Developing Oral Competence in English as a Lingua Franca in Chinese Context

2015-05-30 11:33SuXuli
校园英语·上旬 2015年10期

Su Xuli

【Abstract】English has been used in diverse contexts internationally as a lingua franca.It has become a necessary tool for people from different language backgrounds to communicate with each other.Native-speaker competence is no longer viewed as a realistic goal for English learners to achieve.Therefore,in line with this view a more appropriate pedagogy is needed especially in the field of speaking.This article addresses the ways of developing oral competence from three perspectives:LFC-based pronounciation,pragmatic stragegies and intercultural competence.Then it concludes with an exploring of implications for ELF teaching in Chinese context.

【Key words】oral competence; EL; LFC; pragmatic strategies; intercultural competence


English has spread worldwidely as a lingua franca,which is used mainly by bilingual or multilingual speakers in many countries as a means of communication with people from different cultural backgrounds.Research has found out that users of English with different native languages have increased significantly.It brings attention to how non-native speakers(NNS)communicate in cross-cultural contexts.Therefore,there is an urgent need calling for a change of the blind pursuit of the over-valued native-speaker competence.The conventional dependence on the Inner Circle for guiding rules and evaluation criterion should give way to a new perception underpinned by language learning theories pertaining to non-native speakers.The following three views may shed light on how to improve oral competence in the ELF teaching context.

LFC-Based Approach for Pronounciation Teaching

In the study of EIL,Jenkins(2000)realizes that pronounication is the primary factor that impedes NNS from achieving intelligibility in communication,and further proposes a Lingua Franca Core(LFC)for phonological teaching in EIL(English as an International Language)context.The concept of LFC refers to a set of phonologic features identified in NNS pronounication that affect intelligibility of communication.It provides a fresh perspective for ELF teaching of pronounication,suggesting an alternative approach for improving students oral competence.Being aware of such differences in pronounciation from the NS,NNS would become better informed and more conscious English speakers in the process of learning.Jenkins(2000)argues that certain sounds common in the speech of NNS should be left not to be taught.Such a reduced workload could reestablish a more teachable and achievable goal for NNS,with which they would be able to allocate more time and attention for other language skills with which they have problems.More importantly,the lower level of difficulty would give them a sense of accomplishment and help them gain more confidence once they make certain progress in English learning.To employ a LFC-based methodology in the teaching of pronounciation in China,it is essential to identify the phonological features of English speakers here.In a imperical study,Deterding(2010)finds out that certain sounds particularly distinguish the pronounciation of English speakers in China,and the differences mainly lie in the following aspects:the TH sounds,voiced fricatives,final consonant clusters,vowel reduction,rhythm and intonation.Such findings provide a new pedagogical possibility for the teaching of pronounciation in China.

Developing Pragmatic Competence in ELF

Besides improving pronounication,it is equally important to develop ELF users pragmatic competence in order to reach intelligibility in communication.House(2003:187)recognizes the important role of pragmatic strategies as she considers ELF as “a special type of contact language and intercultural communication where each combination of interactants,each discourse community,negotiates their own lingua franca use in terms of code-switching,discourse strategies,negotiation of forms and meanings.” Therefore,learning a few pragmatic strategies would be helpful for them to gain mutual understanding in ELF contexts.Firth(1996)reveals that ELF interlocutors tend to adopt a “Let-it-pass” principle whenever a sign of trouble emerges in the process of conversation.For example,it is oberserved that ELF speakers tend to avoid obstacles by assisting each other in ways that could facilitate their communication.Furthermore,due to the fact that they are bilingual or multilingual speakers,they often demonstrate remarkable versatility and variability in coping with complicated linguistic issues threatening their communication.Another common stategy is code-switching,which is used by ELF speakers when they could not come up with the right word to express themselves in English.As ELF speakers are frequently subject to the difficult situation of struggling for the right words,these pragmatic strategies could serve as effective alternatives to assure smooth conversation.

Intercultural Communication Competence

Nowadays,our surging purchasing capacity encourages import and investment of foreign products,and at the same time enables more and more people to travel in foreign countries in the Expanding-Circle.The chances of speaking to a NNS for Chinese people are increasing at a rapid speed,thus there is a growing demand for the basic understanding of various cultures represented by their interlocuters coming from these countries.Therefore,it poses the question as to how to cope with cross-cultural issues.Mckay(2003:40)suggests that ELF students should be encouraged to learn about different cultures in order to become more sensitive about cross-cultural differences.The effect of being aware of such differences could be two-fold.On the one hand,it could facilitate ELF communication.Equipped with the basic cross-cultural knowledge,speakers could avoid misunderstandings in the process of communication,and understand better the culturally-embedded information exchanged in conversations.On the other,both House(2003:200)and Mckay(2003:40)promote the meaning of learning about other cultures for the purpose of reflecting on their own.In the process of knowing another culture,students are gainning insight into their own culture through comparisons.

Implications for Teaching Speaking in Chinese Local Context

Chinese students are often known for their incompetence in speaking.What has been discussed above could shed light on the teaching of speaking in China.Firstly,we should recognize that learning English is no longer for the sole purpose of communicating with native speakers.English is playing an important role internationally as a lingua franca.Therefore,the traditional requirement of native-speaker competence for students should be reconsidered.Secondly,in the teaching of pronounciation we may lower the goal to a practical level by focusing on consistency,intelligibility and efficiency in speaking.It is advisable to provide a realistic goal for them in order to gain a sense of achievement.Thirdly,good pronounication alone could not guarantee successful communication.Learners also need to acquire a knowledge of how to use the language.Several pragmatic strategies have been identified in the ELF communication,and such strategies should be made aware of to the students.Lastly,cross-cultural competence facilitates ELF communication.Therefore,teachers should raise students awareness of intercultural differences.


This paper points out the need for changes in the ELF context In accordance with such changes,measures should be taken to form new standards and new approaches in teaching English.It analyzes the need to seek more appropriate and effective ways of developing oral competence in English as a lingua franca,and proposes three appraches:LFC-based teaching of pronounciation,developing pragmatic competence and improving intercultural competence in Chinese context.


[1]Deterding,D.ELF-based Pronounciation Teaching in China[J].Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics.2010,33(6):3-15.

[2]Firth,A.The Discursive Accomplishment of Normality on “Lingua Franca” English and Conversation Analysis[J].Journal of Pragmatics.1996,26(2):237-259.

[3]House,J.Teaching Oral Skills in English as a Lingua Franca.In L.Alsagoff,S.L.Mckay,G.Hu & W.A.Renandya(Eds.).Principles and Practices for Teaching English as an International Language[M].New York:Routledge.2012:186-205.

[4]Jenkins,J.The Phonology of English as an International Language[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press.2000.

[5]Mckay,Sandra L.Principles of Teaching English as an International Language.In L.Alsagoff,S.L.Mckay,G.Hu & W.A.Renandya(Eds.),Principles and Practices for Teaching English as an International Language[M].New York:Routledge.2012:28-46.


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