《I’m Getting Dressed Now》教学设计

2014-11-05 07:38王晓华
黑龙江教育·小学 2014年8期



教学目标:知识目标:单词: already, brush, tooth, finish.句型: Its already eight forty. Im brushing my teeth.Im finished now.



教学准备: 录音机、磁带、卡片、多媒体课件、实物。


Step1: Warming up and greeting.

T: Hello everyone.

Ss: Hello teacher.

T:Im from Tong Jiang. My name is Wang Xiaohua. Today well study English together. Are you happy?

Ss: Yes!

T:Thank you!

Ss: Youre welcome.

T: First ,lets sing a song “Happy Birthday” .OK?

Ss: OK.


Step2:Lets review.

go to school, get up, go to bed, go home, watch TV.

What time is it? Its……

Step3: Leading in.

T:OK, now look here (课件).Today well have three friends. Do you want to know whats happening?

Ss: Yes, yes.

T:OK, today well go on to learn Lesson 3: Im Getting Dressed Now.


Step4: Start new lesson.

T:Open your books to page 32. Look at the picture. Listen to the tape carefully. Ready?

T: Now look at the text. Do you have new words?

S: Already.

T: OK, sit down, please. Already(板书).Whats the meaning? Who can tell me?


T: Read after me.

T: Spell it together. a-l-r-e-a-d-y already.

T: Read one by one.

T:What time is it? (举起时间卡片。)

Ss: Eight forty.

T: Can you make a sentence? (学生先造句子,师再板书。)

Its already eight forty.

T: Whats the meaning?

T: Read after me.

T: Read one by one.

Read together.

学习 “brush”“ finish”及相关句子,让学生到前面来实际操练。学习tooth的单复数通过课件演示。


T:Now, look here (大屏幕),picture 1. Listen and repeat, OK?

Ss: OK.

T:Read by yourself.

T:Read after me.

T:Who can read it?

T: Read together.



What time do you go to school?At nine oclock.

Study picture2,3,4.


Its already eight forty. Oh, no! Im late.

Whos in the bathroom? Its me, Sandy.

Can I come in? Yes, you can.(学生实际操练)

T: Read the text in roles.endprint

Step5: Lets practice.

No1. T: Lets review the new words.

Review the words “already, brush, tooth, finish” .

No2. T: Lets have a rest, well play a game, OK?

Ss: OK.


1. What time do you go to school? At nine oclock.

2. Its already eight forty. Oh, no! Im late.

3. Whos in the bathroom? Its me, Sandy. Im brushing my teeth.

4. Can I come in? Yes, you can. I have finished now.


No3. T: Listen and write.Now close your books, take out your paper and pen, ready?

Ss: Ready.

T: Now, Look here(课件), listen to the tape and write.

1) What time do you ____ ____ __________? At nine________.

2) Its_________eight forty. Oh, no! Im_____.

3) Its me, Sandy. Im ___________ my _______.

Step6: Sum up.

T: Boys and girls, who can tell me what we learnt today?

Step7: Homework.

