
2023-07-20 03:20江丽
疯狂英语·新阅版 2023年6期



1 Lin Qiaozhi,  a specialist in womens diseases,  lived from

1901 to 1983. She had devoted her whole life to helping women of China, especially women in the countryside. Lin was born in Gulangyu, Fujian Province and was brought up by her brother. Though his family was poor, he offered her a chance to get a good education.

2 In 1921, she took the entrance exam of Peking Union Medical College. Two weeks later, she was admitted into the school. Her high score in the exam, her fluent English and her ability to deal with emergencies had impressed the exami?ners. Lin was a diligent student. However, her father died and left her very little money. Lin thought about quitting school until her brother and sister?in?law offered her financial support. Eight years of hard work paid off: Lin received the Wenhai Scholarship, the highest prize awarded to one of the universitys graduates.

3 In the summer of 1929, Lin was the first woman hired as a resident physician at Peking Union Medical College Hospitals Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. She always carried a small notebook in order to make notes and refer to medical information. After six months, she was named chief resident physician. That was a remarkable accomplishment, as it generally took at least four years for someone to reach that position.

4 Due to her outstanding work, Lins employer sent her, in July 1932, to study at medical schools in Manchester and London, in the United Kingdom. The following year, her employer sent her to Vienna, Austria, to study. In September 1939, Lin was sent to the United States to study. The following year, she was named an honorary member of the Chicago Academy of Nature. Lin gave up an opportunity to stay in America, and she returned to China in the winter of 1940.

5 Lin remained single throughout her life. In her will, she gave all of her savings to the kindergartens and nurseries in Beijing. On April 22, 1983, the 82?year?old Lin passed away. “Im going to go. Dont try to rescue me anymore. Dont waste the medicine anymore.” Those were her last words.

1. How did the author begin the topic of the text?

A. By showing different kinds of womens diseases.

B. By listing the trouble that women in the countryside had.

C. By introducing the main character briefly.

D. By mentioning the influences of the family background.

2. Why was Lin admitted to Peking Union Medical College?

A. She was open?minded and ambitious.

B. She had rich experience in curing patients.

C. She shared special opinions about womens diseases.

D. She passed the exam and dealt with emergencies well.

3. How long did it take Lin to become a chief resident physician?

A. Two weeks. B. Six months.

C. Four years. D. Eight years.

4. Whats paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. Lins further study experience.

B. Lins wonderful work.

C. Lins donation to kindergartens.

D. Lins achievements in China.

Ⅰ. 日积月累

specialist n. 专家

impress v. 使……印象深刻

diligent adj. 勤奋的

sister?in?law n. 嫂子

award v. 授予

outstanding adj. 杰出的;出色的

single adj. 单身的

bring up 抚养

offer sb a chance to do 给某人提供机会去做……

be admitted into/to 被……录取;被允许进入……

quit school 辍学

financial support 经济支持

a resident physician 住院医师

Ⅱ. 单句填空

1. You will not be admitted                 the theatre after the performance has started.

2. She                 (bring) up five children.

3. She                 (award) the prize for both films.

4. His parents offered him a chance                 (live) independently.

5. He is                 outstanding player.
