
2016-11-16 03:26湖北武汉景一供稿
中学生英语 2016年11期

湖北武汉 景一 供稿


湖北武汉 景一 供稿

A day is made up of hundreds of small decisions.I'll wear this;I'll buy this;I'll have this for lunch;I'll go here at 3'oclock;I'll respond to this e-mail;I'll delete this one.


For some people,none of these is a big deal.For others,however,making decisions(big and little ones)isn't easy.They agonize over1what to do,vacillating2back and forth,and secondguessing themselves even after the decision has been made.


Emily was in the diner with her husband.After several minutes of reading the menu,she said,“Um,let's see.I don't know what to order.Maybe I'll have the burger...no,wait,the pasta seems good.Or,maybe the soup and salad.Don,what are you ordering?OK,that sounds good.I'll have that,too.”


Don gets annoyed.He doesn't understand why she finds the simplest decisions so difficult. Just decide,he tells her.And stick with it.To short-circuit3her indecisiveness4,he sometimes makes decisions for the two of them.Emily does not find this helpful.Indeed,she gets annoyed with him for being so controlling.“But we'd never decide anything if I left it up to you,”he retorts.


Good decision-making is a skill that comes easily to some people,not so easily to others. Choices are confusing.Choices can make you anxious.They can cost you peace of mind,even after you've made the decision.Have you ever spent hours in your head trying to“undo”the choice you made?“Oh my gosh,I wish I hadn't done that!”


But it's not just the number of options that gives us difficulty in making decisions—it's the amount of information each option has that trips us up,too.Because we are presented with so much information,the overload of options and data leads us to falsely believe that,even a fairly easy task,has great significance than it really does.


What we may regret most,is the extra time spent analyzing and comparing each and every bit of information,which can lead to frustration.


If you would like to improve your decision making,here are five strategies that might help you do just that.


1.Accept that you can't have it all.

Decisions force us to close the door on other possibilities.You can't order every delicious dish on the menu.And there will be paths not taken,careers not chosen,experiences not encountered.

Fantasize all you like,but you'll never really know.Let the past be.Live in the present where what you do today will make a difference.




2.More thinking is not always better thinking.

It's often good to think through your decisions.But don't overdo it.Many good decisions can be made based on intuition5.



3.Don't defer decisions endlessly.

Yes,sometimes,you want to put off making a decision.Perhaps you need more information. Maybe you wish to discuss with your friends,or wait for a less stressful time.Just don't wait so long that the decision is made for you by someone else(“You didn't take care of it so I did it my way”),by the passage of time(“Sorry,the application deadline was last week”)or by your being so upset with your own indecisiveness that you make an impulsive6decision(“Oh,what the heck,I'll just sign it”).



4.Trust your intuition.

Intuition is an impression.It can also be an important source of information.Do not ignore it.But don't confuse intuition with impulsiveness.Impulsiveness is the urge to do something to meet an emotional need of the moment that often(though not always)leads you down a path you' ll regret.



5.Some decisions don't work out as expected;this doesn't mean that you did anything wrong.

No,no,no.You did not make a stupid decision.It's just that sometimes the unexpected happens.You're understandably disappointed.Just don't be hard on yourself or blame yourself for what happened.



Do You Have Difficulty Making Decisions?

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