Thailand’s Northern Rose

2016-11-25 07:15Track
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年2期

Track 7

by Kerry


Thailand’s Northern Rose


Track 7

by Kerry



From the 1stto 3rdFebruary 2016, the streets of northern Thai city Chiang Mai will be turned into a place with wild color,1)attractive2)fragrance and excited visitors. However, this isn’t your normal crazy Thai party! The3)annual Chiang Mai Flower Festival attracts visitors from all over Thailand as well as further places. People can see its amazing displays of native flowers and feel its lively air.

Chiang Mai is known in Thailand as “The Rose of the North”. The4)mountainous Chiang Mai Province is a perfect5)habitat for wildlife and enjoys a warm climate for hundreds of native types of plants and flowers. Chiang Mai is famous for its “artistic excellence”, which is a big part of the northern Thai6)heritage, so the organizers aim to make the most of nature’s7)resources by putting on a unique scene.

The end of January means the end of the cool season in Thailand, and the warmer weather brings people the perfect chance to8)celebrate the wonders of the natural environment. The city’s roads, parks and public spaces are all filled with lively flowers like damask rose, beautiful dendrobium orchid and other9)varieties like chrysanthemum as well as many sorts of fruits and vegetables. It’s10)estimated that over 220 different kinds of flowers are used in the city’s display. The most fantastic place is Suan Buak Haad Park. The park is full of trees and grass. Colorful orchids line every path and they also grow upon the beautiful bridges over the mirrorlike ponds. Suan Buak Haad Park is a great place for people to hire a11)bamboo mat and relax with a picnic and some cold drinks. People can feel the energetic air everywhere.

On the Friday night, locals and visitors gather for the “Miss Chiang Mai Flower Blooming Beauty” competition which is held every year. During that time,the Festival Queen will be12)crowned. Both local and international competitors13)parade on the stage. They are all dressed in traditionally14)elaborate15)costume and cheered on by the crowds. The live local music is played during that event. Food and drink are also served. These all create a party air!

1) attractive [əˑtræktɪv] adj. 吸引人的

2) fragrance [ˑfreɪgrəns] n. 香味,芳香

3) annual [ˑænjʊəl] adj. 每年的,年度的

4) mountainous [ˑmaʊntɪnəs] adj. 多山的

5) habitat [ˑhæbɪtæt]n.(动植物的)生活环境、产地

6) heritage [ˑherɪtɪdʒ] n. 遗产

7) resource [rɪˑsɔːs] n. 资源

8) celebrate [ˑselɪbreɪt] v. 庆祝,庆贺

9) variety [vəˑraɪətɪ] n. 种类,各类

10) estimate [ˑestɪmeɪt] v. 估计

11) bamboo mat 竹席

12) crown [kraʊn] v. 为……加冕

13) parade [pəˑreɪd] v. 列队行进

14) elaborate [ɪˑlæbərət] adj. 精致的,精巧的

15) costume [ˑkɒstjuːm] n. 服装

The next day, it’s always the time for the most exciting part—the colorful Flower Festival Parade. The people there build elaborate16)floats. The floats are all17)decorated with flowers,18)petals, beans and vegetables and the level of sculpture on these lively transportations is really amazing. Keep your eyes on the model19)mythical gods and creatures, such as Naga serpents注1and sphinx注2. They are all carefully painted from20)organic material. The last night’s beauty competitors will be transported along in the decorated21)tuk-tuks. They are dressed up perfectly and shade themselves under the broad painted umbrellas. At the same time, the native22)Hill Tribe people23)represent their own24)tribe in traditional dress alongside.25)Marching bands from local schools provide music to the beautiful Thai dancing and the flowerbearers hand out fragrant flowers to the crowd. This is a photo opportunity that you shouldn’t miss, so don’t forget your camera!

The floats are left around the public parks for crowds to enjoy for the rest of the weekend. The festival air could be felt everywhere during both Saturday night and Sunday. This festival is a great celebration of the natural beauty in Thailand. If you’re lucky enough to be in this area, it’s the one you don’t want to miss.

16) float [fləʊt] n. 花车,彩车

17) decorate [ˑdekəreɪt] v. 装饰,点缀

18) petal [ˑpetəl] n. 花瓣

19) mythical [ˑmɪθɪkəl] adj. 神话的

20) organic material 有机材料

21) tuk-tuk 嘟嘟车

22) Hill Tribe 山地民族

23) represent [reprɪˑzent] v. 代表

24) tribe [traɪb] n. 种族,部落

25) marching band 游行乐队









Damask rose 突厥蔷薇,又名大马士革蔷薇,保加利亚国花。蔷薇科蔷薇属落叶灌木。株高1到2米,枝条拱曲,多刺。花粉红色,内部花瓣小于外部花瓣,初开时淡香,后渐加浓。花期为6月。热爱蔷薇的传统深深根植于西方的文化当中。在古希腊、古罗马以及文艺复兴后的欧洲,无论是在世俗还是宗教,蔷薇都扮演了一个非同一般的角色。即使在是“黑暗的中世纪”,蔷薇也没有被完全遗忘。

Dendrobium orchid 石斛,兰科植物之一。原被归入柄唇兰族,但现已独立成为一族,对人体有驱解虚热、益精强阴等功效。石斛兰的植株由肉茎构成,粗如中指,棒状丛生,叶如竹叶,对生于茎节两旁。许多品种的瓣边为紫色,瓣心为白色,也有少数品种为黄色、橙色。随着花卉产业的兴起,人们发现它有很高的观赏价值,因而归入洋兰的范畴,逐渐从草药圃跨进到了大花园中,成为当今非常时兴的新花。

Chrysanthemum 菊花,在植物分类学中是菊科、菊属的多年生宿根草本植物,是经长期人工选择培育的名贵观赏花卉。公元八世纪前后,作为观赏的菊花由中国传到了日本。17世纪末荷兰商人将中国菊花引入欧洲,18世纪菊花传入法国,19世纪中期又被引入北美。此后,中国菊花遍及全球。
