
2018-06-07 07:14
重庆与世界 2018年5期


4月19日,重庆海关工作人员在团结村铁路集装箱中心站验核国际中转集装箱封志。 图片/重庆海关提供





















Chongqing Completed the First Transfer of the lnternational Logistics of the Ocean-rail Transportation

On the morning of April 19th, a batch of electronic products from Vietnam arrived in Chongqing via the southbound channel, and completed the international logistics transfer at Tuanjie Village Railway Container Center Station,then being transported to Europe with China-Europe block train (Chongqing), which was the first time that Chongqing completed the transfer of the international logistics of the ocean-rail transportation. At present, as the “main force”,the China-Singapore(Chongqing) Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity, "Chongqing-Guizhou-Guangxi-Singapore" Southward Jointed Transportation between Sea and Railway has covered 45 countries and regions in East Asia,Southeast Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East, a total of 82 ports, with the categories of goods becoming more and more abundant. The next step will be to promote vehicles that transported from Dubai and other Middle East regions to Chongqing via this train.

Chongqing Representative Office of SingCham Was Unveiled

On April 12th, the representative office of SingCham was unveiled and it is the eighth representative office established by SingCham in mainland China. It will promote exchanges on business, science and technology, professional, education and culture between Chongqing and Singapore, and will provide communication channels for Chongqing companies to cooperate with Singapore companies. At the same time,Chongqing representative office will also use its own platform advantages to work closely with representative offices in other cities to attract large numbers of Singaporean companies or individuals to Chongqing and to promote and deepen directly and comprehensively strategic cooperation between Chongqing and Singapore.

Shancheng Watch Was Certified by the German Observatory

On April 16th, China Horologe Association formally announced that domestic watch brand — “Shancheng”Watch, which is produced in Chongqing, has broken the foreign technology monopoly, becoming the first domestic watch brand certified by German Observatory, marking that China’s watchmaking technology and craftsmanship has ranked among the world’s watchmaking industry. It is understood that the internationally recognized two watch observatories are respectively located in Switzerland and Germany. The Swiss Observatory serves only local watches.The German Observatory carries higher standards than the Swiss Observatory and is known as the "Oscar" of the watch industry.

Southwest Alumina Has Become the Only Domestic Aluminum Supplier for Large Domestic Aircraft

On April 17th, Southwest Aluminum(Group)Co., Ltd of Chinalco reported that the pioneer in the development of domestic large aircrafts — Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd issued a 7050 thick plate engineering approval certificate to Southwest Aluminum Company who then had been enrolled into the catalogue of qualified products of the C919 aircraft,becoming the only aluminum supplier of domestic large aircraft project. Previously, Southwest Aluminum Company has provided 30 specifications and more than 600 pieces of key structural parts of aluminum alloy for the domestic large aircraft C919. Its forgings have been delivered in bulk and many technologies have filled the domestic gap.

China's First Privately Operated Commercial Rocket "Chongqing Liang Jiang Star" is about to Launch

On April 19th, One Space Company reported that"Chongqing Liangjiang Star" rocket had finalized the coating program, that is, the white rocket was equipped with the title of Liangjiang New District and Chongqing Liangjiang Star, as well as the logo of One Space Company, presenting a crisp and concise appearance.On April 11th, "Chongqing Liangjiang Star" rocket had its first assembly and training in Beijing. The announcement of coating program marked that China's first private commercial rocket "Chongqing Liangjiang Star" has entered the final preparations for launch.

Enterprises in Chongqing Have Launched Patents Layout in 19 Countries along “the Belt and Road”

On April 20th, the Top 100 Patent Innovation List of Chongqing Enterprise in 2018 was announced. It said, in the past five years, Chongqing enterprises'overseas patents were mainly distributed in Europe, the Americas, and Asia, with the largest number of patents in Europe, exceeding 800 pieces. With the deepening of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, Chongqing enterprises have already implemented patent distribution in 19 countries along the "Belt and Road." Among them, the amount of distribution in Central and Eastern Europe is the highest, and the total volume accounts for nearly 80% of the total number of layouts along the “Belt and Road”.

Comprehensive Bonded Zone of Jiangjin District in Chongqing (Phase 1) Has Got the National Acceptance and Officially Entered the Operational Phase of Customs Cover

On April 23rd, the Joint Inspection and Acceptance Section led by the General Administration of Customs, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission,the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the State Administration of Taxation, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and other eight ministries and commissions conducted an acceptance review of the Chongqing Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone(Phase 1) and agreed to pass the acceptance check. It marked that the Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone has officially entered a new phase of operation of conducting customs cover. The Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone was approved by the State Council on January 17th, 2017, with a planned area of 2.21 square kilometers, and an additional 27.9 square kilometers of extranet supporting area. It is the 1.28 square kilometers of built area of the Jiangjin Comprehensive Bonded Zone (Phase I) that has been accepted at this time.

Foreign Youths Learn the lntangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing

On April 22nd, the 2018 “Learn the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Chongqing” event officially took place in Colorful Botanical Garden of Banan District. 23 foreign youths from 8 countries including Russia, Italy, Kazakhstan and Vietnam collectively apprenticed to 8 inheritors of intangible cultural heritage and began their “intangible cultural heritage trip” to learn Chinese traditional cultural techniques. The event will continue until early June. There will be 7 major categories of 22 intangible culturral heritage classes at the Banan District Cultural Art Center from May.

Ten Foreign Young Filmmakers Make a Documentary on Chongqing

On April 24th, "Looking China·Foreign Youth Film Project·Chongqing Tour" performed at Southwest University. The event was sponsored by Beijing Normal University with the theme of"Ecology·Biology·Life". Ten foreign young filmmakers from Russia, Brazil, India, and other countries spent more than 10 days in Chongqing,focusing on Chongqing’s unique traffic, hot pot, Dazu Rock Carvings, Diaoyu City, and Chuanjiang Haozi(work song) and so on. In the end, each person used a 10-minute documentary to demonstrate Chongqing's unique culture and connotation from different perspectives.

Photo / He Yu

Wushan County will Adopt “1+N” Model to lmplement “Eight Actions” on River Chief System

According to Water Authority of Wushan County, this year the county will adopt “1+N” model to implement “Eight Actions” to further promote the work of River Chief System. “1”means the implementation of the Water Authority and “N” is the participation of multiple departments to form a joint effort to promote the river management and protection work. “Eight Actions” specifically include: Firstly, the Water Authority takes the lead in organizing specific actions to crack down on illegal sand mining in the county rivers; Secondly, the Environmental Protection Agency takes the lead to supervise and promote the construction, operation and management of township sewage facilities, and to strengthen the operation and management of the township sewage treatment plants who also should do a good job on centralized sewage treatment; Thirdly, the Commission of Transport takes the lead in organizing and launching special operations to combat illegal docks; Fourthly,the Urban Management and Law Enforcement takes the lead in carrying out the centralized clearing and drifting of the Yangtze River and the Daning River; Fifthly, the Commission of Rural Affairs, and Animal Husbandry Bureau take the lead in cracking down on illegal fish acquisition, and to strictly control the livestock and poultry breeding in the management of river banks; Sixthly, the Immigration Bureau takes the lead in the management of the bank of the Yangtze River and the Daning River; Seventhly, the Forestry Bureau takes the lead in restoring the vegetation along the rive; Eighthly, the Commission of Economy and Information Technology takes the lead in the investigation of enterprises around the river bank and severely cracking down on illegal sewage.
