
2019-03-15 14:36编辑贾朋群


“We've been working with many small-to medium-sized European companies within this new part of the space sector. Our projects aim to fly promising new technologies in space at low cost, and rapid pace, which our partner companies can then exploit commercially. We' ve set up a standardised lean project approach, by tailoring existing European Coordination for Space Standardization regulations specifically for CubeSats-the European rulebook for mission development.”


——欧空局于2019年4月成立了专注于被称为“立方体卫星”的纳米卫星的标准化工作的专门机构。该机构(CubeSat Systems Unit)的负责人Roger Walker的解释表明,ESA很早就与企业界合作开展小卫星研发,而新机构的成立则强化了标准的战略意义。

“This satellite mission is certainly a challenging one,but I'm very happy to say that we are now formally out of the commissioning phase, which encompasses the first four months of a mission's life in orbit when we do all the checks and tweaks.We still have some work to do to make sure Aeolus delivers on its promise as we have to improve on the way the data is processed taking into account the peculiarities of its instrument. And, we must remember that this is a completely new type of mission, so we are learning all the time. We also have field campaigns going on all over the world to help with the process of calibration and validation. This means measurements of the wind are being taken from the ground,from balloons and from aircraft to compare with measurements we are getting from space. At this stage, the results are expected to be announced in March.”


——欧空局(ESA)的风神卫星(Aeolus)在完成最初4个月的测试后,进入了数据校验阶段,该项目主任Anders Elfving对卫星可以获得世界上第一份完整的卫星风场观测数据充满信心。

“The cubesat industry is just now, I believe, starting to take off, and the data that they're providing, particularly with the GPS radio occultation data, is incredibly valued.”


——在2019年2月26日举行的美国众议院听证会上,NOAA执行局长Neil Jacobs表达了对于购买商业数据的积极态度。据悉,NOAA继2016年购买了2家公司的无线电掩星数据,但评估数据质量没有达到预期之后,并没有停止购买商业卫星数据的步伐,于2018年第二轮又购买了3家公司的数据。购买方表示,这次购买的数据,与之前NOAA的COSMIC项目数据质量同样优良,因此NOAA负责人,如上所说,预见到了未来商业卫星数据的前景,表示了今后NOAA通过政府认购数据服务而常规化。

“In the next 10 years with so many new satellites under development, we will need to tackle the issue of extracting information from their observations and making use of it in terms of an ever-growing variety of applications and services. This is where AI is fundamental and offers a crucial opportunity not to be missed to solve these problems.”


——地球观测卫星产生了海量数据,如何更好地解决地球科学问题的同时,让更多领域受益是各国空间部门共同面临的问题。欧空局(ESA)提出利用AI技术是解决这些问题的最后机会。海量卫星地球观测大数据遇见AI会发生什么,ESA地球观测官员Pierluigi Silvestrin的上述阐述或许能让人茅塞顿开。

“We work in partnership with the EU and Eumetsat to achieve an Earth observation system unlike anywhere else in the world. ESA delivers scientific and technological excellence through the satellite missions we develop, which are exploited by Eumetsat for weather forecasting and by Copernicus for information services on climate,the environment and public security. This together creates socioeconomic benefits through public services all over Europe. And,in turn, supports businesses, entrepreneurs and start-ups with easy access to vital data for new business ventures and high-tech jobs in Europe's digital economy.”


——欧空局在地球观测方面利用其技术优势,增加了与欧洲气象卫星组织的技术合作,提出了新观测新经济的理念。推出的哥白尼项目估计在未来20年将使得欧洲经济量增加920亿~1910亿欧元。此外,欧州每年天气预报的社会经济效益估计为150亿~610亿欧元,在2020—2040年,新的天气卫星预计让经济进一步增加160亿~630亿欧元。对于这些估计,信心满满的ESA地球观测项目主任Josef Aschbacher如是说。

“Launched in late 2016, the spacecraft have provided roundthe-clock surface wind speed measurements to help improve intensity forecasting of tropical cyclones. The extended mission opens the door for many new science opportunities, in addition to continuing the primary mission objectives. We are making some engineering and operational changes to enable new types of science while maximizing science returns in this second phase.”


——2016年12月15日发射的CYGNSS (the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System,气旋全球导航卫星系统)在完成既定的2年运行后,经过评估,该系统包含的8颗小卫星及子系统状态良好,NASA因此宣布该项目延长1.5年。研发该系统的西南研究所CYGNSS业务运行工程师William Wells如是说。

“Right now, forecasts are generally not accounting for what happens to a raindrop after it is picked up by radar. Evaporation has a substantial impact on the amount of rainfall that actually reaches the ground. By measuring that impact, we can produce more accurate forecasts that give farmers, agriculture specialists and the public the information they need.”


——美国密苏里大学的学者依据雨滴的大小对蒸发和下沉速率产生的影响,开发了新的降水预报方法。因为雨滴越小蒸发越快而在下沉中遇到的空气阻力也较小,学者利用双极化雷达获得雨滴的大小,并将其融合进预报中。研究者之一,自然资源学院大气科学副教授Neil Fox针对这一创新成果进行了如上解释。

“In our modern, rapidly changing world, there are many things that serve to divide us. Science should not be among them.”


——2019年美国科学促进协会(AAAS)年会的主题是“科学超越边界”,AAAS主席Margaret Hamburg女士在AAAS主办的《科学》杂志上,以“超越边界”为题撰写社论,阐述了年会的主题思想,她用上面的话提示大众,尤其是学者要尊重科学本身的属性。

“We have maintained our commitment to continuity, today and into the future, and earned our position as the trusted source of environmental data. The U.S. no longer faces the grim prospect of satellite data gaps in the polar orbit, which looked like a real possibility in 2011 because of projected cost overruns and launch uncertainty.”


——美国审计总署在最新报告中,将美国天气卫星项目从高风险目录中删除。据悉,美国极地轨道气象卫星因为存在卫星发射不利或导致数据不连续,于2013年被列入这份联邦高风险名单,在这份报告中,GAO认为NOAA和美国国防部(DOD)采取了措施,缓解了极地气象卫星数据可能存在中断风险。两家机构(分别负责上午和下午极轨卫星)在国会的支持下2017年以来取得了重要进步,其中NOAA于2017年11月成功发射NOAA-20卫星并业务化运行。对于这样的结果,NOAA卫星信息局局长Steven Volz如是说。

“We must be ready to respond to new transportation technologies with improvements in weather research and technology.That will require additional investments to assure mobility and safety. Upgrades to infrastructure are necessary. The technology that can benefit us by making roads safer will likely require additional funding. That may be the biggest challenge to full implementation of connected and autonomous vehicles.”



“Getting our data into the hands of renowned climate scientists to help measure essential climate variables furthers our mission of providing timely, global imagery and analytics to empower informed, deliberate and meaningful stewardship of our planet,”

Schingler, currently Planet's chief strategist, said in a statement.



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