Whenever I Feel the Anger Coming on,I Just Close My Eyes and Rub My Ears

2018-11-29 03:23本刊编辑部
意林(绘英语) 2018年2期

The bridge to Rikers Island is called the Bridge of Pain. You're on this bus. You see the city behind you. And in front of you, you see nothing but①carpet英 ['kɑːpɪt] 美 ['kɑrpɪt] vt.在……上铺地毯n. 地毯nothing but 只有;只不过four walls. I was sent there for a year when I was nineteen years old. My friends and I got caught stealing copper pipes from a construction site. All of us grew up together. I thought they had my back. But none of them came to see me in prison. I had zero visits. Nobody put money in my account. So I haven't talked to any of those guys since I got out. I work two jobs now. I stay out of trouble. I’m trying not to be a negative②stain 英 [steɪn] 美 [sten] vt. 玷污;给……着色vi. 污染;被玷污;被染污 negative 英 ['negətɪv] 美 ['nɛɡətɪv] adj. 消极的 n. 否定、person anymore.I still have anger problems. I think it's because there was so much yelling③ramble 英 ['ræmb(ə)l] 美 ['ræmbl]n. 漫步vt. 漫步于……vi. 漫步;漫谈yelling v. 叫喊(yell的ing形式)and violence④sculpt英 [skʌlpt] 美 [skʌlpt] vt. 造型;雕刻 vi. 造型;雕刻 violence 英 ['vaɪəl(ə)ns] 美 ['vaɪələns] n. 暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲in my house growing up.But whenever I feel the anger coming on, I just close my eyes and rub my ears.My baby brothers used to rub my ears when I was growing up. When things got bad in the house—it always used to calm me down.

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