
2018-09-12 11:33张永丹供稿
疯狂英语·初中天地 2018年7期


功 ◆ 能 ◆ 口 ◆ 语

西方人特别重视隐私权,从不与别人谈论私事,因此见面时选择了一个共同的话题:天气。其实,他们多数时候并非真正关心天气的变化,只不过是以谈“天”作为谈话的开场白,再慢慢转换话题谈正事。请看本期话题Talking about the weather(谈论天气)。


1. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气如何?

How’s the weather in...? ……的天气怎么样?

2. It’s fine/cloudy/windy/rainy,etc.晴朗/多云/有风/有雨等。

It’s rather warm/cold/hot/etc.today,isn’t it?今天相当暖和/挺冷/挺热的……,是吧?

二、 对话演练⇁


Bob:Li Ming,you’re from Beijing,aren’t you?

Li Ming:Yes,I am.

Bob:What’s the weather like in Beijing now?

Li Ming:It’s spring now.It’s often windy in March.In April and May,it’s usually pretty warm.

Bob:What’s the best season in Beijing?

Li Ming:Autumn is the best season.It’s neither cold nor hot.The sky is clear and blue.There’s hardly any wind.And there’s plenty of sunshine.

Bob:What beautiful weather!

Li Ming:That’s true.So autumn is the best time to come to Beijing.

Welcome to Beijing in autumn.

Bob:Thank you.I’ll come someday.Maybe this autumn.


Jack:Lovely weather,isn’t it?

Yao Yuan:Yes,lovely.

Jack:And the weather man says it’s going to stay like this until the weekend.Yao Yuan:I hope so,too.

Jack:Are you waiting for a bus?

Yao Yuan:Yes.My friends asked me to take part in a picnic in the country.Jack:Um,it’s a good idea to have a picnic in such good weather.Yao Yuan:Oh,my bus is coming.I have to go now.Goodbye.Jack:Have a good time.Bye.


① 询问天气的常用句式为:What’s the weather like?/How is the weather?此处的What应译为“怎样;如何”。

② 对询问天气的答语为:It’s+表示天气的形容词。此处it表示天气,相当于the weather。又如:It’s fine /windy.天气晴朗/有风。It’s rather cold /hot.相当冷/热。

③ 人们常以谈论天气引起话题。又如:What terrible weather(it is)!多糟糕的天气啊!A nice day,isn’t it?多好的天气啊,是不是?在这样的谈话中,比较礼貌地回答是赞同对方的观点。例如:Yes,it is,isn’t it?是的,确实很糟/不错。




A:It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?

B:__ 1___.

A:We’re going to have a basketball match tomorrow morning._ 2 ?

B:I’d like to.I like watching matches.But I think it’s going to rain.

A:I don’t think so.

B:__ 3___.And it hasn’t rained for a week.

A:He often makes mistakes in his weather report.___4___.

B:No,he is usually right.


B:Well,I must go,but I’ll take my umbrella with me.

A. The weatherman says it is

B. And it isn’t cloudy today, either

C. Yes, it certainly is

D. But I’m sure we’ll have fine weather for our match

E. Why don’t you come with us


A:_ 1_

B:The weatherman says it’s going to rain.

A:_ 2

B:_ 3

A:Yes.We are going on a picnic,but we’ll have to give up if it rains.B:_ 4_

A:I hope he’s made a mistake again this time.

B:_ 5_

A:That’s right.

A.What a pity!

B.What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow?

C.You know sometimes the weatherman makes mistakes.

D.Or all of you will be unhappy.

E.Are you going to do anything outdoors?

口 ◆ 语 ◆ 一 ◆ 点 ◆ 通

1 I’m nervous. 我好紧张。


Q:What’s wrong, Lisa? You keep pacing back and forth. 怎么了,丽莎?你一直来回踱着步。A:I’m nervous. I have to make a big presentation in the meeting. 我好


Q:Don’t worry. You’ll do fine. 别担心。你会表现很好的。


I’m anxious. 我好不安。


英文里表“心中忐忑不安”, 尚有另外一个重要说法。

I have butter fl ies in my stomach.= I feel (quite) uneasy. 我坐立难安。

本句中butter fl y原指“蝴蝶”,若有许多只蝴蝶在肚子里飞来飞去,那种滋味一定不好受,故“I have butter fl ies in my stomach.”比喻为“我坐立难安”。

2 I had a wonderful time. 我玩得很愉快(开心)。

我们参加一项宴会,或是一项旅游活动,若玩得很高兴,拥有快乐时光,则可使用本句,以表达内心的满足欢喜。本句也可改写为“I had a great (good) time.”或“I had lots of (a lot of)fun.”,句意不变。

Q:I have to go home now, Jenny. Thanks for inviting me to your party. 我现在得回家了,珍妮。谢谢邀请我参加你的派对。

A:I’m glad you came. I hope you enjoyed it.我很高兴你能来。希望你玩得愉快。

Q:I had a wonderful time.我玩得很开心。


I enjoyed it very much. 我玩得非常开心。

It was fun. 很好玩。


本句延伸重要句型为“人 + have a wonderful

(great, good) time + V-ing”,表“某人从事某项活动非常愉快(开心)”。

had〔a wonderful (great, good) time

working with Peter. 我与彼得共事非常愉快。

3 It won’t happen again. 那种情形不会再发生了。


Q:Who gave my dog this chicken bone? 是谁将这鸡骨头给我的狗吃的?

A:I did. Why? 是我。怎么了?

Q:Didn’t you know dogs shouldn’t eat chicken bones because they’re bad for their stomachs?你难道不知道狗不应吃鸡骨头吗?因为这会对它们的肠胃造成不良影响。

A:No, I didn’t. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. 不,我并不知道。很抱歉。那种情形不会再发生了。


It will never happen again. 那种情形不会再发生了。

I will never do that again. 我不会再做那种事情了。

I won’t do it again. 我不会再犯了。



He’s a lazybones. 他是个懒人。

They’re lazybones. 他们都是懒人。

4 I’m worried. 我好担心。


Q:The weather has been terrible this week. 这星期的天气一直很糟。A:Yeah, I’m worried. If it’s like this tomorrow, our big outdoor party will have to be canceled.是啊,我好担心。假如明天天气还是如此,那么我们的大型户外派对就得取消了。

Q:Let’s hope it clears up. 希望天气放晴吧。


I’m concerned about... 我担心……I’m anxious about... 我担心……


“I’m worried.”句中的worried是形容词,其后亦可接介词about,再接名词,表“担心……”。

I’m worried about Judy’s whereabouts. 我担心茱蒂的下落。

另外,worry也可作及物动词,有下列重要用法:It worries me sick. 这件事情令我担心死了。

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