Don??t Judge Others Freely

2021-08-12 02:12张晓飞
考试与评价·八年级版 2021年5期


Seema got on the train with her 5-year-old daughter, Sally. It was her first travel by train. Seema held Sallys hands, because she was afraid that the crowd could pull her away.

When the train moved, a snack seller in old clothes came through the crowd with his bag. He was trying to sell snacks to passengers. Passing by Seema, he showed a bag of snacks, “Only 10 cents.” Sally said, “Buy one for me, mom.” Seema looked at him with anger, “Go away.” The seller left. Sally waved bye to him and this brought smile to him.

After some time when the train reached another station, Sally saw that seller sitting by the door. She smiled, “Can we give him some money? He seems hungry.” Seema refused, “Dont talk to him. He isnt a good person. These people take away little girls in their bags.”

Seema and Sally got off the train and they heard a voice calling them. When she turned back, she saw that seller waving his hands and walked toward them. Seema started running faster with Sally and stopped a taxi. Just then the seller reached, and showed something shiny. Seema saw it was Sallys bracelet.

“Your daughter gave it to me before getting off.” He gave a bag of snacks to Sally, “Its for her.”

Before she could say something, the seller left and the taxi moved. Seema realized her mistake and learned a lesson during this train journey. She was happy to know Sally had a good heart. She learned we shouldnt judge someone freely just because of their look or what they do.

Word bank:  judge v. 判斷crowd n. 人群 wave v. 挥动 shiny adj. 闪亮的 bracelet n. 手镯


1. Which of the following is TRUE about the train?

A. There were lots of people on it. B. The train was very slow.

C. People couldnt buy or sell on it. D. The little girl must buy a ticket.

2. What did the man do on the train?

A. Sold some clothes. B. Offered some bags.

C. Took away little girls. D. Sold some snacks.

3. How did the man feel about the girls waving bye to him?

A. He had some anger. B. He had some satisfaction.

C. He had some surprise. D. He had some pain.

4. Why did the man wave his hands to them?

A. He wanted to say bye to them. B. He wanted to say thanks to the girl.

C. He wanted to return the bracelet to Sally. D. He wanted to give some snacks to them.

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