
2024-03-03 00:32山东李全忠
疯狂英语·新读写 2024年1期

山东 李全忠

主题语境:夏令营 篇幅:322词 建议用时:6分钟

1Many of us have memories of spending weeks at camp learning new things, making new friends, and exploring new possibilities. Camp No Limits provides the empowering camp experience for kids whose differences can feel like an obstacle (障碍) in traditional camp settings. Camp No Limits proves that there is no reason limb(肢)differences should take away from the fun!

2Established in 2004, Camp No Limits provides sleep-away camps for children with limb differences at 11 different locations.“When I was in school, we really had a very limited amount of time that was spent discussing individuals with limb differences,”said founder Mary Leighton.

3Camp No Limits has now reached over 1400 children in 1200 families. The families are a vital part of the Camp No Limits vision. Kids are often accompanied by family members who stay at the camp. Members of support systems are able to form relationships with other families in the community. One of the greatest impacts of Camp No Limits is forming a network of families who can rely on each other.

4“There are other kids out there, but depending on what circles you travel, you just don't see them that often,”said Rosanne, who accompanied her 12-year-old daughter to camp.“It's a good opportunity for her to meet some other kids, and talk about, you know,what they're going through. It's just good mentally.”With the assistance of passionate instructors, campers often leave Camp No Limits with new skills.8-year-old Anya, for example, left camp being able to ride a bike again, which she hadn't done since losing her left leg to cancer.

5Camp No Limits is making a great impact on every individual that it hosts. From the instructors who are developing skills, to the campers who are feeling inspiration, Camp No Limits achieves its mission to empower and connect individuals affected by limb differences.




1.What do we know about Camp No Limits from paragraphs 1 and 2?

A.Its founder is disabled herself.

B.It has a history of nearly 20 years.

C.It has 11 branches all over the country.

D.It aims to improve campers'independence.


2.What's one of the biggest influences of Camp No Limits?

A.Teaching many new skills to kids.

B.Giving kids chances of making new friends from different families.

C.Forming a network of families trusting each other.

D.Establishing a close relationship between kids and parents.


3.What was Rosanne's attitude towards the camp?

A.She thought it full of imagination.

B.She thought it full of challenges.

C.She thought it greatly helpful.

D.She thought it very limited.


4.What's the author's purpose in writing the text?

A.To promote an organization.

B.To warn about the risks when camping.

C.To tell an inspiring and adventurous story.

D.To tell readers failure is the mother of success.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

8-year-old Anya, for example, left camp being able to ride a bike again, which she hadn't done since losing her left leg to cancer.例如,8 岁的安雅离开营地后能够再次骑自行车了,自从因癌症失去左腿后,她就再也没有骑过自行车。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。句中的being able to...是现在分词短语作伴随状语;which引导非限制性定语从句。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

1.Reading is of ________importance in language learning.

2.I tend to have a different answer, ________the family.

3.Dreams can be a rich source of ________for an artist.

4.I love to cook,but I don't ________spending the energy to do it every day.

5.The school has ________a successful relationship with the local community.

6.I have learned that education, experience and memories are three things that no one can________you.

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