
2016-04-08 10:16玉田县教研训中心史艳霞
河北教育(教学版) 2016年11期

○玉田县教研训中心 史艳霞


○玉田县教研训中心 史艳霞


一、Ask and answer.同学们,在不同的时间你都做些什么活动呢?请和伙伴谈论一下吧。

A:What do you do on Saturday/in the morning/in the evening?

B:I ______________________.

二、Talk about your family.同学们,拿出你的全家福照片,仿照示范,用英语介绍一下你的家庭吧。

Hi,I’m Lisa.There are six people in my family. Grandparents,my parents,my sister and me.My grandmother is kind.She has glasses.My grandfather is tall,He is kind,too.My father is a doctor.My mother is a nurse.I have long hair and my little sister has short hair.She is lovely.

三、Talk about your room.同学们,你的房间一定很整洁、漂亮吧?快来拍张照片,用英语给大家介绍一下吧。


一、Listen and circle.听音,圈出所听到的单词。

1.pig film 2.chicken shirt

3.three these 4.train tree

5.drive drum 6.red dress

7.hats beds 8.what write

二、Listen and write.听音,写单词。

三、Listen and judge.听音,判断图片内容是否正确,正确打“√”,错误打“×”。

四、Listen and choose.听问题,选出正确的答语。

( )1.A.I write a story.

B.I play on the computer.

C.I want to go to the park.

( )2.A.He is wearing shorts.He is cool.

B.She is wearing a white T-shirt.

C.I like my new dress.

( )3.A.You can go there by taxi.

B.I play with my toys.

C.There are seven days in a week.

( )4.A.No,they aren’t.They are Li Tao’s.

B.Yes,it is.

C.I want to buy a teddy bear.

( )5.A.He is very friendly.

B.A sofa,a table and a fridge.

C.An English book and a notebook.

Reading and Writing读写部分

一、Read and group.读单词,按提示分类,将单词序号写在每组对应位置。

二、Read and choose.选择正确答案。

( )1.I’m hungry.I’d like some______________.

A.bowl B.noodles C.toys

( )2.My mother’s sister is my______________.

A.cousin B.uncle C.aunt

( )3.The books are in the_________________.

A.bathroom B.bedroom C.study

( )4.John is very tall.He____________black glasses.

A.is B.has C.have

( )5.--Dinner’s ready.Help yourself.--______________________

A.Thanks. B.Sorry. C.Excuse me.

四、Read and tick.根据情境,“√”出合适的句子补充对话。

1. A: Is the toy panda on the bed?

B: □Look! It’s on the bed.

□Yes,it is.

2. A:□ Where is the cat?

□Is your cat on the floor?

B: It’s on the floor.


3. A: What would you like?

B: □No,thanks. I can use chopsticks.

□I’d like some fish and vegetables.

4. A: □Where are the keys?

□Are the keys on the sofa?

B: No,they aren’t. They are on the fridge.

五、Read and choose.根据表格提示,选择正确答案完成下面对话。将序号填在“( )”内。

( )1.Amy: What’s your mother’s job,Mike?


A.She is a nurse.

B.She is a teacher.

C.He is a doctor.

( )2.Mike: Is your father a driver?


A.Yes,she is.

B.No,he isn’t.

C.Yes,he is.

( )3.Amy: What would you like for dinner?


A.Would you like some chicken?


C.What’s for dinner?

六、Look and write.照例子,写句子。


一、1.pig 2.chicken 3.these 4.train 5.drum

6.dress 7.hats 8.write

二、1.Let’s fly a kite.

2.I can make a cake.

3.Who is she?

4.I love my home.

5.The monkey is cute.

三、1.--What’s in the box?

--Some toys and books.

2.--Where are the glasses?

--They are near the phone.

3.--Is your father in the kitchen?--Yes,he is.

4.--What do you do in the morning?

--I brush my teeth.

5.--How do you go home?

--I go home by bus.

6.--What do you do in the evening?

--I go to the cinema to see a film.

四、1.Where do you want to go?

2.What is she wearing?

3.What do you do on Sunday?

4.Are these your shorts,Li Lin?

5.What’s in your schoolbag?

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An Analysis on Application and development of COCA Corpus in Translation Practice
修订版PEP 六年级英语毕业检测题