What is the dopamine dressing?Decorate yourself with happiness

2023-07-18 00:48ByZhongMengxia
China Textile 2023年2期

By Zhong Mengxia

Spring and summer are sunny and comfortable seasons.People like to wear light and bright clothes to show their vitality and happiness. The temperature is relatively high in spring and summer, therefore people tend to wear light and breathable clothes to cope with the hot weather. This kind of clothes is often dominated by bright colors, which can reflect the sun's rays, reduce the heat of clothes and increase the feeling of comfort.

Bright ones make people feel happy and energetic. Summer is the season when nature flourishes. Wearing colorful clothes always leave a young, positive and cheerful image to people. In addition,spring and summer always have many different fashion trends, and designers tend to use a lot of bright colors and floral patterns to create spring and summer clothing collections. The colorful design is easier to attract the attention of young people, and it also meets the requirements of fashion trends.

Fashion trends in spring and summer of 2023 may include the following aspects: first, bright colors, such as bright yellow, orange and pink. These colors can bring vitality and liveliness. Second,clothing in spring and summer is mainly light fabrics, such as cotton, linen, silk and so on. These fabrics are not only comfortable and breathable, but also bring a light sense of wearing. Third,exaggerated design elements. In clothing design, there may be some exaggerated design elements, such as large folds and extra-long cuffs. These designs can bring a sense of fashion and uniqueness.Fourth, fresh and natural printing. Printing will become one of the popular trends in spring and summer, mainly with natural patterns,such as flowers and leaves. These elements bring lots of highlights and vitality to clothing.

It is particularly noteworthy that in the fashion trend of spring and summer in 2023, "dopamine dressing" has attracted widespread attention. Dopamine dressing means that improving the individual's mood and psychological state by wearing bright, interesting and unique clothes. This collocation concept holds that wearing pleasant clothes can stimulate the production of dopamine and increase the individual's sense of happiness and satisfaction. Some consumers hope to get a feeling of happiness and pleasure by buying clothes,which is a way of mood adjustment for them. They may pay more attention to the color, fabric and design of clothing. Moreover,people who usually like "dopamine dressing” pay more attention to individuality and self-expression, and they like to show theirunique tastes and styles through clothing. The following are some characteristics of “dopamine dressing”, just a few examples.

Bright colors

Bright and energetic colors will become the mainstream in spring and summer. This color can stimulate positive emotions and happiness. Dopamine consumers like to choose bright clothes to highlight their personalities and positive attitudes.

Originality design

Unique and creative design elements will become a popular trend. People who like“Dopamine Dressing” tend to wear interesting and innovative clothes, which can stimulate their curiosity and creativity.


Clothing has become a way to express personality and attitude. By choosing clothes that match their own styles and preferences, consumers can increase their self-identity and confidence.


Comfort is an important factor for consumers of dopamine collocation. People like to choose clothes with comfortable texture and loose styles to ensure that they can enjoy comfort while wearing them.

Generally speaking, consumers with dopamine dressing are people who pursue happiness and satisfaction, and they enhance their positive mood and psychological state by wearing pleasant clothes. They pay attention to self-expression and individuality, and also pay attention to the comfort and fashion of clothing.