Are you getting ready for Spring Festival教学实录与评析

2018-07-20 01:34韦灵李蔓
广西教育·D版 2018年3期

韦灵 李蔓



T:Hello,boys and girls. Nice to meet you!

Ss:Nice to meet you,too.

T:I am Miss Wei. Im very happy to be your teacher today. I come from Liuzhou,Guangxi. My favorite festival is Spring Festival. What is your favorite festival?

S1:My favorite festival is Mid-Autumn Day.

S2:My favorite festival is Spring Festival.

T:Wow,most of you like Spring Festival. Now lets enjoy a video about it. And then please tell me what you and your families usually do before it.(播放动漫视频)

T:Any volunteers?

S1:Before Spring Festival,I often go shopping for food with my parents.

S2:I often clean my room by myself.

S3:My dad usually cooks delicious meals.

T:Yes. Every family is very busy before Spring Festival. Now lets go and see.




T:(播放舞龙的音乐)Listen!Whats happening?Can you guess?

Ss:They are dancing.

T:Clever!But look,actually they are learning a dragon dance. The whole class,say it together.

Ss:They are learning a dragon dance.

T:(播放手繪视频)Look!What are they doing at the moment?Boys ask,and girls answer.

B:What are they doing at the moment?

G:They are making lanterns.

T:Well done!(播放手绘视频)Look!How about this one?Group 1 asks,and the others answer.

Group 1:What is the little boy doing at the moment?

Others:He is sweeping the floor.

T:(展示GIF格式的动图)Excellent!Look!What are they?


T:What is the girl doing now?Please work in pairs.

S1:What is the girl doing now?

S2:She is putting toys away.

T:Wonderful!Just now you work so hard. Now its time to play games. Do you like games?


【评析】执教老师通过播放舞龙的音乐、手绘视频和GIF格式的动图,教学learn a dragon dance、make lanterns、sweep the floor、put things away这几个核心短语,直观生动,给予学生听觉和视觉双重刺激,有助于学生多种感官参与学习。同时,声音和视频情境与“现在进行时”的时态巧妙融合,便于教师组织应景的师生互动、生生互动,丰富对话形式,使学生用心参与到学习当中。


T:Work in pairs and guess what is happening.Please play the game with these sentences.(出示5组动漫动图,每幅图只露出三分之一,人称有单复数的变化。A:Are they ?B: Yes,they are./ No,they arent)And I will tell you (student B) the answer.

SA1:Are they cooking the meal?

SB1:No,they arent.

SA2:Are they dancing?

SB2:Yes,they are.

T:You are so clever!How about this one?(课件出示 A:Is she ?B:Yes,she is./ No,she isnt.)

SA2:Is she putting toys away?

SB2:Yes,she is.

T:Wonderful!What about this one?Who can?

T:Just now you did a very good job. When we talk about what is happening,we use the structure “be doing”;when we want to ask others what they are doing,what we can say?

S1:Whats happening?

S2:What are you doing at the moment?

S3:Are you doing ... now?

T:Good!Now lets listen and see what Lingling and her families are doing.




Listen and number pictures

T:Please look at all these pictures. From the pictures,can you guess what the dialogue is about?

Ss:About Spring Festival.

T:In picture 1,what are people doing?

S1:They are learning a dragon dance.

T:How about picture 2,3 and 4?

S2:In picture 2,the girl is making lanterns.

S3:In picture 3,people are cleaning the house.

S4:In picture 4,the woman is cooking the meal.

T:Quite good!Now listen please and then number the pictures.(播放錄音)

T:Who can share his/her answer to us?

S1:Picture 3 is No.1

S2:Picture 1 is No.2

S3:Picture 2 is No.3

S4:Picture 4 is No.4

T:Excellent!Here we can see that pictures can help us understand the conversation.



Listen and answer questions

T:This time well listen to another conversation and please answer questions.(展示听力问题) But how should we begin?Who knows?

S1:We should read questions.

S2:We should pay attention to the key words in the questions.

S3:We should read answers and guess.

T:Ok!You have got it. So please read all these questions and circle the key words.

Ss:1.What are they getting ready for?

2.What is Ling ling doing?

3.Whats Ling lings aunt doing?

4.What is Ling lings grandma doing?

5.What are Da ming and Betty doing?

T:At the same time,you should take some notes quickly. Now lets go.(播放录音)

T:Ok?Can we check answers?


S1:They are getting ready for Spring Festival.

S2:Ling ling is making big red lanterns.

S3:Ling lings aunt is sweeping the floor.

S4:Ling lings grandma is cooking the meal.

S5:Da ming and Betty are learning a dragon dance.

T:Wow,You really have a good listening.But I am going to check your memery now.



Watch a vedio and try to retell the conversation

T:Please watch the vedio and then take some notes quickly and finally retell it. And after watching,I will give you two minutes. Clear?(播放视频)


T:Hi,boys and girls!Times up!Have you finished?


T:Who wants to have a try?You please.

S1:Lingling,her families and her friends are getting ready for Spring Festival. Ling ling is making big red lanterns. Ling lings aunt is sweeping the floor. Ling lings grandma is cooking the meal. Daming and Betty are learning a dragon dance. They are having a good time.

T:Excellent!Give me five!




T:Spring Festival is very interesting for most of us.How about these traditions?(播放視频,出示相应的英文单词) Are they good or bad?Why?Just think about it and talk with your deskmates. Two minutes for you.

T:Times up. Who can?

S1:Playing fireworks and crackers is very interesting!

S2:But it is very dangerous!And it is bad for our health and the air. I dont like it.

T:Wow,they have different ideas. Do you agree with them?

S3:Playing fireworks and crackers is very interesting,but it is really dangerous,please be careful. And it is really bad for the air. Maybe we can change the ways.

T:Excellent!Anything else?

S4:Burning incense is not good. It may pollute the air. We can use flowers not incense.

T:Wow!Bravo!You know “pollute”,it means “污染” in Chinese. Yeath,I think flowers are better. Every coin has two sides. We should learn to make a choice,right?



T:After Spring Festival,Betty goes back to England.She misses China so much. Dragon Boat Festival is around the corner. She wants to know how you and your families are getting ready for it. Please write an email to her. Four students in a group, and four minutes for you.And I will invite some groups to share their emails. You can think about the food,housework,activities and so on.(出示思维导图) Clear?


Four minutes later…

T:Times up!Who go first?Ok,this group,please.

S1:Dear Betty,the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.It is on May 30th this year. We are getting ready for it.My mother is cleaning the house.

S2:My father is training for the dragon boat matches.

S3:My grandparents are making Zongzi. Would you like some?

S4:I am putting things away. Would you come to China and stay with us?

T:Big hands!They speak so loudly and fluently.Since time is limited,we have to stop here. This is your homework.(出示课件) Boys and girls,thank you very much. See you!

Ss:See you!










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