新目标英语九年级Unit 11

2017-01-27 20:25
中学生英语 2017年12期


( )1.—Jim,remember to return this book by Friday.


A.Got it B.Good luck C.That’s right D.It’s nothing

( )2.—Get your passport ready.They’ll_______it at the entrance.

—OK.I put it in my bag this morning.

A.pull B.copy C.examine D.complete

( )3.—Where can we have a good look at Yangtze River?

—That’s easy.Let’s go to the tower over there and take the lift to the_______of it.

A.roof B.floor C.side D.top

( )4.—My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard working.


A.One tree can’t make a forest B.Where there is a will,there is a way

C.Many hands make light work D.A friend in need is a friend indeed

( )5.—Tim,how do your parents like pop music?

—_______my dad_______my mom likes it.They both prefer classical music.

A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Not only;but also D.both;and

( )6.—I am trying to make as much money as possible to show that I am successful.

—In my opinion,health is_______wealth;you must look after your health.

A.above B.after C.inside D.onto

( )7.—How did Sam hurt himself?

—He went to_______the ball but completely missed it;instead,he knocked into a stone.

A.pick B.carry C.find D.kick

( )8.—He showed great_______by saying that he used to be a thief.

—People should give him a chance to have a new life.

A.power B.patient C.courage D.interest

( )9.—Good teamwork can achieve unexpected success.

—So these boys should be told to_______in the competition.

A.get along B.pull together C.take down D.work out

( )10.—We can’t go to Aron’s concert this Sunday.

—I’ve heard of the news.His decision to cancel the concert is sure to_______his fans. A.disappoint B.excite C.miss D.kick


At 13 years of age,my parents and I visited an eye doctor.As I sat in the examining chair, the doctor looked into my eyes and said to my parents ___1,“She didinherit(遗传;继承)it,and medicine does not 2.”

My father carried agene(基因) 3 blindness.I’d inherited the gene.He gradually lost his eyesight and so did I.At last we were both completely _4_.

My worldcrumbled(崩溃)as the darkness 5,destroying the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys.But when I tried to find some _6_and strength,my eyes were opened to a newcivilization(文明).

My father had given me not just failing eyesight,but an 7 of determination in the face of trouble as well.We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to move the 8 to America.Alone in the States,he overcame many 9 and although he couldn’t speak much English,he managed to rent a small 10 and buy airline tickets for my mom,my brother and me.He and Mom worked day and night to win theright(权利)of11 in the U.S.

Many years later,as an American,I looked _12 at what he’d taught me.He set an example proving that determination is _13_to success.His journey taught me valuable _14_for dealing with my blindness.

I did the same as I stepped into a dark world.My father’s example made me get confidence and 15 to be thankful for what I had.

( )1.A.kindly B.patiently C.quickly D.coldly

( )2.A.use B.happen C.work D.care

( )3.A.causing B.feeling C.create D.helping

( )4.A.dead B.blind C.proud D.mad

( )5.A.looked B.built C.feared D.fell

( )6.A.excuse B.hope C.awards D.manners

( )7.A.experience B.experiment C.idea D.example

( )8.A.trouble B.car C.family D.hope

( )9.A.mountains B.roads C.smiles D.difficulties

( )10.A.plane B.bag C.apartment D.land

( )11.A.living B.teaching C.working D.traveling

( )12.A.up B.around C.hard D.back

( )13.A.empty B.direct C.ancient D.important

( )14.A.sights B.lessons C.tastes D.thoughts

( )15.A.learn B.forget C.continue D.offer



My first job was at a local restaurant,where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons,especially from a fellow customer.

Helen was in her 30’s and had extraordinary self-confidence,something I was really lacking.I looked up to Helen because she was doing what she loved—serving people better.She al ways made everyone,customers and co workers,smile and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life.One of my regular customers was Fred Hasbrook.He al ways ate an omelet,and when I saw him coming,I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the new found confidence I picked up from Helen,I dreamed of having my own restaurant.But when I called my parents to ask for aloan(贷款),they said,“We just don’t have the money.”

The next day,Fred saw me and asked,“What’s up?You’re not smiling today.”I shared my dream with him and said,“Fred,I know I can do more if somebody would just have faith in me.”

Before long he handed me checks totaling$50,000—along with a note that I have to this day.It reads,“The onlycollateral(抵押品)on this loan is my trust in your honesty as a person. Good people with a dream should have a chance to make that dream come true.”

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch,where the money was provided for me.I continued working at the restaurant,making plans for the restaurant I would open.My plans soured,though, and I lost the money.

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.Even though I had no experience,I was hired and ended up becoming a pretty good agent.Eventually,I paid back Fred the$50,000, plus 14 percent annual interest.Five years later,I was able to open my own restaurant.

( )1.Who made the greatest difference to the writer?

A.Helen. B.Fred.

C.Her parents. D.The boss of the restaurant.

( )2.The underlined word“lacking”in paragraph 2 is the closest to______.

A.short of B.proud of C.busy with D.strict with

( )3.Why did the writer want to open a restaurant?

A.To thank Helen for encouraging her. B.To borrow money from her parents.

C.To realize her dream. D.To pay back the loan.

( )4.When the writer started her own business,______.

A.she failed but didn’t lose heart B.she got support from Helen

C.her parents gave her a hand D.Fred offered to work for her

( )5.What did the writer talk about in this passage?

A.Honesty. B.Kindness. C.Self-confidence. D.Trust.


One year,a British exploring team entered a certain area of Sahara;they were making great efforts traveling in the sand sea.In the sun,the strong wind made the sand fly around in the air, like the iron sand fried to red,hitting the members’faces.They were very thirsty.All they wanted was to get out of the desert as quickly as possible because everyone ran out of water.At this time,the leader took out a water pot and said,“There is a pot of water here.But before we pass through the desert,nobody is allowed to drink it.”

A pot of water became a source offaith(信念)to cross the desert and their hope of living depended totally on it.The water pot was passed on in the team members’hands.It felt heavy.

A confident look appeared on their faces,but just before that,they had lost heart.Finally, the team walked out of the desert in great difficulty,but they succeeded in escaping from the hand of Death.With tears of joy,all of them wanted to open the water pot with trembling hands, hoping to have a good drink of water—but a full pot of sand poured out slowly!

Under the hot sun,was it a pot of sand that really saved them in the vast desert?Their belief, like a seed,had taken root and grew in their hearts,and led them out of the dangerous situation in the end.

In fact,life has never been a real dead end.Whatever pain he has gone through,as long as there is aseed(种子)of faith in his heart,he will get out of the difficult position someday and let lifebloom(开花)and bear fruits afresh.

This is life∶As long as there is a seed,there is hope.

( )6.Which is the best title of the passage?

A.The Water of Life. B.A Sand Pot.

C.The Seed of Faith. D.Crossing the Desert.

( )7.From the text,we know that the Sahara_______.

A.is a place to experience the pain of life B.is a place without any living thing in it

C.is very hot and dry D.has many kinds of plants

( )8.Why did the leader take out a water pot?

A.Because he wanted his men to have confidence.

B.Because he wanted to keep it as a good memory.

C.Because he could order his men by using it.

D.Because someone wanted to steal it.

( )9.What was it that really saved them?

A.A pot of water. B.The seed in the pot.

C.A better way of traveling. D.The confidence in their heart.

( )10.Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.The exploring team had trouble in traveling in the desert.

B.The leader thought of a good way to help his team out.

C.The pot was really filled with sand.

D.It wasn’t difficult to explore Sahara.


Once a sad boy went to a wise old man and asked him how he could be happy.The old man lived in a very beautiful house with a very big g 1.After talking with the boy,the wise man asked the boy to look around the house and r 2 in two hours.“And,I want to ask you to do something,”said the wise man.“As you look around,carry this spoon with you w_ 3_making the oilspill(溢出).”

The boy began w 4 up and down the stairs of the house,and around the garden,but all the time he k 5 his eyes on the spoon.After two hours,he got back.“Well,”asked the wise man,“what did you see around my house?”The boy said that he had seen nothing.

“Then go back and a 6 my wonderful world,”said the wise man.The boy picked up the spoon and began to look around the house again.This t7 ,he saw many beautiful things around the house and enjoyed himself very much.When he came back,the wise man asked,“But where are the drops of oil I give you?”The boy found that the oil was gone.He thought he must pay no a 8 to it when he had fun.

“There is only one p 9 of advice I can give you,”said the wise man.“The s 10_of happiness is to see all wonderful things of the world and never to forget the drops of oil in the spoon.”

1.g________ 2.r________ 3.w________ 4.w________ 5.k________

6.a________ 7.t________ 8.a________ 9.p________ 10.s________










Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is my birthday.I want to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve appreciated the things you’ve done for me.I find that it will never be too much to say“Thanks”to you,my beloved parents._______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

My dear parents,I love you,and I hope you are in good health forever.



Section B
Step 4