
2024-04-05 23:30
疯狂英语·新策略 2024年1期



Reading Check

1~4 AABD


Reading Check

1~4 BCAD


Reading Check

1~4 CCDB


Reading Check

1~4 DABA




1~4 ABCC


1.It is; that help us overcome the toughest times

2.always striving for personal growth and achievements

3.that have been instilled in us


Dear soon-to-be graduates,

As we celebrate our graduation, I wish you misfortune and happiness.May you embrace ups and downs in the future.

Looking back at our high school journey, we have experienced a roller coaster of emotions.It's through the challenges we faced that we became stronger and more mature.Let's cherish these moments and let them drive us forward.

Life is a delicate balance of highs and lows.So I wish misfortune and happiness upon you.May you face misfortune headon with resilience, and may you find joy in simple moments that you will always cherish.

As we bid farewell to each other, let us carry with us the values and principles that have been instilled in us, knowing that they will guide us towards success and fulfillment.

Thank you,and best wishes.




1.while they made the French toast

2.coming towards me, his small body rocking from side to side; swung his feet forward

3.Feeling stronger now; walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake


1.I couldn't help glancing at her

2.The embarrassment was heavy like a dark shadow

3.I was sitting alone with my head down when suddenly a figure approached

4.surprised to find Rishi in front of me

5.Blushed,she broke the silence

6.Tears streaming down

7.I stood up and reached out to hug her

8.I am always grateful for her stepping up to make up with me

9.deep down

10.all the argument is just about helping us to grow into better individuals instead of enemies

11.always cherish their presence


主题1 迥然不同的搭档

Paragraph 1:

We started to meet regularly to draw up our plans.When I looked at my teammate's serious face and bit the bullet to ask him some questions, he answered with his precise language and icy tone, which made me feel a mixture of admiration for his intelligence and discomfort about his indifference.To keep up with his pace, I completely gave up my idle ways and immersed myself in the project.Gradually, he changed his aloof attitude and even offered me help.It seemed that we had gone from strangers to comrades in arms.

Paragraph 2:

One day I got word that he was admitted to hospital for a serious disease.That meant I would have to finish the project alone.I felt like I had been hit on the head by a mallet.To my comfort, as I expressed my concern by his bed, my teammate told me that he trusted me.I began to pour more energy into the project than I had ever done before.Finally, I was able to share our research findings with the class and succeeded earning a good grade for both of us.Tears of excitement and gratitude blurred my vision.But for my partner,nothing like this could have happened.So when he thumbed up with a rare big grin,it suddenly dawn on me that we were to become kind of lifelong friends.

主题2 音乐天才遇知音

Paragraph 1:

When Teachers' Day came around,Hamed had a plan.It was a tradition of the school to have a concert for the teachers.Every class had an opportunity to play his/her role on this day.Hamed convinced the class to let Mohi perform.Short of ideas,the class agreed.On the day of the concert,both the teachers and students were surprised to see the school's clumsiest student walking on stage with a violin.When he started to play, the audience fell silent.Jaws dropped.As the last note ended,there was a moment of silence.Then the audience erupted into thunderous applause.Mohi became a super star and had many fans in his final year of the school.

Paragraph 2:

Today,Mohi is a student pursuing music and Hamed is still his best friend.Mohi is on a scholarship pursuing music in Austria.Some days, he still arrives to class wearing an inside-out shirt or a pair of mismatched shoes.He is still wearing smiles on his face.But no one laughs at him anymore.He says that thanks to Hamed, he has gained confidence and real friendship.


Paragraph 1:

I began to question myself.You just came all the way to Africa to shovel elephant dung? Maybe my dream of Africa was a silly childhood vision.Maybe I was lost and should have spent this money on therapy instead.What would my friends and co-workers say if they could see me now, knee-deep in dung, barely able to lift this heavy shovel? They'd think I was a fool.Humiliation began to creep over me and engulf me even.Throwing the shovel away,I dropped myself onto the ground.

Paragraph 2:

But at that moment I remembered Gary' s words“step out of your comfort zone”.I needed to have the courage of a lion.Lions don' t complain.They' re the king of the jungle because there's nowhere they won't go.And I'm in Africa.This elephant dung will help feed a village, and I should contribute to something meaningful.I dug in deep.This was my dream.As I became heavy with appreciation, the shovel lightened up.The joy of being in this place was even greater than I had imagined and dreamed of.



Task 1


1~3 ACD

Task 2

本文是一篇信息性文本。文章讲述了ARTogether 过去和现在的一些社区研讨会和活动。

1~3 ACD


Task 1


1~4 ADBC

Task 2


1~4 DABD

Task 3


1~4 DBCA


Task 1

本文是一篇说明文。在贫民窟里长大的Jeremiah Thoronka 看到人们因为能源匮乏而生活艰辛,发明了将车辆和道路上的行人产生的震动转化为电流的设备。

1~4 CCAD

Task 2


1~4 DBCC

Task 3


1~4 CDAB

Task 4


1~4 DDCB

Task 5


1~4 ACBD


Task 1


1~4 CCDA

Task 2


1~4 CABA

Task 3


1~4 ABDA

Task 4


1~4 BDCA


Task 1


1~4 DBDC

Task 2

本文是一本图画书的相关介绍。一本名为《当恐龙征服天空:鸟类进化的不可思议的故事》的新图画书解释了鸟类是恐龙的科学观点,作者是Jingmai O'Connor。文章对这本书和作者的理念进行了介绍。

1~4 ACDB

Task 3


1~4 BDAC

Task 4


1~4 BACA
