
2016-04-08 11:08迁安市教育局教研室李建永
河北教育(教学版) 2016年11期

○迁安市教育局教研室 李建永


○迁安市教育局教研室 李建永


一、Read aloud.大声朗读,注意语音语调。

The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights:red,yellow and green. Red means“Stop”.Yellow means“Wait”,and green means“Go”.In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road.In the US,drivers drive on the right side,too.If you go by car,by bike or on foot,you must know the traffic rules.

二、Ask and answer.从下列问题中任选4个回答。

1.How do you go to school?

2.What are you going to do on the weekend?

3.Where are you going this afternoon?

4.What’s your hobby?

5.Does your mother go to work by bus?

6.Does your grandpa live in the country/city?

三、Make up a dialogue.周末到了,你来到了Mike家里,你们想去哪?观察下面的地图,讨论一下吧。


I want to ...

Let’s go to the...

Where is the ...

It’s ...

How can we get there?

Turn left./Turn right./Go straight.


一、Listen and number.听句子,用数字1-5将图片排序。

二、Listen and choose.听句子,选出你所听到的信息。

三、Listen and answer.听问句,选择恰当的答语。

( )1.A.By car. B.This evening. C.No,he doesn’t.

( )2.A.I’m going to play sports. B.I’m a reporter. C.I like singing.

( )3.A.Yes,I do.B.She likes dancing. C.Yes,she does.

( )4.A.It’s a restaurant. B.We are in a restaurant. C.It’s near the park.

( )5.A.She is a nurse. B.She works in a hospital. C.She goes to work by subway.

四、Listen and fill in the blanks.听短文,填上所缺单词,每空一词。

This is John’s father.He is a_______.Everyday he goes to work early___________.He loves his job and works hard.Today is John’s birthday.His father is going to buy a______________for him.They are going to have a birthday party____________.Tomorrow is Sunday,they are going to________________ together.John is very happy.

Reading and writing读写部分

一、Read and sort.选择每组单词中不同类的一项。

( )1.A.street B.crossing C.traffic lights D.pizza

( )2.A.head teacher B.gym C.secretary D.coach

( )3.A.chase B.more C.pull D.count

( )4.A.GPS B.train C.subway D.taxi

( )5.A.factory B.bookstore C.space D.post office

二、Look,read and write.根据图片、首字母提示和句子意思,在横线上填入合适的单词。

三、Read and write.读句子,选择单词的正确形式填空。

1.We have three_________(class,classes)in the morning.

2.My English teacher is Miss White.We all like __________.(him,her)

3.It’s 10 o’clock now.My mother is_________(watching,watches)TV.

4.It’s warm and rainy.There are new leaves and flowers.It’s___________.(spring,winter)

5.Danny_________(walks,walked)to school yesterday.

四、Read and choose.选择最佳答案,将序号填入题前括号内。

( )1.--I feel ill.--You should________.

A.see a doctor B.wear warm clothes C.count to ten

( )2.--Where_____your aunt_____?--In a university.

A.do;work B.does;work C.does;works

( )3.We love animals.My sister_____a cat and I______a rabbit.

A.have;has B.have;have C.has;have

( )4.It’s green light now.Let’s_________.

A.go B.stop and wait C.slow down

( )5.Tom wants to see robots.He can go to the__________.

A.cinema B.nature park C.science museum

( )6.I usually go to school_________.It’s good exercise.

A.by bus B.by subway C.on foot

五、Read and judge.根据自己的生活常识和已学知识,判断下列描述是否正确。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

( )1.Christmas is on December 25th.

( )2.We can make a snowman in summer.

( )3.We should stop and wait at a red light.

( )4.In the USA,people on bikes must wear a helmet.

( )5.I want to see a film.I can go to the hospital.

六、Read and complete.选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,将序号写在横线上,其中有一个选项是多余的。

John and his brother are talking about John's new pen pal.

J=John B=John's brother

J: Come and see my new pen pal. His name is John,too!

B: Really?______________?

J: No,he doesn’t. He lives in Australia,but he studies Chinese.

B: Does he like Chinese food?

J: ____________. He likes Chinese food very much.

B: Does he like doing kungfu?

J: ____________. He likes playing ping-pong.

B: What does he usually do on weekends?

J: _____________.

B: I like going hiking,too. ____________?

J: Sure. Why not?

B: Cool!

A. Can I also be his pen pal?

B. Does he live in China,too?

C. No,he doesn’t.

D. Yes,he does.

E. What’s wrong?

F. He often goes hiking.

七、Read and reorder.连词成句,注意括号内的标点提示。


2.goes biketobymy motherwork(.)


4.atdon’tgothe red light(!)

5.I the angry catamwith(.)

八、Read and finish tasks.阅读短文,完成任务。

Chen Jie’s Diary

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is the Spring Festival.It’s a big day.I can’t wait.In the morning,I’m going to the supermarket with my parents.We are going to buy some food,fresh oranges and flowers.In the afternoon,my mother is going to cook.I will help her because I like cooking.We are going to have a big dinner together in the evening.After dinner,my grandfather will give me a red envelope(红包).There will be some lucky money in it.We are going to watch TV in the evening,too.There will be a wonderful show on TV.We will have fun.I’m so happy!

1.读Chen Jie的日记,根据日记内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

( )It’s the Spring Festival tomorrow.

( )Chen Jie is going to buy some apples with his grandparents.

( )Chen Jie’s father will cook.

( )They are going to watch TV in the evening.

( )Chen Jie feels worried now.


(1)Where is Chen Jie going in the morning?

(2)What are Chen Jie’s hobbies?


It’s Saturday tomorrow._____________


一、1.There is a post office near my home.

2.We have little time.Let’s go by taxi.

3.You are angry.You should take a deep breath.

4.My sister is a pilot.She works on a rescue plane.

5.I like doing word puzzles with my friend.

二、1.My father goes to Shanghai by ship.

2.Turn right at the traffic lights.

3.Zhang Peng’s mother is a scientist.

4.Slow down and wait at a yellow light.

5.My pen pal likes reading stories and playing football.

三、1.How does your father go to work?

2.What are you going to do tomorrow?

3.Does your penpal like dancing?

4.Where is the restaurant?

5.Where does your mother work?

四、This is John’s father.He is aworker.Everyday he goes to work earlyby bus.He loves his job and works hard.Today is John’s birthday.His father is going to buy acomic bookfor him.They are going to have a birthday partytonight.Tomorrow is Sunday,they are going totake a triptogether.John is very happy.

Can you solve them?
Noun Riddles
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