
2013-10-31 08:17撰文西班牙佩德罗卡尔拉萨马汀尼兹西班牙路易斯里贝罗翻译邝嘉儒
风景园林 2013年6期

撰文:(西班牙)佩德罗 · 卡尔拉萨 · 马汀尼兹 (西班牙)路易斯 · 里贝罗翻译:邝嘉儒

Text by:Pedro Calaza-MARTÍNEZ(ES) Luis RIBEIRO(ES) Translation by:KUANG Jia-ru

1 导言



2 背景与文献综述


越来越多科学证据表明,与各种类型的绿色空间(GS)互动能够明显改善健康,或用伊里治 弗洛姆与威尔逊(1984)的原创词来说,能够“亲身感受(biophilic feeling)”到健康的改善(图02)。而马斯等人(2006)的研究证实,人们居住环境中的绿色空间数量与人们的健康意识之间存在着正比关系。其他研究则表示,居住在设有绿色基础设施环境的居民,其人均寿命比较长,更喜欢进行体育活动,而且更健康。如果我们仍记得世界卫生组织(WHO)对健康的定义:“健康不仅为疾病或羸弱之消除,而系体格、精神与社会之完全健康状态”,那么我们能够推断,公众健康与城市绿色规划之间存在着直接的联系,因为健康被定义为是一种不仅仅是身体(生物方面)与心理现象,更是一种社会现象。



图01 拉科鲁尼亚:a 地址;b地貌。Fig.01 La Coruña:(a) Location.(b) Physiognomy.

图02 享受自然的人们。关系:人+自然+绿色国土规划:公众健康+福利。Fig.02 People enjoy nature.Biophilic relationship:people+nature+green territorial planning:public health+welfare.


3 目的与目标


图03 拉科鲁尼亚市关于绿色空间的可达性与最小尺寸的适用性研究图表。Fig.03 Scheme of the study of applicability at LCG in terms of accessibility and minimum size.

图04 18世纪以来拉科鲁尼亚市的国土城市规划发展。Fig.04 Territorial urban planning evolution of La Coruña since XVIII century.


4 研究方法


我们使用SWOT分析,评估绿色基础设施规划中必须考虑的不同变量,同时还应用了绿色空间分布的地域分析。为了研究绿色廊道以及绿色基础设施对于公众健康的重要性,我们利用GVSIG项目,以可达性为依据,把距离最小的绿色区域300m为最大距离作为参考,对绿色廊道与绿色基础设施对于拉科鲁尼亚市的适用性进行了评估。该方法是由CE(ECI,2003)提议、根据自然英格兰机构的可达自然绿色空间标准(ANGST )和其他的学术研究来制定的(图03)。

根据UE的推荐,我们选定的绿色区域的最小尺寸为5 000m2(除了交通中央分隔带以及难以到达的绿色区域之外)。这一尺寸能够满足人们在远离都市繁嚣的自然环境中进行各种能够预防糖尿病与高胆固醇等疾病的体育活动,如散步或慢跑最少30分钟等。


5 结果

表01 拉科鲁尼亚市绿色空间面积分布

5.1 改善拉科鲁尼亚市(LCG)绿色规划的必要性

在欧洲,有许多不同层次的绿色基础设施实施举措与建议(马萨等人,2011;诺曼等人,2011),并逐日在不同情况得到应用。它们虽各具特色,但由于各种现实障碍,如技术障碍、财政障碍、物理障碍与法律障碍,或仅仅是因为对这一领域的知识认识不深而非都大获成功,但总体来说这些障碍都是可以克服的。拉科鲁尼亚市作为最具城市化的自治区,是众多高密度(6 417居住人口/km2)中型城市(310 000常住人口)的案例中比较值得关注的一个。该市的绿色空间在尺寸、外观(半岛)与类型上都十分独特,为城市带来了别致的特色。但当谈及绿色空间结构改善、绿色系统规划与管理优化,拉科鲁尼亚市同样存在着一定的困难。

拉科鲁尼亚市拥有良好的海(传统港口与新的对外港口)、陆(N VI与A9)、空(阿尔维德罗机场)交通基础设施,但其辖区面积却十分有限(97.83 km2)。这不仅阻碍了该市的空间增长,同时引起了大量问题。实际上,拉科鲁尼亚市是西班牙人口密度最大的城市之一,其人口比1900年已经翻了五番。该市现状与历史发展的研究显示,该市的国土开发与自然之间的整合其实并不协调(图04)。

图05 a 拉科鲁尼亚市绿色区域的空间分布;b 绿色空间的可达性分析(面积>5 000m2,距离<300m)与重点区域标记;c 绿色廊道网络,PGOM 2012的高园以及枢纽中心整合与连接提案。Fig.05 (a) Spatial distribution of green areas in La Coruña.(b) Accessibility analysis to green spaces with S >5 000 m2 and distance <300m.Critic zones identification. (c) Green corridors network,Parque Alto of PGOM 2012 and proposal of hubs (natural,historic and cultural) incorporation and connections.




5.2 空间分析




虽然大多数公园与花园都是小于1 000m2的微型空间,但总体来说拉科鲁尼亚市的公园与花园系统的分布是相当广泛的(表01)。实际上,几乎100%的居民都能够在半径为300m的范围内接触到绿色空间(任何类型与尺寸),但几乎没有人能够接触到最小面积为5 000m2的公园,因为所有的大型公园都只建造在城市最边缘的区域。这些公园一部分是通过利用废弃军事设施而进行设计的,如面积达205 000m2的圣佩德罗公园(图06),它从某种意义上保护了该地的自然生物多样性。面积为600 000m2的本斯公园则是通过老市政区域设计设计改造而成(图07),其前身是一个废弃城市垃圾填埋场,而面积为50 000m2的圣玛格丽塔公园则来自旧城市野营区的改造。

图06 圣佩德罗公园(废弃军事用地):a 俯瞰图;b 迷宫。Fig.06 San Pedroñs park (old military battery).:(a)Aerial view.(b) Maze.

图07 本斯公园(废弃城市垃圾堆填区)。Fig.07 Ben´s park (old municipal garbage dump).

图08 LCG的潜在枢纽中心示意图与改善绿色基础设施的绿色连接点。Fig.08 Scheme of the potential hubs in LCG and green connection points to improve green infrastructure.




6 西班牙其他实践的分析


维多利亚市的居住人口与拉科鲁尼亚市十分接近(243 298人),而密度相对较小,约840人/km2。该市的绿色规划是西班牙的范例,而且被誉为“绿色欧洲之都(2012)”。该市的城市绿带是上世纪90年代初的一个宏大计划的成果,是一组拥有高生态与景观价值的、由廊道相互连接的郊区公园。最近的一个研究表明,维多利亚市的城市绿带在某种程度上能够让人们在穿越到城市另外一个地方时享受到西班牙最好的生活质量。该研究调查了西班牙30个城市,涉及11项相关指标,并指出最大的担忧在于公众健康。


另外一个例子是巴伦西亚。该市拥有较高的城市密度(5 995.7人/km2),而且都市区由4个宏伟的景观聚合而成,环境优美,拥有优质景观资源。他们尝试将景观与城市环境以及农业、文化与自然空间连接起来并进行共同保护,用的就是我们案例中关于枢纽中心中提议的方法。最后一个例子是穆尔西亚自治区(430 571居住人口)。虽然它只是一个区域性的实践,但其在参与的欧洲项目(保护与享受自然)中关于运用财政、技术与政治手段实行绿色基础设施措施的实践方面上引起了我们浓厚的兴趣。

图0 9 历史枢纽中心:a 门德斯努涅斯历史花园(1867);b 圣卡洛斯历史花园(1834)。Fig.09 Historical hubs:(a) Mendez Núñez historical garden(1867).(b) San Carlos Historical gardens (1834).

图10 海格力士塔(世界遗产)。公元前1世纪。文化枢纽中心。Fig.10 Hercules´ Tower (World Heritage).1st century BC.Cultural hub.

图11 卡斯特罗埃尔维纳遗址(公元前3世纪),文化枢纽中心。Fig.11 Castro de Elviña(3rd century AC.),Cultural hub.

图12 UNESCO划分的生物圈保护区中“拉科鲁尼亚海洋与陆地生物圈保护区”的典型景观图。Fig.12 View of typical landscape of“Mariñas coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo”declared Reserve Biosphere by UNESCO.

图13 拉科鲁尼亚市的城市空间与城郊农业区域连接的可能性,以及西班牙保护空间网络。Fig.13 Potentiality of La Coruña city spatial connection with the peripheral agricultural zones and network of protected spaces in Spain.

图14 新城市规划:绿色基础设施、人、城市、健康以及福利。Fig.14 New Urban planning:Green infrastructure,people,cities,health and welfare.

图15 梅拉灯塔(拉科鲁尼亚)。UNESCO划分的生物圈保护区中“拉科鲁尼亚海洋与陆地生物圈保护区”的典型景观图。Fig.15 Lighthouse at Mera (La Coruña).Typical landscape of“Mariñas coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo”declared Reserve Biosphere by UNESCO.

7 SWOT分析

7.1 优势


7.2 劣势


7.3 机会


7.4 威胁


8 讨论与总结


综合前期的研究工作,结合SWOT矩阵图与地理研究,我们可以看到,在拉科鲁尼亚市建设绿色基础设施存在着巨大的战略机遇。通过实施这一战略,人们就能够方便到达并使用300m以内的尺寸为5 000m2以上的大型绿色空间。这样,既达到欧洲标准,也改善了公众健康(图14)。


1 Introduction

The last UNFPA statistical data showed that over the 50% of the world's population has lived in urban areas since 2010.Although it's true that cities offer multiple opportunities (jobs,knowledge,culture,…) also it is true that they have a negative aspect in everything related with the fast pace of life,the lack of leisure areas,the social incohesion and public health.Among the different alternatives that may be suggested to try to minimize this problem and look for more healthy cities,inside a global sustainability framework,stands out the green infrastructure (GI).As we know,green infrastructure,regardless of their different conceptual approaches and contexts,discussed deeply by many authors (Benedict and McMahon,2006;Sylwester,2009),is a strong multiscale planning strategy whose use is booming in the international panorama.Undeniably,both GI and its various components as green corridors,parks,gardens,etc ...have a strong nature of multifunctionality that is supported by numerous scientific and technical studies (Fabos,1995;Tzoulas et al.2007) and form a complex system that produces multiple benefits,including public health (PH).

In a case study of the city of La Coruña(northeast of Spain,Fig.01) (LCG),we have analyzed as the approach of GI on a municipal and provincial scale may be the suitable solution to numerous existing problems in medium-sized cities,with a high population density and with some appearance peculiarities,geographical siting and psychology barriers,connecting it with the benefits that are generated to public health in a double aspect:prevention and economical savings.

2 Background and Literature Review

We are aware that the rapid urbanization has caused numerous changes in public health and in social welfare because the nature has been replaced with modern environments,holding the population up to complicated situations.This fact is aggravated in more overcrowded cities with little public space where the incidence of diseases is greater owing to a lack of space to practice sports,heat island effect,greater level of pollution,etc.It is the case of cities as LCG which do not offer,in general,some appropriate surroundings for the inhabitants above all because they lack suitable areas that cause numerous and valuable ecosystemic benefits that work synergistically like palliative of diseases and systems of public health prevention.

A rising body of scientific evidences suggests that the contact with green spaces (GS) in its different typologies improves the health visibly,perhaps,by the biophilic feeling,a term coined by Erich Fromm and Wilson (1984) (Fig.02).A study of Maas et al.(2006) shows a positive relationship among the number of green spaces in the environment where people live and their health perception.Other studies show that the residents of areas with a suitable GI have a longer longevity,do more physical activity and are healthier.If we remember the definition adopted by the WHO:"health is a state of complete physical,mental,and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity",we can deduce a direct connection with the green planning of the cities because health is considered as a phenomenon not only somatic (biological) and psychological,but also social.

It is important to keep in mind that one of the GI benefits is to protect vulnerable populations from factors that cause diseases,that is,the primary preventive intervention (PPI) of a public health system that is applied before disease occurs,as a result the most effective one,in economic savings and the fight against these diseases.This perspective appears from the PH origins and has been considered by its founders as Virchow.Therefore,we share the ideas of Kuppuswamy (2009) who indicates that there exists a clear need to evaluate the potential economic implications of the GI linked to health effects and the budget of health services facilitating interdisciplinary studies for urban planning.

The advantage of the use of territorial planning approaches that it is aimed at the hybridization between grey and green infrastructure is evident,on an urban scale,in numerous studies and theories that pursue the use of technical and scientific guidelines to make a more modern urbanism and nicer environments,or as Mohsen Mostafavi quoted,an ecological urbanism,landscape urbanism according to Charles Waldheim or James Corner approaches,looking for "landscape in the city and the city in the landscape" and,in a landscape planning and design more coherent in the conceptual line of the greenways (Fábos,1995)and green infrastructure (Benedict and McMahon,2006).The result of this perspective,in short,and by definition is multiscalar (municipality,region,state…) and multifunctional because it generates different types of benefits such as a) minimize the effects of climate change:temperature regulation,fixation of CO2,VOCs and O3,b) regeneration territories;c) conservation of biodiversity and wildlife,d) improving interaction,inclusion and social cohesion (Forest Research,2008),e)economic growth and investment.But perhaps one of the most important is the aim of this paper:f) public health and well-being,GI is the key for improvement both physically and psychologically,recognition based on a body of evidences that shows that it can improve the quality of life,psychological health,welfare,increase life expectancy,etc.Many studies show that the use of vegetation is suitable to fight these diseases such as asthma and to minimize the presence of sunburn and skin cancer by lowering the temperature.Tzoulas et al.(2007) studied the implementation of GI and public health in its different variants(cardiovascular,immune,respiratory,digestive,skeletal,stress,positive emotions,attention and cognitive ability).In particular,it is associated with relaxation and to combat depression and promote general health (Stigsdotter,2005).Furthermore,Ribeiro and Dias (2010) argue that the benefits generated by green corridors can strongly contribute to place the urban landscape on the right track to improve the quality of cities and therefore its competitiveness.Another important point in this topic is the location and accessibility;there are different studies and experiences that relate directly the size,quality and location of green areas improvements in quality of life and public health(Maas et al.,2006).All these benefits represent convincing arguments that can serve as base for change proposals in territorial planning and to add new natural elements like thousands of trees,as it happened in New York (Wells,2012).

The implementation of GI strategies at municipal level represents a competitive benefit of comprehensive planning more effective that reinforces the areas character,improves the connectivity and the cohesivity,the biodiversity,minimizes the fragmentation and works in more rational parameters of ecological coherence and of preservation,part of these proposals has been analyzed by different authors like Ribero and Barao(2006).And the other hand,it includes strategies to protect the landmarks,population identity and to avoid deterioration processes of urban landscape,of urbanalización,term coined by the Spanish geographer Frances Muñoz who combines the two Spanish words urbanización (urbanization)and banalización (trivialize).Through all these perspectives,we put forward a thesis that GI can contribute significantly to improve public health and quality of life,with the consequent economical savings,for that,the accessibility of all population to this kind of spaces must be guaranteed.

3 Goals and Objectives

The main purpose of this study is to explore,conceptualize and show,through LCG's case study,that GI is a necessary planning strategy for improving competitiveness and quality of life and are the key to reduce public health problems in its double aspect,prevention and an economical savings.Our objective is to consider the suitability of integrating these approaches in medium-sized cities with a high population density and with singular characteristics of appearance,size and types of green spaces such as the city of La Coruña.An incorporation that allows to suggest strategies to guarantee the accessibility of all the citizens to green spaces and guarantee the ecological connectivity.

Moreover,the possibility of suturing and giving continuity to this green local strategy with the candidacy of "Mariñas coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo" for World Biosphere Reserve by Unesco is being studied,because it represents a hub with natural value and the opening of Northern Spain ecological network which extends from Pyrenees to the Atlantic Ocean.

4 Methods

The methodology involves the analysis and estimation of the current state of the green system and the new masterplan of La Coruña.The analysis is drawn from different perspectives:continuity of the system of green spaces,areas of influence,spatial distribution,type,accessibility and harmonization with European standards.

A SWOT analysis to evaluate the different variables that had to be taken into account in the proposal of the GI planning and a territorial analysis of green spaces distribution were used.To study the thesis that the green corridors and the GI are very important to the improvement of the PH,it was evaluated,by means of the GVSIG program,its applicability to La Coruña city in terms of accessibility,defined by using a maximum distance of 300 m to some green area of a minimum size determined as a reference,measure proposed by the CE (ECI,2003) and recommended by ANGST of Natural England (2010) and different studies like Wendel-Vos et al.(2004) among others (Fig.03).

The minimum size selected is 5000m2(dismissing those areas in median strips and hard to access locations) as recommended by UE and it meet the appropriate conditions to do different physical activities like walking or jogging for a minimum of 30 minutes,the recommended daily value of exercise to fight against diabetes,cholesterol,etc,by enjoying a natural environment unconnected with urban life.

Also,potential ecological networks,that allow to improve the accessibility,hubs (of natural,historic or social value) and connection points with the most agricultural periurban areas that offer spatial continuity of green mass,were identified.The approach is enriched with the incorporation of viewpoints emanated from the analysis of green strategies in other cities of Spain.

5 Results

5.1 The Need to Improve the Green Planning of La Coruña (LCG)

In Europe there are numerous initiatives and recommendations for GI implementation at different scales (Mazza et al.,2011;Nauman et al.,2011),and day by day applied in more scenarios with different characteristics,with more or less success due to the existence of barriers,often surmountable,of technical,financial,physical and legal nature,or simply because of a lack of deep knowledge of this philosophy.The case of the city of LCG,the most urban of this autonomous community,is an interesting case of medium-sized city (310,000 real inhabitants) with a high density(6417 inhab./km2) that shows singularities in size,appearance (peninsula),typology of green spaces,urban peculiarities,that lend a special character to the city and,also,problems when it comes time to can improve its structure and to suggest a strategic change of planning and management of its green system.

The city has very good transport infrastructures,by land (N VI and A9),sea (traditional harbor and new foreign harbor) and air (Alvedro airport) but it has a very little municipal area (37.83Km2) which prevents its spatial growth and causes the mass situation,in fact is one of the cities with greatest population density of Spain,which has been increased fivefold since 1900.The analysis of the current situation and of the historic evolution shows up that a territorial development of integration with the most natural part has not been followed (Fig.04).

The new master plan (PGOM),which raises these approaches although some what away from the more academic line,represents an interesting starting point with adequate proposals as Parque Alto,although,as a constructive criticism,only gives some limited proposals superficially from a more comprehensive and complex perspective in the GI conceptual line (connectivity,multifunctional,public health,accessibility,…).

Another important handicap perceived in La Coruña is that the marked rural character of Galicia,in general,and of the periurban areas of the city,in particular,and the other side,a great advantage which would be able to serve as a link with the more urbanest parts,has stressed the psychological perception of the GI different parts enormously,which means that the population does not understand the approach of this kind of territorial planning.

In the same way,this green system seems interesting to be sutured with adjacent areas,taking advantage of the possible declaration of a World Biosphere Reserve of "Mariñas coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo",UNESCO candidate,which includes neighboring municipalities,as it would mean giving continuity to the ecological network in northern Spain and open it to the Atlantic.

5.2 Spatial Analysis

The first analysis relating to the situation of GS in LGC supplies us with the details to know if the citizens' needs are well covered and the zones whose green system need be improved.To this end,an analysis with influence zones of 300 m(dismissing those areas located in median strips and hard to access places) was carried out.After GIS analysis,we identified the weak points where would be precise to make proposals (Fig.05) to guarantee the accessibility of all the population.

The results emanated of the current situation show that there is a ratio of 8,2m2/inhab.,very close to the ratio proposed by WHO,although on the international level exists quite controversy,for example,Abercrombie suggested 16,2m2/inhab.in his plan to London (1943-1944).Currently,developed countries are adopting a general standard of green space of 20m2park area per capita.If this standard is adopted,we have a lot of hard work ahead of us.

It is estimated that the spatial distribution of green areas is adequate,although the most are small GS.For this reason,it is proposed that the critical points were analyzed based on results of GIS analysis (Fig.05),in spite of they are also important because,as Fu and Zhao (2010) pointed out in their study,sometimes they are more frequently used to rest and to do exercise since,in certain situations,the residents prefer near small areas than far and big zones.

The spatial distribution of parks and gardens system is very broad although the most part of them(177) are microspaces smaller than 1000m2(Table 1),in fact,almost the 100% of the residences have access to green zones (any type and size) within a radius of 300 meters,but few of them have access to parks of minimum dimensions (>5000m2).Large parks exist only in the most perimeter zones,parks that have been designed ex novo using either old military installations,thanks to which,in certain way,a great natural biodiversity has been kept and it was possible to outline a 205,000m2park (San Pedro Park) (Fig.06) or old municipal areas like Bens Park (600,000m2) (Fig.07),old municipal landfill,or Saint Margarita Park,old urban camping(50,000m2).

Different areas,that would be able to work perfectly as hubs (Fig.08),have been identified and classified in three typologies:a) natural:Parque de los Rosales.Parque de la Torre de Hércules.Paseo marítimo del Portiño.Punta Herminia;b)Historic Gardens:Méndez Nuñez (1867) (Fig.09.a).Jardín de San Carlos (1834) (Fig.09.b).Plaza de Azcarraga (circa 1896) and c) Cultural:Parque de la Torre de Hércules (World Heritage)(Fig.10) and Castro de Elviña (Fig.11).These cores would be able to be part of the backbone of the spatially interconnected new system,linked by means of corridors and offering new spaces and opportunities to be in touch with nature.

One factor hugely important besides the quantity is the quality,in that sense,the municipal government is generous because it is one of the city councils of Spain that invests the most ratio of euros/m2in its management and the result is very positive in population opinion.

Regarding green corridors,the new PGOM proposal has been analyzed and it has been complemented with new contributions more realist with GI concept,sometimes it is not possible because of the city urban typology.And the other hand,the preliminary spatial analysis would allow to join the potential GI of La Coruña with the area proposed to be declared Reserve Biosphere by the UNESCO (Fig.12 and 13).

6 Analysis of other Experiences in Spain

Different experiences carried out in Spain were analyzed,characterized by a large casuistry owing to the historic evolution,the morphology,physical environment,population,budget,etc,and three of them were selected by its similarities or by provided inspiration for La Coruña.

Vitoria has a number of inhabitants similar to La Coruña (243,298 inhab.) although with a minor density,840 inhab./km2.Its green planning represents the Spanish paradigm,evidence of that fact has been the appointment as "Green European Capital" (2012).Its green belt,645 has,the result of an ambitious plan that was started at the beginning of the years 90 of the last century,is a group of periurban parks with a high ecological and landscape value connected strategically by means of corridors which,in part,has enabled it to reach the second place among the cities with the greatest quality of life in Spain in a recent study carried out in 30 Spanish cities,taking into account 11 relevant indicators.The same study shows that one of the biggest worries is health.

This example interests us owing to its integral management,its protocol of public broadcasting,its social participative approach and its spatialsingularity that can be used as a guide for cities like La Coruña,and moreover,its policymakers are analyzing the integration of all the area that forms the highland belt in a group by means of Biosphere Reserve UNESCO Declaration of the whole area.One of the goals of this study is precisely to analyze the stitches of the green system of LCG with the possible appointment of Mariñas coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo.

Table 1 :Distribution of green spaces surfaces at La Coruña.

Another interesting example is Valencia due to its high urban density (5995.7 inhab./km2),its metropolitan area is a territory of environmental and landscape excellence owing to the convergence of 4 great landscapes.They try to make the protection and connection of the landscapes with urban surroundings and agricultural,cultural and natural spaces,in the same way that it would be able to put into practice in the hubs identified in our case.The last example is Murcia (430,571 inhab.) although it is a regional initiative,we have a special interest in the experience of its participation in European projects (Reverse and Surf-Nature)with relation to financial,technical and political alternatives to carry out GI initiatives.

7 SWOT Analysis

7.1 Strengths:

(1)Physical environment very suitable for territorial planning proposals of integration with the natural environment.Capacity of response very fast.

(2)The city physiognomy allows the inclusion of Blue Infrastructure.

(3)Possible planning with perimeter growth in more rural zones.

(4)Sensibility to urban regeneration.

7.2 Weaknesses:

(1)Ignorance in relation to green infrastructure concepts and principles.Lack of dialogue among departments originated by the absence of a global project and a clear leadership.

(2)Singular territorial physiognomy.Complication in planning.

(3)Urban typology (narrow streets,little free areas,etc.)

(4)High urban density.

(5)Disjointed historic planning.

(6)Legal and financial framework

7.3 Opportunities:

(1)Information and education.Social participation.Social consciousness raising.

(2)Territorial planning joining the city closely to the most agricultural or natural environment.

(3)Identification and presence of hubs with special historic,natural or cultural importance.

(4)Savings of maintenance costs and derived from ecosystem benefits.

(5)Public health and quality of life improvement.The impact evaluation of health is important and very useful to make decisions in political evaluations.

(6)Possible declaration of "Mariñas coruñesas e Terras do Mandeo" like Reserve of the Biosphere.

(7) Potentiality of economic regeneration.

7.4 Threats:

(1)Economic crisis.

(2)Social pressure.Psychological barrier.

(3)Particular interests.

(4)New urban interventions taken out of context.

(5)The lack of methodologies that assess health benefits can affect its implementation.

8 Discussion and Conclusion

Studies developed and currently underway highlight the need to integrate and implement these planning strategies in dense cities with similar physical characteristics to those of La Coruña as they involve improving public health,quality of life and landscape,functioning as a competitive global advantage.

Synthesis of the preliminary research work,supported by the SWOT matrix and the geographical study,shows a strategic opportunity for the incorporation of GI in LGC that allows and guarantees the accessibility to green spaces bigger than 5000m2located within a radius minor than 300 m,following the European recommendations with the consequent improvement of public health(Fig.14).

It shows the need for regional planning to enhance and strengthen supramunicipal spatial connectivity of the protected areas network in northern Spain and open it to the Atlantic (Fig.15).GI planning must be accompanied by an informative and educational campaign adapted to the psychological bias of the population,transmitting its concept and its varied benefits with the aim of changing the current concept that exists in Spain of "public equipment" to "green infrastructure".


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图01(a)资料来源:http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/philobiblon/resources_es.html.,图01(b)、图06(a)、图06(b)、图07、图09(a)、图09(b)、图10资料来源:拉科鲁尼亚市议会,图04资料来源:国防档案部,图11 资料来源:马尔维新等人,图12、图15 资料来源:玛丽娜斯-贝坦佐斯事务所。
