
2023-12-26 03:29焦超群杨俊峰吴晓康
电工技术学报 2023年24期

焦超群 杨 旭 杨俊峰 魏 斌 吴晓康


焦超群1杨 旭1杨俊峰1魏 斌2吴晓康2

(1. 北京交通大学电气工程学院 北京 100044 2. 中国电力科学研究院有限公司 北京 100192)


感应电能传输 多目标优化 耦合无关恒压输出 多目标粒子群优化(MOPSO)算法 Pareto解集

0 引言

感应电能传输(Inductive Power Transfer, IPT)系统由于具有较高的功率水平和效率特性,已成为无线电能传输(Wireless Power Transfer, WPT)领域的主要研究方向[1-2]。IPT系统具有安全、灵活、可靠、美观等优点,可应用于电动汽车、消费电子、植入式医疗设备、水下电气设备等领域,是替代传统有线充电方式的有效解决方案[3-5]。




本文突破了传统完全谐振参数设计方法的局限性,将IPT系统补偿参数设计问题转化为多目标优化问题。与单目标优化只能得到唯一解不同,本文建立了多目标优化模型并利用多目标粒子群优化(Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization, MOPSO)算法求解得到了Pareto最优解集。决策者根据实际需要确定各目标权重,从Pareto最优解集中筛选出合适的设计方案,以确保IPT系统在耦合系数和负载变化条件下仍然能够获得相对恒定的输出电压,同时能够高效运行。

1 基于谐振的LCC/S补偿拓扑性能分析

1.1 基于LCC/S补偿拓扑的IPT系统建模

图1 基于LCC/S补偿拓扑的感应电能传输系统

利用基波近似分析(Fundamental Harmonic Approximation, FHA)法对图1所示的IPT系统进行分析。设AB和AB分别为AB和AB的基波有效值,ab和ab分别为ab和ab的基波有效值,P和S分别为发射线圈和接收线圈的电流的有效值。设逆变器的输出电压的调制占空比为50%,则逆变器的输出电压AB以及整流桥的输入交流等效电阻eq满足


图2 基于LCC/S补偿拓扑的IPT系统等效电路


1.2 传统完全谐振补偿方法输出特性分析



2 耦合无关恒压输出型补偿拓扑优化模型

2.1 多目标优化问题描述


2.2 多目标优化建模

2.2.1 目标函数





2.2.2 约束条件






为了减少开关损耗,提高IPT系统效率,系统应工作在零电压软开关(Zero Voltage Switching, ZVS)条件下,即IPT系统的输入阻抗应为感性。输入阻抗角用角度表示,其数学表达式为




2.3 多目标优化问题求解

2.3.1 MOPSO算法流程

C. A. C. Coello等在PSO算法中引入Pareto最优求解多目标优化问题,称为MOPSO算法。MOPSO算法流程如图3所示,步骤如下:①参数初始化;②速度和位置更新;③适应度计算;④个体最优位置更新;⑤档案更新;⑥全局最优向量更新;⑦重复步骤②~步骤⑥,直到满足循环条件结束[28-29]。其中,步骤⑤档案更新共包括三轮:首先,根据支配关系进行第一轮粒子群筛选,可得到Pareto最优解集并存入档案库;然后,根据支配关系对档案库的粒子群进行筛选,去除劣解;最后,若种群数量超过存档阈值,则根据自适应网格法进行清除,网格将被重新划分[28-29]。

2.3.2 求解空间和最大粒子速度

图3 MOPSO算法流程


3 优化实例和性能分析

3.1 优化实例

表1 IPT系统相关参数


表2 传统的参数值和解空间的参考值

表3 MOPSO算法的相关参数

3.2 收敛和敏感度分析


图4 MOPSO算法的收敛性

当输入电压变化时,IPT系统的Pareto前沿对比如图5所示。当输入电压从80 V增大到120 V时,Pareto前沿几乎重合,三种不同输入电压的适应度函数值接近。在不同输出电压要求下,IPT系统的Pareto前沿对比如图6所示。当输出电压在80~120 V范围内变化时,Pareto前沿变化趋势一致,均能够获得较好的适应度函数值。因此,MOPSO算法对输入和输出变量变化不敏感,所建立的多目标优化模型与MOPSO算法具有较好的兼容性。

图5 不同输入电压下的Pareto解

3.3 Pareto最优结果

MOPSO算法经过200次迭代,档案库中先后生成的所有解如图7所示(3D图)。整个算法运行时间约为20 s,最终计算结果收敛到Pareto前沿,如图8所示(2D图)。

图6 不同输出电压下的Pareto解

图7 200次迭代的所有解

图8 Pareto最优解

3.4 仿真分析

从图8可以看出,电压波动和电感电流应力不能同时达到最优,而输入阻抗角(Input Impedance Angle, IIA)与两者没有呈正相关或负相关。因此,以电压波动最小为最高优先级,以电感电流应力和输入阻抗角为主要参考因素,在解A附近选择三个相邻解,分别用方案Ⅰ、方案Ⅱ和方案Ⅲ表示,相关参数见表4。不同耦合系数和负载下的输出电压、输入阻抗角、电感电流应力和电容电压应力分别如图9~图12所示。选定方案与传统方案进行的比较和分析结果见表5。

表4 基于权衡分析法选择的解决方案

表5 传统方案和选定方案对比

4 实验验证

4.1 实验装置


4.2 实验结果

图13 IPT系统实验样机

图14 实验波形和DC-DC效率

图15 实验波形和元器件应力

Fig.15 Experimental waveforms and component stresses



图16 输出电压随耦合系数和负载变化曲线

Fig.16 Output voltage versus coupling coefficient and load



图17 效率随耦合系数和负载变化曲线

Fig.17 Efficiency versus coupling coefficient and load


5 结论

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Coupling-Independent Constant-Voltage Output LCC/S Compensation Inductive Power Transfer System Based on Multi-Objective Optimization Theory


(1. School of Electrical Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China)

The inductive power transfer (IPT) system based on the traditional full resonance parameter design method presents the best performance only when the transmitting and receiving coils are fully coupled. Usually, the primary coil is fixed, and the position of the secondary coil is uncertain for human factors, causing lateral and longitudinal misalignment of the magnetic coupling mechanism. This misalignment of the magnetic coupling mechanism directly leads to the variation of the coupling coefficient, which may lead to a wide range of output voltage fluctuation and efficiency reduction. To obtain a relatively constant output voltage and operate efficiently under coupling coefficient and load variations, this paper overcomes the limitations of the traditional full resonance parameter design method, transforming the compensation topology parameter design problem into a multi-objective optimization problem.

Firstly, after analyzing full resonance compensation parameters, the system equations of the IPT system with LCC/S compensation topology are established using the fundamental harmonic approximation (FHA) method. A multi-objective optimization model is established. Herein, compensation topology parameters are used as optimization variables, and output voltage fluctuation reduction and system efficiency improvement are as the optimization objectives. The constraints are maximum inductance passing current, maximum capacitor withstanding voltage, and zero voltage switching (ZVS). Then, a case is designed, and the multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm is used to solve the multi-objective optimization model. Three optimization schemes are selected from the Pareto optimal solution set according to the actual needs, and the simulation analysis is carried out. Finally, based on the multi-objective optimization theory, an experimental platform is built to verify the coupling-independent constant output characteristics and efficient operation characteristics of the compensation parameter design method. The experimental results show that when the coupling coefficient of the IPT system varies in the range of 0.20~0.32, and the equivalent load resistance varies in the range of 50~60W, the output voltage fluctuation rate (VFR) of the optimized scheme is less than 9.0%. In the whole range of coupling coefficient and load variation, the minimum efficiency is 87.5%, and the maximum efficiency is 93.2%. Compared with the efficiency of the traditional scheme (70.0%~86.3%), the efficiency of the optimized scheme is also greatly improved.

Different from single-objective optimization, which provides only a single solution, the multi-objective optimization model established in this paper can get the Pareto optimal solution set through the MOPSO algorithm. The decision maker determines the weight of each object according to the actual needs and selects the appropriate design scheme from the Pareto optimal solution set. Thus, the IPT system can still obtain a relatively constant output voltage and operate efficiently when the coupling coefficient and load change. This method has high flexibility and wide applicability. It is suitable for optimizing compensation topologies that satisfy features like coupling and load-independent constant output, high efficiency, low device stress, zero voltage switching, and more.

Inductive power transfer, multi-objective optimization, coupling-independent constant voltage output, multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm, Pareto solutions






焦超群 男,1976年生,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电磁场理论及其应用、大功率IGBT器件、无线电能传输技术等。E-mail: chqjiao@bjtu.edu.cn

杨 旭 男,1987年生,博士研究生,研究方向电力电子变换器、无线电能传输技术等。E-mail: yangxuican@bjtu.edu.cn(通信作者)

(编辑 陈 诚)

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