World Integrated Medicine Master Han Jisheng

2018-08-02 07:42ZouJianhua,HanJisheng

Introduction of Han Jisheng

Academician Han Jisheng, male, born in 1928, graduated from Shanghai Medical College as M.D. (1947-1953), and specialized in physiology at Dalian Medical College. He served many organizations as follows: Professor and Head, Dept. of Physiology, Peking Medical University, Director of the Neuroscience Research Institute (1993-), Peking University, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences(1993-), founding president of the Chinese Association for the Study of Pain (CASP) since 1989,and Editor-in-Chief of the Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine, Editor-in-Chief of 7 books including the comprehensive textbook Principles of Neuroscience in Chinese, Grantee of NIDA/NIH, USA (DA 03983) for acupuncture research (1987-2000), Scientific Advisor for WHO (1990-), Consultant of Scientific Review Committee, NIH and ADAMHA, USA, and member of Executive Committee, International Narcotic Research Conference (INRC) (2002-2006).

Academician Han Jisheng's research field includes: mechanisms of pain, pain control and drug abuse; the best parameters of electro acupuncture stimulation for analgesia and for the treatment of drug abuse; the development of the Han's Acupoint Nerve Stimulator (HANS), basic mechanisms and clinical application. Professor Han published more than 400 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. His laboratory has a total of 56 Ph.D., 28 M.S. and 16 post-doctoral scientists, as well as more than 80 research fellows. His research activities have been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NNSFC),Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Science and Technology of China. He has also been the grantee of NIH, USA for the study of neurobiology of acupuncture analgesia for 12 consecutive years.

World Journal of Integrated traditional and western Medicine–the bridge of integration of eastern and western wisdom

Han Jisheng, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

April 2018

Prof. Zou:Hello, Academician Han, I am very glad that you have taken the precious time to accept an interview with the English version of World Journal of Integrated Medicine, to introduce acupuncture anesthesia and some achievements in the fields related, to the global staff engaging in integrative Chinese and western medicine. In the past two years, a very exciting news for our scientists and technicians was that in October 2015, Professor Tu Youyou from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences won Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovering artemisinin for the treatment of malaria. And our scientific and technological community was very excited. Meanwhile, we feel that,like you Professor Han, you have discovered that the principle of acupuncture analgesia and its application in acupuncture anesthesia and drug withdraw in the field of neuroscience, which were also exllent achievements.There are also professors such as Professor Chen Zhu and Professor Zhang Tingdong, who discovered that arsenic trioxide was used to treat leukemia. All these research results seem also to be able to win Nobel Prize in Physiology. Please tell us about your thoughts and experiences, to friends of integrative medicine, based on your experience.

Academician Han:Everyone said that they cared about it, and the Chinese people could understand that kind of mood. But personally I feel that as for acupuncture, it is difficult to say which is important,which is not important in the Chinese medicine field. But what Tu Youyou discovered has saved millions or tens of millions of lives who suffered malaria, which made children possible to malignantly die. That had a great and deep influence on the world. Then her award is the glory of everyone in China, but on the other hand, acupuncture therapy is very beneficial to the health of the people. But it does not necessarily say which department of medicine saved the lives and it is more difficult tell about the data or millions of lives it saved. Sometimes, it treats disease.Sometimes, it is for health preserving, and improving the health level of people's body. But as for data, it's hard to say how many lives it saved. On the other hand,I should separate my achievements from the whole acupuncture, which is a treasure of the country, with a history of for thousands of years. As our group's work was involved in acupuncture, we expanded its influence and made it known to foreigners. It is materially based and has structure base in the brain. It has access, and has substances like this, which makes people very convinced.From the beginning, people said that was a psychological effect and a spiritual influence. There was no real thing.That was a kind of vision.

Since the hearing of National Institutes of Health,U.S.A in 1998, I made the first report, saying that it has a material basis and we can count it up. And I also talked about the stimulation with low frequency, the acupoints, and the high frequency to demonstrate the effects. However what is the function of our research?It is entirely based on human experience. The older the people are, the more the experience he/she has. But as for the beginners, some have not mastered that point for a few years, which makes people feel a little mysterious,and a bit difficult to ponder. Although we don't know what the meridians are, we know that after the nerves are anesthesiatized, the feeling is also changed. The feeling of pain is completely lost. So we can only say that although we did not understand the meridians, but we could say nerves are an important part of meridians.That has answered people's mysterious question about acupuncture, which has made it embark on the scientific track, and has made it a bon voyage to the world. I have done 110 reports in 27 countries and regions abroad.No matter what questions you ask, I will give you all answers. I think that our group has been doing that work with the order of Premier Zhou in 1965, not giving up,and continuously deepening. Of course, we also followed up with molecular biology and genomics development.But in short, they could not be finished once. Could the research be finished? As the scientific progress develops,it is difficult to say that in a certain stage, it can be basically solved. We solved it only at the scientific level at that time and were involved in some principle. We have talked about a lot of questions and we will talk more later, giving a certain scientific answer. It is not necessarily to say that it must have reached the level of Nobel Prize, because Nobel Prize constantly develops with the advancement of science, and the methods are constantly evolving. And it is not necessary to completely link the acupuncture therapy with the work of our group.It is not enough. We don't forget our initial intentions,trying our best, and we still do it now. We continue to expand the scope and intensity of the treatment, but it is not necessarily that we should win Nobel Prize at this stage. It is not applied, but the international scientists themselves spontaneously comment on that issue. Thus, I feel that we should keep a profile, not necessarily to reach such a level. But the level of acupuncture is a national treasure, which is recognized in the world.

Prof. Zou:Yes, your research reveals the effective substances by traditional diagnosis and treatment, through physiology and biochemistry evidence. That is your greatest contribution, and it is accepted by the whole world.

Academician Han:Since everyone accepts it,there is nothing against you. As I have done more than one hundred reports, you can ask me. I will answer you until you are satisfied. Then there will be no more negatives or doubts. That is the contribution of our group, and that is all.

Prof. Zou:So Professor Han is a pioneer. Learning is endless and is always in progress. Can you talk about your personal experience and how to start your interest in neuroscience?

Academician Han:After I graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1952, I was assigned to the department of physiology. Although I really wanted to do clinical work, I was not allowed to do it at that time,as conditions were not allowed. After liberation of China,medical schools were needed, but there were not so many teachers studying basics. Thus, our class was all about basics, teaching or research, instead of clinical practice,eliminating my clinical dream. Well, as the country needed it, I chose physiology. Also I went to Dalian to do advanced training class, and then went to Harbin to study.It had been 10 years when I arrived at Peking Medical College. I graduated in 1952 and worked Beijing in 1962.With 10 years passing. What did I do during the past 10 years? All what I did was the establishment of teaching and doing research of physiology in various places. That was what the country needed. I have nothing to regret or complain about. The purpose of coming here was to do research with a teacher, Professor Wang Zhijun,who was a famous physiologist all over the world and a digestive physiologist. So I thought, at that time I could delve with my teacher. However, after 1962, there were various political movements. Later after acupuncture anesthesia came out, I could not believe it from the inside. I said that how such efficiency could occur, when a person lay down with a knife without pain. But the international influence was great. Premier Zhou said that we had to tell the reasons. Since it was on my shoulder, I thought any scientist or physiologist should accept such a task. Therefore, under that task, although I still did not believe it in my heart, my first research was whether acupuncture can stop pain. From then on, I felt more and more confident, having a variety of answers. That was my starting point.

Prof. Zou:That was also the task of the country.Premier Zhou hoped that we could do it.

Academician Han:I was so honored to take the task of the country on my shoulder, which was hard to get, so I felt that I should have no hesitation and accepted it immediately.

Prof. Zou:Professor, you did a very good job. It is said that your team research elaborated on the mechanism of acupuncture analgesia. That research is considered to be at the international advanced level and has been highly evaluated by the international scientific community.Would you like to introduce the academic value of acupuncture analgesia, as well as the scientific research and its demonstration role for the integration of Chinese and western medicine in our country.

Academician Han:At that time, in my heart, I didn't fully believe that. That was our first large-scale research and I was teaching physiology. I told my students that we had accepted a big national task which was why acupuncture could relieve pain? I said that I did not even know if acupuncture could stop pain, so we wanted to take people to do experiments and see if your pain was relieved after giving you a acupuncture treatment. If you were willing to participate, you would be the subjects.That was how it started. And at the time I didn't know what was stinging. The pain was the subjective, how to measure it? That was to give a standard pain, which cannot be stabbed by knives, or not be tied. Then what should we do? There were a variety of methods and there was a more rigorous way. That was to make a big bubble.After the bubble was broken, the dermis was exposed,and a small tube was placed here. Drop potassium chloride into it, measure how much you will feel pain.How much potassium chloride was used to indicate that you were slow or sensitive to pain? That was really cruel,as everyone had a big bubble. We found a way through literature review. We did not need directly make a skin break because of potassium chloride, but using electric shock. As the electric current increases, the potassium chloride is ionized. When potassium ions guide, and it encounters current, he hurts. That is the so-called method of measuring pain by the draining of potassium ions.

Using that method, we did experiments on hundreds of people, students and volunteers, including 66 volunteers, and 22 as the control groups. Obviously, the sensitivity of the group of pain was reduced, and the pain threshold was raised. What's interesting is that I am the person, who likes to analyze graphics most. When that frequency is made, what is the law? Why is that gradually rising, not immediately rising? When I was thinking about something, I couldn't sleep well. I thought that one day the curve would rise to the platform within 50 minutes. After stopping the needle, it did not fall down immediately.Slowly, it dropped half every 16 minutes, and then dropped half again in 16 minutes. It was very regular.When I thought about this, I wanted to scream with joy.The building was empty, there was no one. It was late at midnight. A pleasant feeling like that could only get when you explored the laws of nature. In that way, I felt like having morphine. After you inject morphine, it would rise. If you stop injiection, it would slowly decrease. Was there also an analgesic substance in the body? We must find it, so that was from the original discovery to form a hypothesis and then from the hypothesis to certification.

As the Cultural Revolution came, everyone had to go to the countryside. When going to the countryside,I was still thinking while working, how we could solve the problem of substance basis? Later, we returned in 1972 when it was also Premier Zhou, saying that a lot of research should not be terminated. When we came back,we used rabbits to do the research, which meant rabbit was given a needle treatment. Thus its pain threshold was increased, and the pain sensitivity was also reduced.When we took out its cerebrospinal fluid and injected into the brain of another rabbit, it also showed analgesia effects. You could not blame it. That meant there was also a substance inside. I did not know what it was at the time.I knew that there was a substance that in another animal's body and it could also increase pain threshold. That could now be recognized in the world, and it is recognized by everyone. So I guessed, we did not dare to think that it was morphine inside, whether it was morphine or aspirin.I did not even think about morphine. There should not be morphine in human beings. I think the human brain was not open enough, as we measured the substance from serotonin, acetylcholine and other substances. I did not dare to think about morphine substances, for people thought it was a bad thing. I did not dare to put these two together.

At that time, everyone did not know whether there was any morphine in the human brain. It was an Englishman, who extracted something similar to morphine from the pig's brain. In the in vitro experiment,the rat's ileum contracted and did not shrink when it was injected. That substance then developed into something similar to morphine. After we read that type of article, I immediately thought if it was really similar to morphine.I measured step by step and there were enkephalins,endorphins, dynorphins, orphanin, etc. What could I possibly link it to acupuncture? Rotating this way may result in this substance, while rotating in that way may result in no rule. As for rotating, I could not understand how the acupuncture teachers did in China Academy of Chinese Medical Science. However, one of the findings is very important. As I said earlier, when narcotic was locally injected into the Hegu (LI 4), he felt locally empty and it seemed that there was no pain, as the muscles and nerves were anesthetized. That phenomenon was discovered by us, so it was possible that there was a chemical substance in it. Then there was another test substance called naloxone, which can block morphine receptors. The effect of acupuncture treatment was reduced by half, when naloxone was injected. That may be similar to morphine. Half may be related to serotonin,adrenaline, acetylcholine, etc. In that way, we began our journey, related substances similar to morphine.But the road was also very difficult, as you can rotate in this way and that way, which is different from others.Only by electrical stimulating the nerves could solve the problem. There were 1 time, 10 times, 50 times and 100 times, per second. You would find that if it was 1 or 2 times, enkephalin be activated, while 50 times and 100 times, dynorphin be activated. By finding that, I became more and more interested in it. And in the international community, people asked why you had 2Hz, 15Hz and 100Hz. To tell you the truth, he did not believe it. How was it going? Then I showed a picture and no one was dissatisfied. That was to test with mice. The tail of the mouse hanged down. If you light, it would move in 5 seconds. If you injected morphine, it would not move in 5 seconds. Until 8 seconds or 10 seconds, it would escape, indicating that it was not painful. The pain sense was reduced. At that time, if you use the stimulation of 2Hz low frequency, the enkephalin came out, because 100Hz stimulation resulted in dynorphin. That result not only made us happy, but also made many scientists in the world happy. Thus we contributed our research and the details were deepening. And the research is admired by its prospect of going out to the world.

Prof. Zou:Just now, I listened to the details you mentioned. In fact, I listened to your lecture when I was at the university. I remembered very clearly the substance like morphine in the body, as well as the morphine receptor. Later, I in practice usually had my head massage. I did not really be treated acupuncture quiet often. Pressing head will maybe also be addictive,as it is very comfortable. Does it will produce some substances like morphine? When we pressed the head,we stimulated it.

Academician Han:That is not a stimulation just by acupuncture. There are various kinds of stimulation under different pressures. But it's hard to say which one you should study. For example, it is difficult for you to guess where to screw the electro-acupuncture button to measure the degree of stimulation. That thing can't be guessed,without analysis one by one.

Prof. Zou:You talked what about the process is the most valuable thing for us to learn is to be curious about the details of the scientific research step by step, and to be obsessed with the whole process of the research. To be obsessed with what you are doing could be a great man like you.

Academician Han:You are right. Being obsessed with science is our duty. We are encountered with happiness and unhappiness, depression and non-repression,and sometimes difficulties. So I recalled that road, although it passed, we are still on that road. Remain true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind.

Prof. Zou:Moreover, many of Professor Han's students and disciples have published many high-level papers in foreign countries including the United States.Because of many papers published, thus you, Professor Han introduced acupuncture at the NIH hearing in the United States.

Academician Han:He won't find you. He had more than a thousand doctors, lawyers, and insurance business personnel. They would not fine you. Which one would they find among the Chinese? But they could find you based on your papers. So after I got there, I really gave him an answer when he asked. I think that was also a good opportunity.

Prof. Zou:Your research allows us to take out the evidence of Chinese medicine. Because you went to the United States, your scientific research had a lot of bases of substantial evidence. Thus, we can take the mechanism of acupuncture and some of our ancestors' legacy to go stately abroad.

Academician Han:At the end of last year,Tiansheng Copper People Award was given. The world contended and I was given the award by World Federation of Acupuncture Societies, which was a very happy thing for our whole group.

Prof. Zou:Professor Han, I remembered when I read your introduction, It was said that you cooperated with Harvard University, and won some cooperation program, supported by NIH in the United States. And you were also been invited as a consultant of the Scientific Review Committee by NIH. Could you please tell us about your successful experience in that aspect?

Academician Han:Well, our research funding was from Ministry of Health at that time. And later there were from Ministry of Science and Technology and Natural Science and Technology Fund, which were fewer. To go to the international market to buy some chemicals and instruments, RMB was very difficult to go out and buy,because of exchange currency. When I went abroad,I knew that the NIH could provide fund for us. I tried to write proposal for the NIH fund. At last, I wrote the proposal and modified it. Later I got the RO1 for the first time, which was official, not experimental, not young, but a formal fund. In the United States, a professor, who did not have a RO1 fund, can't do research. I got 3 four-year in succession, totally 12, with one year off. Thus it was 13 years. Three years have passed and I thought in 2000,A professor at Harvard University, who hoped to get a key fund with me. I thus participated in his program. He studied drug rehabilitation, thus I had a program also in that field. I changed from analgesia to drug rehabilitation.He studied morphine and I used the alcohol that could not be reliable as much as morphine. There were rats in one place, which were addictive to alcohol. If you don't let them drink wine, they would be noisy. But the rats could quiet down if it was specially stimulated with the needle.We thus published an article studying together. He did research by himself. We were the specialists of morphine;however, he was doing his research in the field. We worked on the same key fund program very well, which I think was a great help to us. For example, you have to think about a new substance, the receptor stimulant, and receptor agonist. You think, although ordinary application could be difficult to get within one or two years. It helped us financially and made the research convenient. Thus,it is of great help to us, promoting the development of scientific research.

Prof. Zou:Also, Academician Han, since we entered this century, the concept of translational medicine has become more and more popular among people. I feel that you are also closely following the needs of our society, combining your scientific research results with social needs, and also closely connecting neuroscience and drug rehabilitation. And you developed Han's nerve stimulator. Can you elaborate on this in this regard?

Academician Han:Well, how to do theoretical research? That is always a little distance between theory and practice, so like I just said Professor Wang Zhijun is my teacher. He once asked me, "Jisheng, you did so much research, published so many papers, but is there any practical significance for the clinical practice?" I said that I really did not go to the clinic, but only did research on acupuncture anesthesia, and I really did not do researches on all kinds of clinical diseases. So Professor Wang Zhijun urged me to do research in this area, and then we made an instrument for more clinical convenience. This is called Han's Acupoint Nerve Stimulator (HANS). It's just my Han's homonym, so we apply it in analgesia, drug withdraw, and autism.

Just now, when you talked about the combination with the clinic, Professor Wang Zhijun mentioned me to do something related with the clinical practice, so it prompted me to consider not to make such a large instrument, but a small size and portable in clinical practice. The first thing to do is for drug withdrawal. The person who is drug withdrawal is very uncomfortable.They want to smash the TV, hit the wall, sometimes has very serious symptoms of drug withdrawal. But after giving him stimulation on the acupoints with the instrument, he becomes quiet. Later, after a largescale ten-day treatment, 60% of the symptoms of drug withdrawal can be removed, leaving only 40%. It is a slow process with very definite effect.

The incidence rate of infertility is now very high,and currently more than 10% of women are infertile.What should I do? It is very difficult to regulate. Finally,after we used HANS, it can greatly increase the pregnant rate. There is a particularly interesting discovery. The young women in twenty or thirty years old have high pregnancy rate, and HANS is useless to them, which cannot be further improved. However, woman over 30 or 40 years old are still infertile, and they generally choose test-tube baby, but with litter hope. The chance of pregnancy is relatively small, and the success rate of test-tube baby was also relatively low. After adding HNAS, the success rate of test-tube baby of this age was significantly improved. So I provided timely help. Many women were very happy. They spontaneously gave HANS to others after finishing using it. They have already given birth to a child, and the test-tube baby has succeeded.This indicates that the best conditions should be chosen.In this way, we can take fewer detours or temptations, and now we know what frequency and what parameters can get the best efficiency.

For the drug rehabilitation in the United States, the treatment is also effective for morphine addiction and alcohol addiction. When the year came to 2008, I was 80 years old, so I came back from the United States. I said it was back, and I would not go out. I have done a lot in pain relief and drug withdrawal, and I will do something else to treat a kind of diseases that western medicine cannot treat. If there is no treatment method for western medicine, many diseases involve autism. There is lack for western medicine to treat autism, so we did research in clinical practice in the field. Firstly we found a case in Zhuo County, Hebei, and then a case in Beijing. The treatment usually takes two months or even three months,and the effect becomes more and more obvious. I have a photo, a child with autism, and his mother is holding him,saying that Grandpa Han came to see you. He looked at my eyes, and my eyes looked at his. Eye contact cannot be seen in children with autism. When I looked at his eyes, this scene was photographed by a photojournalist.So I took this one in my speech, and his mother was very happy with that. This is an aspect of treating autism.Another one is to treat infertility which is also a very important issue in China. In China, there are three forms of unfilial conduct, of which the worst is to have no descendants.

Changsha Xiangya Hospital is very famous, of which the reproductive department is more famous. The success rate of test-tube baby in this hospital is very high in the world. Every year, tens of thousands of cases are to be done. Everyone is receiving Han's medical care as an auxiliary treatment. Because the technique is already very mature, and with this, it will be more secure. A total of 30,000 cases are done in this large hospital every year. I asked why do you want to do it? Your success rate is already high, why do you still have to do it? They said that after doing it, they can alleviate their anxiety.Women who come here to receive the test-tube babies are all older, and the family has high hopes. After tens and hundreds of thousands of RMB are spent, it is very frustrating if there is no success. So there is some help in this area. They also feel that it is helpful for the success rate. This is also very important. Anti-anxiety is also an important factor. At the same time of anti-anxiety,endocrine develops, and uterine mucosa is also thickened.There are a series of reasons, but not the same as pain.The pain is another set of reasons, and autism is a set of reasons. Infertility is a set of reasons. Every deeper step takes a few years or ten years to really find its rules, but I think it is worth.

Prof. Zou:Just now, you talked about using Han's acupuncture to treat infertility. In the United States, I also heard some doctors from China did a good job in assisting IVF, and the success rate was very high. They just used hands to perform acupuncture.

Academician Han:Yes, acupuncture is effective to help but they do not know which technique to use, so they are just trying. Now we know that the effect of the low frequency stimulation is good. The thickness of the uterine mucosa is increased, as if the seeds are easy to survive in fertile soil. Otherwise, for thin, barren soil, the survival rate of the fertilized eggs is also very low. So we also know a series of laws.

Prof. Zou:This research is indeed very valuable.

Academician Han:Very interesting, immersed in it, but there are difficulties. It is very difficult to find out,but when you see the light, everyone is happy at this time.

Prof. Zou:In this study, Chinese medicine has to go to the world. After graduating from Peking University Health Science Center, I have been working in China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, and also participating into international communication of Chinese medicine and promoting Chinese medicine to the world.Can you give some advice to promote Chinese medicine to the world?

Academician Han:Peking University Health Science Center now has a Mate Time, which is an institution separated from the publishing house. They told me that they want me to tell a little story, with 10 minutes as a unit. People can only pay attention in 8 minutes, and spend 8 to 10 minutes telling a story. You tell us about your life and work. I said that's good, I am 90 years old this year.

Prof. Zou:You should talk more and I will record it for you.

Academician Han:I want to write a book named Chunhua Qiushi, meaning flowers in the spring and fruits in the autumn, which is composed of two parts. One part is about 53 science-related stories in 53 years, for example how to find the material basis of acupuncture? How do you think that acupuncture is effective for some people,but ineffective for the others, so what is its material basis?I have written 53 stories. He said that you can tell these 53 stories, and we can record them one by one.

Prof. Zou:Academician Han, Peking University will commemorate its 120thanniversary on May 4th. I learned that you have achieved so many achievements in scientific research from the column of 120-year talents of the official website of the Peking University. And also I better understand that you have some successful experiences in teaching people to learn the truth, to be real people, and teaching and educating students. Since you have been teaching in Peking University Health Science Center for more than 50 years, can you share your experience with us?

Academician Han:Ok, Peking University has been 120 years old. I already have been half of it. We may have to open a neuroscience seminar in this name of 60 years and 120 years. A lot of professors overseas are my students, and we can invite them back to participate into this activity. In addition, the Alumni Association also hopes to set up a foundation in my name. In this way, this activity will last for a long time. I am very glad with such plan. I also feel very happy with contribution in my 90s.

Prof. Zou:Yes, I am also much honored. When I was enrolled, Professor Wang Xu was the director of the pharmacy department, and you taught us physiology.Professor Wang Kui taught us inorganic chemistry, so these masters and professors taught us these students. We all benefit a lot, so I learned a lot from you. The staffs around you are all especially deeply touched with meticulous about your work, and the spirit of excellence. The spirit of being very realistic determines the super achievement in scientific research. Can you give us details in this regard?

Academician Han:I can cite a few examples. I am very serious, and I would like to make comments on my own shortcomings and on the shortcomings of others. For example, last year, a student came to my house to report work. At the same time, he took a pen to write on paper. I saw that he wrote a P and the strokes were wrong. So I said that the stroke of P was wrong. He said that he did not learn it. I asked that, have you ever practiced writing English characters? He said no. Then I wrote to him. When we go to school, we learnt from writing letters of ABCDEFG, to Z.I showed his the capitalization, the joined-up writing, the print, the handwritten form of ABC. He was very happy."Can you give me this paper?" Later, part of Chunhua Qiushi is my 53 scientific research stories, some of which are their impressions of me. The student wrote this story in it, and kept this forever. This is just an example. I feel that if I see something wrong in my eyes, I have to tell it out. I think it should be done as a teacher. It is not picking holes. Why do you have to pick it out as it's so small? Yes,because you have to go to the world. Under so many eyes of the whole world, you have to show that it is obvious.But some of us don't know that there is no way. If we know, we will pick each other. If this habit is passed on to you, you pass it on to your students, and then everyone will be rigorous? China is supposed to overcome this kind of problem that almost is enough.

Prof. Zou:Yes, it is a lack of serious spirit.

Academician Han:Sometimes I don't want to,why should I make others embarrassed? It's enough for everyone to be happy. I don't think so. You are super happy on the surface. The English characters I wrote for him have an impact on his life. Why? This stroke is also different. Now that kind of training is lacking. You pay attention to the fact that the science chip is gone now.But if he doesn't know it, he just thought I am picky and making others unhappy. But when he knows your sincerity, it should be like this. We should promote this kind of thinking, instead of just so-so. For example, why are there so many garbage around the garbage bin? If you don't have a good classification, you should always throw it inside. Why should you throw it outside? I was on the side to see under what circumstances he was throwing,and under what circumstances he was not throwing it. He rode and threw it, or saw that people had thrown it, and the farther he threw it. Then I wrote it to the newspaper of Peking University Health Science Center.

Prof. Zou:Yes, I saw, Why don't throw trash into the trash can?

Academician Han:Yes, one is not following the rules, and then the others will not follow either. When I went to Yangzhou, seeing how clean the roadside is. I asked why this place is so clean. The people who walked with me said that the roadside is cleaner, people are the less dare to throw things. Are you willing to spit in clean roadside? If it's very messy, you spit and throw things. So I am also very serious in the small things in the garbage bin, and I hope there is also a good atmosphere. Everyone has changed slowly, and everyone is clean. So my character is so, may not be popular, I still do it.

Prof. Zou:Academician Han, I have just heard what you have introduced. My question is to talk about the key factors of success and the expectations for young and middle-aged scientists. In fact, you just introduced these,some details of the bits and pieces are very important.

Academician Han:Yes, so now I think the most important thing is the serious attitude. We always say just so-so, almost, one more. We have a default or a rule,which should encourage everyone's integrity. The ancients said that if there is no integrity, there is no way to be a real man. But in fact, we often go through the practice of sloppy and edged ball. The spirit of the nation must be promoted from the positive. This is my life, not only I am doing this. I also say these things in the weekly lunch meeting and the scientific research group meeting.Anyway, I believe that even if it affects a little, people who go out from here will be beneficial. Such an old man talks like that, which will give them an impression.So don't miss small things, and do not think any vice trivial, and so practice it. This is a belief that I must be born. If I live, I will pick my own fault. Some people say that I am a teacher. I cannot admit mistakes. I am the easiest to admit mistakes. In classmate group meetings,when I came in, "sorry, I was wrong. I didn't understand you." I don't feel ashamed. I feel that this is what I said in my heart. If I cover it, I am not comfortable. In this way, bit by bit of integrity is beneficial to the rise of our entire nation, to become a world hero, a first-class country, starting from scratch. I think learning is even more so.

Prof. Zou:Academician Han, I also read some introductions from official website of Peking University.According to the interviews with some people around you, your friends, family, and students, saying that when you are not deeply connected, you are giving the impression of bookishness. After deeply connecting after a long time, people found out that you are very versatile and have a wide range of hobbies in history and humanities. Can you tell us about some of your relationships in life and work?

Academician Han:Yes, I admit that I am a person who lives a life of self-denial and mortification,because I grew up in the war, to die or live, to survive or be killed. In this case, I struggled. So I knew very well how the days of our country were weak. I deeply understood this, so at the moment when my hometown was bombarded by Japanese troops, I suddenly got sensible as a child of nine or 10 years old. And now so far, I am still an ascetic. Therefore, Academician Qin Boyi's evaluation of me is that Academician Han is a person who cherishes the time like gold. Can I have a rest when I am 90? Yes, I have declined a lot of things.For example, I chose to be an honorary organizing committee in Chinese Medical Association. But I have already been relived from a lot of work, but my heart is not tired of work. Work is fun. I hurriedly contributed every minute, so even the nanny of our family said that Uncle, you are 90 years old. Even if we are in our 50s,we have to rest for a while. How can I work from day to night? She thinks unbelievable.

Prof. Zou:This is your work habit and obsessed with work.

Academician Han:I said that I don't think it is bitter. On the contrary, I read some papers or watch some TV. But if I am completely sitting around there, I feel that I am not used to it. I don't want to change it. There is a hint of breath and energy here, I will be happy with it to do more no matter to the society or to the family. I think I don't think it is bitter. This is my thinking.

Prof. Zou:And it will be good for your brain, for your entire nervous system and your body's endocrine system.

Academician Han:I think it is beneficial, but if you think it is bitter, it doesn't mean anything. So everyone can choose their own path. Some people may choose a road that I think is very good. Some people think it is too tired, but I will insist that. When I live my life, I will still do this, and I walk every day. Soon, I measured it by size and measured it by time. For example, I went out at 6 o'clock in the morning. I went to the sport field and walked 400 meters for 4 minutes. Now I can't do it. It takes 4 minutes and a few seconds. I am walking with the stopwatch. I am happy with it, and keeping this situation.If you are old enough in the future, it is also a natural law.Do you think I am a little childish?

Prof. Zou:No, no, your innocent, uplifting, positive energy spirit is good for your body and for us, and also good for the society.

Academician Han:I sometimes practice calligraphy.

Prof. Zou:Academician Han, when president Xi Jinping met with the former Director-General of the World Health Organization, Chenfeng Fuzhen,he specially elaborated on a strategic deployment of"building a healthy China" and also enabled our Chinese people to enjoy higher-level health care services, which is also an important part of our two century goal of China.Therefore, the new blueprint for healthy China is also the call of our government and the people for an era of health and happiness for all, and a healthy China that our people are looking forward to. So, you can talk about your thoughts about health, a healthy lifestyle. What are the health preservation tips? And what is your experience?This is the last question.

Academician Han:Look at this picture. This is a picture showing the health status. The curve going down indicates sub-health. The illness is treated and to a recovery stage. If you exercise regularly, you can go to a higher level and be healthier. So this picture shows wave in people, such as blood pressure. If the blood pressure is too high, acupuncture treatment makes it decrease. If the blood pressure is too low, acupuncture treatment can increase it. Otherwise it will be higher without treatment,so this is my view of health. And how to maintain health could be through a balanced diet. I published this in the fifth issue of Pain recently. This is my understanding of health, it could just answer your question.

Prof. Zou:President Xi puts forward the health of the whole people. Without health, there is no national well-being, so would you like to talk about your healthy lifestyle and the secret of health care with your personal experience and experience.

Academician Han:The question you just talked about is exactly what I was thinking about recently,because I am the editor-in-chief of Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine, so I want to make a comment in May.International Pain Society has a theme every year, with the theme of "excellent pain education" in this year. Just in the year of excellent pain education, we talk about the health of the whole people. I will use a drawing to show normal level and health. Health is becoming a subhealth condition and then becoming a disease. This is a trend. After continuous training and attention, the level of health is higher, and the ability to withstand unfavorable factors is stronger. We often say that the temperature is a little lower or higher, we will catch cold. But winter swimming will not bean issue if we are healthy, because the accepted scope is wide and can be adjusted, which is the result of continuous efforts. While lying in bed does not have this ability, it can only be weak. This volatility is greatly enhanced by the ability to exercise. This level of health can be said to be higher than normal. I think I pay attention to the diet, the coarse grains and fine grains, or less drinking, not smoking, ensuring sleep, sitting posture,standing and walking after using the computer every hour,etc. The details are worth our attention. In this way, I can still be 90 years old unconsciously.

Prof. Zou:Academician Han, you don't look like 90 years old.

Academician Han:I got an alarm clock, because I forgot the time when I was working in the computer,so an alarm clock was set to remind me. I have to walk 3000 steps every morning and a circle of sports field is 3,500 steps. In this way, so I can keep the exercise.Unconsciously, my head is leaning forward when I am walking. I immediately corrected it when my colleague pointed it out. Therefore, I am still paying attention to walking now. Therefore, I like people to give me advice and help me. As soon as I walked, I thought my friend reminded me of this gesture. I feel that people's constant remind can help me with progress. Otherwise, people don't know if they have problems. Some people do not dare to mention it since I am 90 years old.

Prof. Zou:A 90-year-old man, like you, is walk straight like a pen stick. It doesn't look like hunchback. It is really graceful.

Academician Han:I like to tell stories, using popular language. Of course, scientifically, but it may be a little funny, a little interspersed, then everyone is not tired.

Prof. Zou:Thank you, Academician Han. Finally,thank you again for your support and accepting our interviews during your busy schedule. We can see the style of an academic master, and also appreciate your own wisdom and selfless dedication to the Chinese acupuncture to the world, and also has made significant contribution to the Chinese national rejuvenation. Your experience and achievements have set a very good example for us. We must learn your spirit and make our contribution to the two centuries of revival of the Chinese nation. Thank you again. I also wish you good health and happiness, thank you Academician Han.

Academician Han:Thank you.