
2021-02-10 06:20杨学军吴浩强DanielBrat
中国现代神经疾病杂志 2021年9期

杨学军 吴浩强 Daniel J.Brat

中枢神经系统肿瘤领域的知识体系庞大,理论与技术不断进步。中枢神经系统肿瘤的临床诊治更是个大学问。2019年第11和12期以及2020年第2期,我在《中国现代神经疾病杂志》主持了3期“脑胶质瘤”专题,内容主要涵盖我国脑胶质瘤临床诊断与治疗指南/规范建设、中枢神经系统肿瘤病理分类进展、脑胶质瘤临床试验创新体系及临床疗效反应评价体系、脑胶质瘤侵袭迁移及免疫治疗研究、脑科学及脑功能研究等临床与转化问题。2020年第2期,我与著名神经病理学家Daniel J.Brat教授作为共同通讯作者在Glioma发表“A contemporary molecular view of diffuse gliomas with implications for diagnosis”。2020年第12期,我在《中华神经医学杂志》以“脑胶质瘤的临床诊治撷要”为题,评述当前恶性脑胶质瘤临床诊疗的现实问题。以专题组稿形式推动中枢神经系统肿瘤热点问题的讨论以及新理论和新技术的学习,尤其是在疫情之下,形式适宜、开卷有益。

2021年WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类(第五版,以下简称新版肿瘤分类)如约而至,以专题组稿的形式进行新版肿瘤分类解读是《中国现代神经疾病杂志》2021年的既定报道计划,也是我们对新版肿瘤分类里程碑意义的预判。新版肿瘤分类的亮点包括:更多的肿瘤类型/亚型以生物学和分子特征共同定义,儿童型与成人型弥漫性胶质瘤区分,成人型弥漫性胶质瘤类型简化,儿童型弥漫性胶质瘤依据分子靶标实施治疗成为可能,室管膜瘤按照部位和分子特征分类,CNS WHO分级靠拢非中枢神经系统肿瘤,分子诊断指标首次作为肿瘤分级标准。《中国现代神经疾病杂志》2021年第9期组织刊出“2021年WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类(第五版)解读”专题,回顾1979-2021年WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类的演变进程,重新整理第一版至第四版修订版分类简表并附加简介,对新版肿瘤分类简表的类型/亚型进行精心中译;邀约国内中枢神经系统肿瘤领域的临床专家就新版肿瘤分类的重要内容进行专题解读,涉及分子诊断指标、整合诊断及分层诊断、新增肿瘤实体、成人型及儿童型弥漫性胶质瘤、局限性星形细胞胶质瘤、室管膜肿瘤、胚胎性肿瘤。对本期专题内容和质量的期待目标是,希望能够让神经肿瘤专业医师将这本专刊收藏在书橱中,未来5~10年都有翻阅参考的价值。本文作为本期专题的导读,其撰写角度和内容已在我脑海中积淀许久,文题的灵感来自2021年中国医学科学院北京协和医学院开学典礼上王辰院士的演讲。我对WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类的厮守虽尚未至终生,却也是情愫缱绻。





WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类——让我感悟研究的真谛。WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类走进组织学形态结合分子特征以确定分类的时代,我们应归功于医学转化的推动。如果我来回答中枢神经系统肿瘤分子分型最重要的推手为何?阎海教授关于弥漫性胶质瘤IDH突变的发现当之无愧。Gertrud Reemtsma基金会把“2021年转化神经科学国际奖”颁发给美国杜克大学医学院阎海教授和德国海德堡大学医学院Andreas von Deimling教授,以表彰其对IDH1和IDH2突变作为星形细胞瘤和少突胶质细胞瘤的分子生物学标志物并影响肿瘤代谢和永生化的研究,以及建立IDH1突变蛋白免疫组化检测方法的杰出贡献。阎海教授是我的好朋友,感谢他最近对我的一段评价,“Dr.Yang is an academic leader focusing on both clinical practice and basic sciences.His research covering brain function & neuroplasticity as well as biological behaviors and molecular genetics of glioma.It is rare to have a physician with both kinds of skill sets in this field,not only in China,but internationally”。他才是脑胶质瘤研究与转化的典范。国际上还有很多与我们交流密切、到访过中国的神经肿瘤研究与转化的著名专家,他们都在各自的领域推动恶性脑胶质瘤的临床研究与转化,例如美国德州大学MD安德森癌症中心W.K.Alfre Yung教授、美国哈佛大学医学院Patrick Y.Wen教授、美国西北大学Daniel J.Brat和Roger Stupp教授、德国海德堡大学医学院Wolfgang Wick和Andreas von Deimling教授、美国斯坦福大学医学院Micheal Lim教授、瑞士苏黎世大学医学院Michael Weller教授、美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Webster K.Cavenee教授等。我想与国内学者共勉的是,科学研究的价值在于产出有用的知识。

WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类——让我对神经病理学家充满敬意。我国老一辈神经病理学家黄克维、张福林、黄文清、吴在东教授等,数十年前即在神经肿瘤分类方面有过探索。如今,在卞修武院士、卢德宏和于士柱教授的带领下,神经病理学获得新的发展及国际认可。汪寅、李青、李桂林、李智、朴月善、王行富教授等经常活跃在各种神经肿瘤学术场合。神经病理科医师是我们在神经肿瘤临床实践中的好老师、好同事。本期专题立足于临床医师对WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类原则及变化的学习,不涉及病理学诊断程序和标准等复杂的病理学专业内容,故未烦邀各位病理学大家,但仍在数篇文章中请求了支援。本期专题当是我们向病理学家写出的一份学习心得,这里写不清、搞不懂甚至错误的地方,刚好是随后神经病理学领域对新版肿瘤分类进行解读时,帮助指正和回答的问题。本期专题中,除我亲自撰写及署名的稿件外,其他稿件我也审读2~4遍不等,可以肯定的是,仍会有疏漏或失严谨,文责有我,当致歉意。在此,我还要感谢两位世界著名神经病理学家、WHO中枢神经系统肿瘤分类的重要编者——香港中文大学吴浩强教授和美国西北大学Daniel J.Brat教授。他们应邀为本期专题撰写新版肿瘤分类的编写信息,以此鞭策我们临床医师对新版肿瘤分类的学习。


(清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院神经外科 杨学军)

At the time of writing,due to delays arising from Covid and Delta viruses,the new WHO Classification of Tumors has not yet been published but the basic framework of the classification has been extensively disseminated by many international conferences and by a joint paper by the Expert Panel(PMID 34185076). Moreover,the current WHO Classification is based on a series of consensus papers(total:seven)called c IMPACT-NOW;these were meant to be periodic updates of the last WHO(2016)Classification so a lot of the recommendations of the new classification was already known.In fact,a group of leading neuropathologists and neurooncologists had also met at Utretch,the Netherlands in 2019 and the consensus paper published afterwards(PMID 32307792)can almost be regarded as a forerunner of the 2021 Classification.

We in neuro-oncology tend to think only of the WHO Classification of CNS Tumors. In fact,the WHO organizes consensus views and publications of classifications of tumors of all systems of the body.This is the fifth series for all systems and the 2016 Classification for the CNS Tumors was just an update of the Fourth series. Therefore there was only a relatively short interval between 2016 and 2021.In the old days,the WHO classifications for tumors were not very produced and most pathologists and clinicians used the American classifications called Armed Forces Institute of Pathology(AFIP)Fascicles for all cancers. But Professor Paul Kleihues,a neuropathologist from Switzerland,extensively reorganized the WHO classifications for all the systems in the early 21stcentury and they now became the classifications everyone else in the world use. I myself have been involved as a member of the Expert Panel for the 2007, 2016 and 2021 Classifications of CNS Tumors and also Utretch consensus meeting mentioned above.

In the last few years,major administrative changes for the publication of the WHO Classifications took place at the International Agency for Cancer Research(IARC),the branch of WHO which deals with cancers so that the organization of the publication of the classifications of all the tumor systems was made uniform and streamlined.One result of the administrative re-organization was that the Expert Panel for each classification was vastly reduced.In the CNS tumors,it was reduced from about 30 experts from last time to 12 this time,just ten pathologists and two neuro-oncologists. The experts were selected,according to WHO,based on each person's publication matrices and there was no intention for any expert to represent their country or their regions.So in that sense,I am not really a representative of Hong Kong,China or Asia. The reduction of the number of experts in the panel has resulted in some misgivings but in fairness,the actual writing of the chapters of the book actually involved more than 100 experts, including neuropathologists,neuro-oncologists,neurosurgeons and scientists from all over the world,including Asia.

WHO 2021 Classification for CNS Tumors followed the recommendation of molecular diagnostics in the classification.It now clearly separates out a classification for adult and another one for children.For the former,for the astrocytomas which are 1p19q non-deleted,the mutation status of IDH is pivotal to the classification.It laid down molecular diagnostic criteria for IDH mutant and IDH wildtype glioblastoma or Grade 4 astrocytomas.In pediatric gliomas,fine grading beyond low-grade and highgrade is regarded as not clinically useful and further subtyping of high-grade and low-grade pediatric gliomas depends heavily on molecular means.Whole genome methylation profiling is now regarded as a desirable diagnostic criteria for many CNS tumors.For pediatric tumors,there is also extension revision and new additions to embryonal tumors and mesenchymal tumors. Please refer to the excellent summary provided by the Expert Panel in the paper PMID 34185076 and PMID 32307792.

Ho-Keung Ng,MD

Chair Professor

Department of Pathology

Faculty of Medicine

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Since the early 1900s,and until the 2016 revised 4thedition of the World Health Organization(WHO)Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System,brain tumors were classified based upon the morphologic features of neoplastic cells.Molecular testing,if any were performed,played an ancillary role. Over the past decade,numerous investigations have uncovered molecular genetic alterations that can be used to reliably and reproducibly classify brain tumors into clinically meaningful subsets,leading the 2016 WHO 4thEdition update to incorporate diagnostic entities based on the integration of morphologic features with molecular biomarkers.More recent advances in our understanding of the pathogenesis and clinical behavior of specific brain tumor subtypes has led to the inclusion of additional molecular biomarkers into clinical practice.The 2021 WHO 5thEdition relies even more on molecular test results for establishing a diagnosis and now there are also examples of molecular test results impacting the grading of brain tumors. DNA methylome profiling continues to identify brain tumors that display specific methylation patterns that have characteristic genetic alterations and clinical behavior and is becoming a standard for the most definitive classification of challenging cases.The increasing complexity and rapid pace of change in diagnostic criteria,relevant molecular biomarkers,laboratory testing platforms,and clinical practice will require enhanced dependence on laboratory capabilities in molecular pathology and cytogenetics,as well as an integrated clinical approach among neurosurgeons, oncologists radiation oncologists,neuroradiologists, neuropathologists and others involved in the treatment of brain tumors. The tremendous advances now allow us to diagnose disease with much greater certainty,and to guide therapy based on a better understanding of the patient's prognosis.

Daniel J.Brat,MD,PhD

Magerstadt Professor and Chair

Department of Pathology

Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine


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