。这一结论与已有的关于泥沙样品测定规律一致[25, 27]。

表1 激光法与吸管法测定泥沙D50和MWD的差异比较

注:a 吸管法测定结果-激光法测定结果;b 绝对差异值/吸管法测定结果×100%。下同。Note:“aAbsolute difference” indicates the value of the pipette method- one of the laser method. “bRelative difference” indicates the absolute difference/the value of the pipette method ×100%. The same as below.


图2 激光法与吸管法测定D50和MWD转换关系Fig.2 Transformation relation for the D50 and MWD between laser method and pipette method










2.2.1砂粒、粉粒和黏粒的差异分析按照美国土壤质地分类制,将粒径分为砂粒(50~2 000 μm)、粉粒(2~50 μm)和黏粒(<2 μm)。由表2可以看出,激光法和吸管法对泥沙样品的颗粒组成分析,结果存在较大差异。砂粒含量在三者中的比例较小,与吸管法测定结果相比,激光法测得的砂粒体积分数均值低出2.6%,相对误差30.1%;测得粉粒体积分数均值高出34.1%,相对误差高达72.8%。激光法测定黏粒体积分数均值为10.9%,远低于吸管法测定的42.4%,相对误差达到75.5%。3种粒径的测定结果与已有的多数研究较为一致[1, 20-24, 29-31],激光法与吸管法相比,在测定颗粒组成时,会低估黏粒体积分数,高估粉粒体积分数。而对于砂粒体积分数的测定与已有研究结论并不一致,既存在高估的结论[23];也有低估的结论[21];但多数研究认为,2种方法测定砂粒含量较为复杂[1, 20,24, 29]。

表2 激光法与吸管法测定泥沙颗粒组成的比较


除以上主要原因以外,可能还存在因激光法测定的体积分数与吸管法测定的质量分数之间的差异:激光法测定颗粒范围限制,当颗粒粒径小于可测范围时,激光法无法测定,而吸管法则无最小粒径限制;吸管法测定黏粒时,使用烘干法测定其质量,由于强吸湿水的存在,可能导致黏粒质量分数偏高[23, 29]。为进一步分析2种测定方法之间的差异,以及砂粒含量差异的规律,对粉粒和砂粒依据美国土壤分类制做进一步分类后,再次进行分析。



在驶向斯洛文尼亚的路上,我们沿着海岸线前行,壮阔的大海成为了唯一的风景。在皮兰市,得益于当地政府的协助,我们前往了位于市中心的老城区—通常来说,这里禁止车辆通行,但鲜红色的法拉利、橙色的兰博基尼和白色保时捷的咆哮却响彻了这座原本安静的小城。终于,我们到达了塔尔蒂尼(Tartini)广场,见识了周围威尼斯风格的豪宅和圣乔治教堂(St. Georgskirche)的雄伟。发动机的阵阵嘶吼和明亮的车灯打破了小城的宁静,传统和科技的碰撞在这里留下了视觉和听觉的震撼。







表3 激光法与吸管法测定泥沙颗粒组成多粒级比较

图3 激光法与吸管法测定砂粒、粉粒和黏粒质量分数关系Fig.3 Transformation relation for the sand silt and clay between laser method and pipette method

图4 激光法与吸管法测定多粒级砂粒含量关系Fig.4 Transformation relation for multi-size sand between laser method and pipette method




目前多数研究都建立了关于砂粒、粉粒和黏粒的线性转换关系[20-22, 24],但是对于粒级进一步划分的转换关系研究较少[1]。本研究分别对2种方法测定的中砂以上粒级、细砂、极细砂、粗粉和细粉5个粒级进行进一步研究,发现2种方法实测的5个粒级质量分数,均呈现极显著性正相关(图4、图5),2种方法之间的相关系数,除极细砂为0.764外,其余4个粒级均高于0.8。

图5 激光法与吸管法测定粗粉和细粉含量关系Fig.5 Transformation relation for coarse silt and fine silt between laser method and pipette method






















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Comparative study on particle size distribution of eroded sediment by laser method and pipette method in black soil region of Northeast China

Wang Da′an, Liu Gang, Wang Xiangying, Zhang Shuai

(State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, 100875, Beijing, China)

Abstract:[Background] Soil particle size distribution (PSD) is one of the important indicators of soil physical properties, is also a key parameter in erosion and sediment nutrient enrichment research. In recent years, as a relatively new method of measuring particle size distribution(PSD)compared to the classical method of the pipette method, the laser method has been widely applied to the PSD of soil and river sediment, and gradually applied to the PSD of eroded sediment. [Methods] In order to obtain the differences and transformation relations between the PSDs determined by the two methods in the Black Soil Region, 18 eroded sediment samples of a small watershed during the snow melting were measured and analyzed by the laser method and pipette method. In the present study, the S3500 manufactured by the US Microtrac company were used for measuring the samples of laser method. [Results] Results showed that the D50 (Median Diameter) and MWD (Mean Weight Diameter) using the laser method were obviously higher than those using the pipette method, which was consistent with the conclusion of the sediment size distribution curve. Although the D50 and MWD measured by two methods varied widely, significant relationships were found between the two methods for the D50 and MWD: yD50=1.609xD50-13.743(R=0.960, P<0.001), yMWD=0.962xMWD-0.002 (R=0.999, P<0.001). The PSD was analyzed according to the US soil texture classification system. The sand and clay contents using the laser method was under-estimated by 2.6% and 31.5% respectively compared to that using the pipette method, while the silt content of the laser method was over-estimated by 34.1% compared to that of the pipette method. However, significant linear transformation relationships were observed between the laser method and the pipette method for the clay content, silt content and sand content of the eroded sediment: ysand=0.864xsand+3.844 (R=0.965, P<0.001), ysilt=0.725xsilt-11.858(R=0.897, P<0.001 8), yclay=0.879xclay+32.772(R=0.918, P<0.001). According to the US soil texture classification, the sand content was further classified into the above medium, fine and very fine, while the silt content into the coarse and fine. The laser method obviously caused the over-estimation of the content of the fine silt by 34.1%, while there were not significant differences between the two methods for the other four contents. There were significant linear transformation relationships between the two methods for the above medium sand: y1=0.948x1+0.092 (R=0.996, P<0.001), fine sand: y2=0.943x2-0.234 (R=0.912, P<0.001), coarse silt: y4=0.730x4+3.407 (R=0.924, P<0.001), and fine silt: y5=0.517x5-1.088(R=0.896, P<0.001), except the very fine sand: y3=0.699x3+4.436 (R=0.764, P<0.001). [Conclusions] The laser method cannot be used for directly measuring the PSD of eroded sediment, as obvious difference existed between two methods. However, significant linear transformation relationships for each grade were observed between two methods, thus the laser method can be effectively used to measure the PSD of eroded sediment, which can save our time when it comes to sedimentation, pipet samplers, drying and so on.

Keywords:particle size distribution of eroded sediment; pipette method; laser method; transform model

收稿日期:2015-06-25修回日期: 2016-01-13

第一作者简介:王大安(1987—),男,博士研究生。主要研究方向:土壤侵蚀与水土保持。E-mail:wangdaan871106@163.com †通信 刘刚(1978—),男,实验师,博士。主要研究方向:土壤侵蚀与土壤侵蚀影响生产力模拟。E-mail:liugang@bnu.edu.cn





项目名称: 国家自然科学基金“东北黑土区坡面至小流域尺度积雪与融雪过程研究”(41301280);地表过程与资源生态国家重点实验室自由探索项目“东北黑土区融雪侵蚀过程与机理研究”(2013-ZY-08)