The devil is in the details.

2022-05-30 10:48Alan
中国会展 2022年12期


During the conference, detail management should not be ignored, which plays a big role in measuring the quality of conference services. At present, with the increasingly frequent international exchanges, international conferences have become a new perspective for global audiences. Whether it is the action of the "protagonists", or the design of the "home court", any move will be infi nitely magnifi ed by the public. Therefore, whether it is summit meetings, multilateral talks, international events or scientifi c forums? whether it is held online or offl ine?meeting managers have put forward higher requirements in grasping the details of meeting services.

Recently, the 14th BRICS Summit and the G7 Summit were held successively. As two high-end international conferences with global attention, there is a sharp contrast in the conference organization and management. Thees two events, though held a short time apart, have attracted wide global attention and sparked heated discussion in the details.

The BRICS Summit was held on The 23rd. Although it was online, it is not diffi cult to see its delicacy in the selection of the venue, the use of the space, the design of the platform and the layout of the lighting. The leader cloud photo, gained more "praise" thumb up by the public. The whole event made the audience not only enjoy the elegance and solemnity,but feel the avantgarde experience brought by technology. While the G7 summit, held in Germany on June 26, was held offl ine. Although the venue advocated a simple design, the layout was so simple that the obvious table card was replaced with a tiny table signature?which made the meeting leaders confused about where to sit on before the meeting? In addition, another embarrassment has made British Prime Minister Boris Johnson a hot Internet celebrity. Due to the small space, he was placed close to the media area, and the camera was always blocked by his huge body, leaving Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida behind him. When the photo news was published, Japanese netizens shouted, " Where has our prime minister gone?”?”What is Reuterss intention? “ Nearly caused a diplomatic storm. Thus, it is critical to pay attention to detail management.

In addition, there are some links in international conferences that also deserve our attention. I will mention a few points here.

Check the translator thoroughly. The page reader is a very core object in political meetings, government meetings, foreign affairs activities, international summits and various government press conferences, but it is the most problematic link, and a risky factor. In case of a problem on the spot, no other factors can be perfectly corrected.

Pay attention to the lighting position placement. The layout of the light seems simple and insignifi cant, but the follow-up effect is very obvious. Therefore, the layout of a lighting in an international conference activities is very important . Ceiling light, surface light, and side light all determine the imaging and publicity display of the participants. If there is a heavy shadow and dark part in the human face, it is a very serious thing and diffi cult to remedy in the process of live.

Strictly control the personnel walking on the site. The international summit focus on ritual. Whether the attendees or the site service personnel can not be too frequent personnel walking. Service personnel should arrange a certain period of time in advance to offer services in a planned way. The course of the meeting cannot be disturbed by personnel movement.

Pay attention to the video recorders setting. During the live broadcast of the international conference activities, there are also very strict requirements for the design of the recorder setting to make sure that each speech leader multi-camera shooting.

In addition, the national fl ag display, the size of the table sign, the microphone type and the choice of paper on site should not be overlooked, which concern politics and diplomacy. International conference is a window and a new name card of diplomacy. After all, when one country is shown directly to the world, no one wants a "diplomatic storm" like the G7 summit. So, grasp the detail management. The devil is in the details.