
2020-03-03 11:38张东光左国标张智泓
农业工程学报 2020年1期

张东光,左国标,佟 金,张智泓


张东光1,2,左国标3,佟 金4,张智泓3※

(1. 太原理工大学机械与运载工程学院,太原 030024;2. 土壤环境与养分资源山西省重点实验室,太原 030031;3. 昆明理工大学农业与食品学院,昆明 650500;4. 吉林大学生物与农业工程学院,长春 130025)

为探索仿生注液沃土装置在土壤内部作业时工作参数对工作阻力和土壤粘附量的影响规律,优化作业参数,以保障并提高注液沃土装置作业质量,同时降低工作阻力和土壤粘附。该研究采用Box-Behnken试验优化设计方法,通过搭建农机土槽台车试验系统以模拟田间作业环境,开展注液沃土装置样机工作参数优化试验,将入土深度、注液量、土槽台车速度3个工作参数设为自变量,将工作阻力和土壤粘附量设为响应值,建立多元二次多项式回归方程,根据自变量与响应值之间的关系,优化仿生注液沃土装置的工作参数。结果表明:以土壤粘附量和工作阻力为响应值建立的回归方程模型拟合度良好;入土深度、液肥流量和工作速度对降低工作阻力和减小土壤粘附量的影响均显著,且入土深度和速度存在交互效应;试验因素对注液沃土装置降低工作阻力和减小土壤粘附量的影响程度为:入土深度>速度>流量,得到最优的工作参数为:入土深度11 cm、速度1.0 m/s、流量350 g/s。在最优工作参数条件下,注液沃土装置的工作阻力为260.01 N,土壤粘附量为8.73 g。该研究工作为注液沃土技术的应用和推广提供了参考依据。


0 引 言




1 试验材料及方法

1.1 仿生注液沃土装置的结构

图1 仿生原型-赤子爱胜蚓


图2 6孔注液型式仿生注液沃土装置尺寸参数

超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)具有抗粘附、耐磨损的优异特性[33-34]。在农业机械领域,UHMWPE常应用于开沟器、覆土镇压器、铧式犁等触土部件的工作表面。注液沃土装置在触土作业过程中,容易发生土壤粘附问题,导致作业质量下降。选用密度为0.95 g/cm3、摩擦系数为0.17、吸水性为0.01%的UHMWPE棒料作为注液沃土装置的加工材料,并与前置的深松铲配套,完成注液沃土装置工作参数测试。

1.2 土槽台车试验系统

根据玉米种植农艺条件(株距30 cm,行距65 cm),田间1 m长的玉米垄内种植4株玉米。以单株玉米生长期施加50~100 g肥液,注液沃土装置运行速度1 m/s计算,田间1 m长的玉米垄内需要施加200~400 g肥液。在20 ℃环境条件下,对仿照蚯蚓体表粘液氨基酸构成配制的仿生液体肥[32],采用DV-III+(Rheometer-Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, USA)布氏数字粘度计和同轴圆柱体转子进行动力粘度测试,结果表明仿生液体肥属于牛顿流体,其动力粘度与对照组纯水无显著差异。基于上述初始参数,采用吉林大学生物与农业工程学院农业机械实验室的土槽台车试验系统进行注液沃土装置工作参数优化试验。

土槽台车试验系统由土壤、台车、数据采集3个子系统组成,如图3所示。前置深松铲与注液沃土装置安装在土槽台车的活动台架上,可在台车横梁上左右移动,注液沃土装置中轴线与土壤表面距离为10~30 cm、与深松铲铲尖相对距离为10 cm。拉压力传感器两端分别连接深松铲与仿生注液沃土装置,用于测定仿生注液沃土装置的工作阻力。在土槽台车牵引过程中,通过数字流量计读取液肥的质量、流量,采用数据采集系统记录注液沃土装置的工作阻力。台车停止后关闭注液系统,采用称质量法测定注液沃土装置的土壤粘附量。

图3 土槽台车试验系统示意图

1.3 工作阻力及土壤粘附量测试方法


表1 土槽内土壤样品的粒径分布

按照国际土壤分类标准(USDA Soil Taxonomy),土槽试验区的土壤质地为砂质黏壤土(sandy clay loam)。在土槽中选择40 m作为试验区,并在试验区前后分别剖开入土和出土调整区各2 m。深松铲从入土调整区开沟,注液沃土装置随之进入沟内挤压分离土壤。试验时仅将装置完全进入40 m试验区后采集的数据作为测定值,全部试验完成后,重复翻整、晾晒、镇压试验区内的土壤。采用Field Scout SC-900(spectrum technologies, plainfield, USA)数字式土壤坚实度仪进行试验区土壤坚实度测试,在0~30 cm耕层土壤剖面内,以深度2.5 cm为梯度记录数据,重复3次取平均值,如表2所示。

表2 土槽不同耕层深度土壤物理参数

注液沃土装置与仿生深松铲通过全桥式应变传感器(H3-C3-6B 750 kg, ZEMIC, China)连接,拉力信号由数据采集卡传送至计算机,经拉力-电压标定曲线计算得到工作阻力,测试平台如图4所示。


1.仿生深松铲 2.拉压力传感器(带有保护壳) 3.试验样件 4.LabView数据采集程序 5.数据采集卡 6.信号放大器


a. 入土区开启注液系统a. Opening of injection systemb. 出土区称量土壤粘附质量b. Weighing the adherent soil weight

2 结果与分析

2.1 试验设计方案


表3 试验因素与编码水平

2.2 试验结果及分析

在Box-Behnken试验设计给定的条件下,采用Design Expert(V8.0.6, Stat-Ease, USA)软件建立试验设计方案,并按序号开展试验。取3次重复试验结果的平均值作为注液沃土装置工作阻力和土壤粘附量的响应值,如表4所示。




表4 仿生注液沃土装置工作参数试验设计方案及测试结果

表5 多元二次多项式回归方程的方差分析(工作阻力)

注:SS 表示平方和,df 表示自由度,MS 表示均方,*表示显著(<0.05),**表示极显著(<0.01),下同。

Note: SS is sum of squares; df is degree of freedom; MS is mean squares; *shows significant (<0.05); ** shows very significant (<0.01). The same below.

由表5可知,建立的多元二次多项式回归方程显著性<0.000 1,模型显著。拟合优度2=0.977 2,模型的拟合度较好。校正系数Adj2=0.947 9,预测值与试验值之间的相关性较高,可用此模型对工作阻力进行分析和预测。失拟项=0.122 1>0.05,未知因素对试验结果的影响较小。模型的线性项入土深度(1)、流量(2)、速度(3)和二次项12、32对工作阻力的影响较显著,模型交叉项入土深度和速度(13)对响应值影响显著,说明试验因素对工作阻力的影响不是简单的线性关系,具有交互作用。试验因素对注液沃土装置工作阻力影响的显著性程度依次为:入土深度(1)>速度(3)>流量(2)。


图6 入土深度与流量对工作阻力的等高线和响应曲面图


图7 入土深度与速度对工作阻力的等高线和响应曲面图

由图8可知,当入土深度(1)为零水平时,流量(2)和速度(3)两因素之间的等高线稀疏,说明流量与速度之间的交互作用不显著。当速度一定时,工作阻力随着流量增加而减小。当流量一定时,工作阻力随着速度增加而增大。仿生注液沃土装置的优化目标之一为工作阻力最小。在Design Expert优化功能中对工作阻力取最小值,可获得仿生注液沃土装置的最佳工作参数为:入土深度为10.53 cm、流量343.37 g/s、速度0.66 m/s。在此条件下,仿生注液沃土装置的工作阻力理论值为258.36 N。

图8 流量与速度对工作阻力的等高线和响应曲面图



表6 多元二次多项式回归方程的方差分析(土壤粘附量)

由表6可知,以土壤粘附量为响应值所建立的回归方程模型显著(=0.000 4),失拟项不显著(=0.186 0),该模型与试验拟合性较好。回归方程模型拟合优度2=0.959 4,校正系数Adj2=0.907 2,该回归模型的拟合度良好,可以较好的描述响应值与试验因素之间的关系。模型线性项入土深度(1)、流量(2)、速度(3)和二次项22对土壤粘附量的影响较显著;模型交叉项入土深度和速度(13)对土壤粘附量的影响较显著,这2个试验因素之间存在交互作用。由值可知,试验因素对仿生注液沃土装置土壤粘附量影响的显著性程度依次为:入土深度(1)>速度(3)>流量(2)。根据二次多项式回归方程绘制的土壤粘附量二维等高线和三维响应面,如图9所示。

图9 土壤粘附量二维等高线和三维响应面

由表6和等高线图可知,入土深度(1)与速度(3)的交互作用显著,流量(2)与速度(3),入土深度(1)与流量(2)的交互作用不显著。试验因素对仿生注液沃土装置土壤粘附量的影响程度为:入土深度>速度>流量。当流量一定时,仿生注液沃土装置的土壤粘附量随着入土深度和速度的增加而逐渐增大。可能的原因是,土壤粘附量与土壤质地有关,土壤中含黏粒数量越多,土壤粘附力越大。试验区砂质粘壤土的透气、渗水性好,深层土壤含水量较高,粘粒数量较多,对土壤粘附量影响幅度较大。此外,土壤粘附量也与耕层结构稳定性有关,随着工作速度增加,土壤扰动频率加快,粘粒与装置的相对接触面积增加,土壤粘附效应增强。当入土深度或速度一定时,仿生注液沃土装置的土壤粘附量随着流量的增加先降低后增大。可能的原因是,土壤在塑限以下时近似刚体,具有较高的坚实度。随着流量增加,装置与土壤之间形成一层润滑水膜,降低了土壤粘附量。当流量不断增加时,装置与土壤之间的水膜逐渐变厚,土壤接触层含水量趋于饱和,导致接触层土壤的坚实度下降,而与装置表面之间的粘附力不断增强。对回归模型进行优化处理,获得仿生注液沃土装置减小土壤粘附量的最佳工作参数为:入土深度13.73 cm,流量254.95 g/s,速度0.53 m/s。在此条件下,仿生注液沃土装置土壤粘附量的理论值为8.34 g。

2.3 验证试验

在上述试验因素范围内,仿生注液沃土装置达到最低工作阻力的工作参数为入土深度10.53 cm,流量343.37 g/s,速度0.66 m/s;达到最低土壤粘附量的工作参数为入土深度13.73 cm,流量254.95 g/s,速度0.53 m/s。考虑土槽系统实际操作,对上述参数圆整后进行验证试验,3次重复取平均值,如表7所示。

表7 工作参数验证试验结果

在给定的工作参数下,实际测试值与模型预测值接近,建立的回归模型可以较好的反映出工作阻力和土壤粘附量的工作参数。将达到最小工作阻力和土壤粘附量的工作参数选定为:入土深度11 cm、速度1.0 m/s、流量350 g/s。仿生注液沃土装置构建的土壤洞道如图10所示。深松铲牵引仿生注液沃土装置挤压分离土壤,形成洞道,翻向深松铲两侧的土壤回填覆盖至土壤洞道上方,形成了图中所示的覆土区。土壤洞道内部经注液形成湿土层,覆盖的表层土壤形成干土层。

图10 仿生注液沃土装置构建的土壤洞道


3 结 论




3)综合考虑工作阻力和土壤粘附量,获得最小工作阻力和土壤粘附量的工作参数为:入土深度11 cm、速度1.0 m/s、流量350 g/s。在最优工作参数下,注液沃土装置的工作阻力为260.01 N,土壤粘附量为8.73 g。

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Experiment and optimization of sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device

Zhang Dongguang1,2, Zuo Guobiao3, Tong Jin4, Zhang Zhihong3※

(1.030024; 2.030031; 3.650500; 4.130025)

In recent years, subsoiling has been proposed as an alternative means of applying fertilizer into infertile subsoils. It was believed that root growth in the subsoiled channels would be stimulated in this way, and yields would be further increased as a result of the deep-placed fertilizer and better growing conditions. Filed test results from different cultivation areas increasingly have showed that subsoil fertilization resulted in increased crop yields when compared with subsoiling alone. However, two of the disadvantages associated with sub-soil liquid fertilizer application system is the severe soil adhesion phenomenon and high draft requirement, which seriously deteriorate operating quality and restrict its field application. To optimize sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device, mitigate the problems mentioned above and then extend sub-soil liquid fertilizer application, the technical approach of bionic engineering was adopted. From the perspective of natural environment, the interactions of living organisms with natural surroundings have led to the evolution of biological systems and environmental adaptabilities. Earthworms have long been acknowledged to largely contribute to the aggregate stability of soils varying in texture, carbonate, and concentration of organic matter by burrowing, foraging, and casting on the soil surface and within the soil. Earthworms can readily move in moist or adhesive soil with soil particles seldom adhering to bodies. From the perspective of bionic engineering, the excellent properties of earthworm could be used to inspire the design and optimization of sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device. One of the mechanisms of reducing soil adhesion for earthworms was that earthworms possess special geometrical structure on their heads and epidermis. The profile curves of earthworm head and body surface were extracted and fitted. Geometric structure surface of sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device was designed based on the contour curve equations, and the structural parameters were determined. In order to explore the influence of working parameters on working resistance and soil adhesion during the operation of sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device, and to optimize its operating parameters. Eventually, in the hope of ensuring and improving the working quality of the sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device. In this study, the Box-Behnken experimental optimum design methods were used. The working parameters of tillage depth, flow rate and speed were chosen as independent variable, to evaluate the effects on response values of drag-reducing and anti-soil adhesion. By building an agricultural soil tank test platform system, the field operating environment were simulated. Then, optimization tests of working parameters of the sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device were conducted. After that, the multivariate quadratic polynomial regression equations were built. According to the relationship between the independent variable and the response value, the working parameters of the sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device were optimized. The results showed that the regression equation model based on soil adhesion and working resistance was adequate. It was found that the working parameters of tillage depth, flow rate and speed influenced drag resistance and soil adhesion significantly. Tillage depth and speed presented interaction effects, which influenced drag resistance and soil adhesion with high significance. The significant influences of the experimental factors for drag resistance and soil adhesion were as follows: the tillage depth, speed and flow rate. The working parameters were optimized as follows: the tillage depth was 11 cm, speed was 1.0 m/s, flow rate was 350 g/s. Under the above conditions, the mean value of the drag resistance of the selected bionic prototype was 260.01 N, the mean weight of soil adhesion was 8.73 g. This study can provide technical references for the mechanization of sub-soil fertilizing engineering.

bionics; design; earthworm; geometrical structured surface; sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device; optimization

张东光,左国标,佟 金,张智泓. 仿生注液沃土装置工作参数的优化与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(1):31-39.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.004 http://www.tcsae.org

Zhang Dongguang, Zuo Guobiao, Tong Jin, Zhang Zhihong. Experiment and optimization of sub-soil liquid fertilizer injection device[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(1): 31-39. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.01.004 http://www.tcsae.org










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