
2024-05-07 04:29王帅张红梅刘广燕宋金莲郝贵亮刘成玉
青岛大学学报(医学版) 2024年1期

王帅 张红梅 刘广燕 宋金莲 郝贵亮 刘成玉

[收稿日期]2023-02-23;  [修订日期]2023-04-06







[摘要]  目的


方法  分别于2020年3月16日—3月22日的新冠病毒感染暴发期及2021年7月19日—7月25日的新冠病毒感染的常态化防控期,通过网络问卷平台发放SCL-90问卷,对医学生的心理健康状况进行调查,并与常模及同期的非医学生进行对比分析。

结果  暴发期间医学生的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、恐怖及总均分均高于全国常模(t=2.293~12.426,P<0.05);医学生的焦虑均分显著高于非医学生,非医学生的恐怖均分显著高于医学生,女生的强迫均分高于男生,本科生的恐怖因子均分高于研究生(t=1.992~2.800,P<0.05)。常态化防控期间医学生的抑郁、焦虑及恐怖均分均高于全国常模(t=3.617~4.238,P<0.05),非医学生的抑郁、恐怖均分及GSI均显著高于医学生(t=2.444~3.003,P<0.05),本科医学生的躯体化因子分及总均分均高于研究生(t=3.384、3.639,P<0.05)。暴發期间医学生的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、精神病性、其他均分及总均分均显著高于防控期间(t=2.765~7.970,P<0.05)。同时,参与了前后两次调查的508名学生,其疫情暴发期间的躯体化、强迫、抑郁、焦虑、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性、其他均分以及总均分,均显著高于常态化防控期间(t=2.634~64.516,P<0.05)。

结论  新冠疫情可导致医学生产生焦虑、抑郁及恐惧等不良心理反应,在疫情防控期间应采取积极的应对措施,尽早干预,对医学生的心理健康有积极意义。

[关键词]  应激,心理学;新型冠状病毒感染;学生,医科;调查和问卷

[中图分类号]  R395;R563.12

[文献标志码]  A

[文章编号]  2096-5532(2024)01-0137-04



[网络出版]  https://link.cnki.net/urlid/37.1517.R.20240326.1141.004;2024-03-28  16:07:20

Effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the psychological status of medical students at different stages

WANG Shuai, ZHANG Hongmei, LIU Guangyan, SONG Jinlian, HAO Guiliang, LIU Chengyu

\ (Clinical Laboratory of Qingdao Women and Childrens Hospital Affiliated to Qingdao University, Qingdao 266034, China)

\; [Abstract]\ Objective\ To investigate the impact of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic on the mental health status of medical students at different stages, and to provide a reference for psychological intervention.

Methods\ During the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak period of March 16 to March 22 in 2020 and the regular prevention and control period of July 19 to July 25 in 2021, the Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) questionnaire was delivered through the online questionnaire platform to investigate the mental health of medical students for comparisons with the norm and non-medical students at the same time.

\ Results\ During the outbreak period, the medical students showed significantly higher mean scores of somatization, obsessive-compulsion, depression, anxiety, phobic anxiety, and the Global Severity Index (GSI) compared with the national norms (t=2.293-12.426,P<0.05); the mean anxiety score of the medical students was significantly higher than that of the non-medical students; the mean phobic anxiety score of the non-medical students was significantly higher than that of the medical students; the girls had a significantly higher mean obsessive-compulsion score than the boys; the mean score of phobic anxiety was significantly higher in the undergraduate students than in the graduate students (t=1.992-2.800,P<0.05). During the regular prevention and control period, the mean scores of depression, anxiety, and phobic anxiety of the medical students were significantly higher compared with the national norms (t=3.617-4.238, P<0.05); the mean scores of depression, phobic anxiety, and GSI of the non-medical students were significantly higher than those of the medical students (t=2.444-3.003,P<0.05); the mean scores of so-

matization and GSI were significantly higher in the undergraduate students than in the graduate students (t=3.384,3.639,P<0.05). For the medical students, the mean scores of somatization, obsessive-compulsion, depression, psychoticism, additional items, and GSI were significantly higher in the outbreak period than in the regular prevention and control period (t=2.765-7.970,P<0.05). Among the 508 students who responded to both surveys, the mean scores of somatization, obsessive-compulsion, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, psychoticism, additio-

nal items, and GSI were significantly higher during the outbreak period than during the regular prevention and control period (t=2.634-64.516,P<0.05).

\ Conclusion\ The SARS-CoV-2 epide-

mic can cause anxiety, depression, fear, and other psychological stress in medical students. During the epidemic prevention and control period, active measures should be taken as soon as possible to positively influence the mental health of medical students.

[Key words]\ stress, psychological; COVID-1; students, medica; surveys and questionnaires


1  对象与方法

1.1  调查对象

本次共调查青岛大学医学生3 172名。其中,疫情暴发期间(A组)1 666名,年龄(21.29±2.02)岁;本科生1 396名,研究生270名;男生701名,女生965名。常态化防控期间(B组)1 506名,年龄(21.39±2.01)岁;本科生1 268名,研究生238名;男生662名,女生844名。同时,以同期的非医学专业的学生作为对照。其中,疫情暴发期间(C组)812名,年龄(21.14±1.79)岁;本科生658名,研究生154名;男生369名,女生443名。常态化防控期间(D组)858名,年龄(21.29±1.88)岁;本科生708名,研究生150名;男生412名,女生446名。所有调查对象对本研究内容均已知情同意。

1.2  调查方法



1.3  质量控制


1.4  统计分析

采用SPSS 23.0软件进行数据统计分析。计数资料采用例数(n)或百分比(%)表示,组间比较采用χ2检验;计量资料采用±s表示,两组间均数比较采用两独立样本t检验或配对t检验。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2  结  果

疫情暴发期间收回问卷2 540份,医学生的有效问卷为1 666份,非医学生的有效问卷为812份,有效率为97.5%;常态化防控期间收回问卷2 509份,医学生的有效问卷1 506份,非医学生的有效问卷为858份,有效率为94.2%。根据IP判断,同时参与了两次调查的医学生有508名。

2.1  疫情暴发期间和常态化防控期间的SCL-90得分变化



2.2  疫情暴发期间和常态化防控期间不同类型医学生SCL-90得分变化


3  讨  论






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(本文编辑  牛兆山)
