
2016-12-17 14:16冯学尚向长青钟鼎坤
科技创新导报 2016年21期


摘 要:太阳风暴经过地球时,地球空间环境会产生整体剧烈的灾害性变化。行星际空间是太阳风暴吹袭地球空间的必经传输通道,是了解日地系统空间天气整体变化过程的重要纽带。如何减轻或避免太阳风暴所造成的损失是人类高科技时代所面临的重大前沿课题。基于物理的以强大计算能力为基础的太阳风暴日冕行星际过程三维数值研究,不仅具有了解太阳风暴在行星际空间传播的动力学过程的科学意义,还具有预测太阳风暴吹到地球的时间、强度和可能引起的地球空间天气效应方面的现实意义。目前基于MHD方程数值研究行星际太阳风暴的工作已经从初期的定性原理性理论研究过渡到定量的具体事件系统性研究和数值预报试预报阶段。现有基于物理的三维数值预报模型主要有:美国空间环境建模中心(CSEM)开发的空间天气模型架构(SWMF)Block Adaptive Tree Solar-wind Roe-type Upwind Scheme, BATS-R-US)、美国集成空间天气建模中心(CISM)开发的日冕和日球层模型(CORHEL)和我国空间天气学国家重点实验室SIGMA研究小组开发的太阳行星际守恒元解元模型(SIP-CESE)三维太阳风模型。该文将概述现有基于物理的主要三维数值预报模型的算法特点及其研究成果,评述行星际太阳风暴的数值模拟研究在今后工作中的努力方向。

关键词:行星际太阳风暴 三维数值预报模型 空间天气

Abstract:As solar storms are sweeping the Earth, adverse changes occur in geospace environment. Interplanetary space, as a linking medium of fully understanding space weather process in the Sun-Earth system, is the unique channel for solar storms to propagate from the Sun to Earth. How human can mitigate and avoid destructive damages caused by solar storms becomes an important frontier issue that we must face in the high-tech times. It is of both scientific significance to understand the dynamic process during solar storms propagation in interplanetary space and realistic value to conduct physics-based numerical researches on the three-dimensional process of solar storms in interplanetary space with the aid of powerful computing capacity to predict the arrival times, intensities, and probable geoeffectiveness of solar storms at the Earth. So far, numerical studies based on magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) have gone through the transition from the initial qualitative principle researches to systematic quantitative studies on concrete events and numerical predictions. The main physics-based three-dimensional numerical coronal and interplanetary models include Block Adaptive Tree Solar-wind Roe-type Upwind Scheme ( BATS-R-US)model in Space Weather Modeling Frame (SWMF) developed by the Center for Space Environment Modeling (CSEM), the coronal and heliospheric (CORHEL) model by the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM) and Solar InterPlanetary-Conservative Element Solution Element (SIP-CESE) model by the solar interplanetary geomagnetic (SIGMA) group of State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In this paper, we review the main features of the difference schemes in the main three-dimensional numerical physics-based coronal and interplanetary models and their recent research results and outlook the important issues for future research.

Key Words:Interplanetary solar storms; Three-dimensional numerical prediction models; Space weather
