在中国,我离不开的APP APP-addicted Life in China

2016-12-07 02:40
国际人才交流 2016年10期

在中国,我离不开的APP APP-addicted Life in China


Nowadays people can’t live without their phones. Some even say smartphone is a new organ in the body of modern homo sapiens. At the same time, smartphones make people’s life and work easier and more comfortable. This time, for our “World Speaking”, we invited five foreign friends to discuss “mobile” life in China, the apps, they find most attractive.

主持人(Hosts):吴星铎(Wu Xingduo)、 苏莉(Anastasia Sukhoretskaya)

嘉宾(Guests):韩国的申素云(Shin Soun,Korea)、美国的玛莎(Martha Walch,America)、俄罗斯的阳乐(Dmitry Goncharenko,Russia)、哈萨克斯坦的米沙(Mikhail Chursin,Kazakhstan)、澳大利亚的海宇翔(Sam Hayden Smith,Australia)





“I am totally fond of WeChat”

Shin Soun: WeChat moments make me feel like my friends live just next door

I first started using WeChat in 2015 when I was a contestant in the “Bridge to China” (Hanyu Qiao) world students’ competition. To establish better communication between participants from different parts of the world, the organizers suggested that we download this app. I thought that was actually a very useful social tool, especially its function of voice messaging. Korean social platform apps lack this function. It saves a lot of time spent on typing the text, and also it can convey the mood of the speaker, so it eliminates the possibility of conveying the wrong message. At first, I used WeChat only for matters like checking program times, confirming daily schedules, etc. But then, more and more friends started adding me as their contact so it became impossible for me to part with this app’s little universe.

My WeChat friends come from every corner of the world: Thailand, England, Bangladesh, Ghana, Australia, Egypt, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and others. When I have free time on my hands, I frequently look through my WeChat moments, see how everyone is doing, and also share my recent events, like travelling, life, philosophy etc. Even though we can’t meet too often, by looking through my WeChat friends’ circle, I feel like my friends live just next door.







Martha: WeChat makes you more “in the know”

My WeChat experience has had many different levels; from passively using it with Chinese friends in America, to when I first moved here and just used it to communicate with people, to it slowly evolving into one of my main necessities at work. Once you know how important this platform is, you’ll understand why it’s a fulltime job. People look at WeChat hundreds of times a day so the company must grab their attention in a clever way. I think WeChat has changed my life because it’s a quick introduction to consumer habits in China, and an easier way for a foreigner to understand the Chinese market habits and be more ‘in the know’.

Dmitry: It makes me crazy to think about all the opportunities that we have

I started using WeChat five years ago, when I came to China. I knew about WeChat from my friends, fi ve years ago many people did not know about WeChat. Today WeChat is the most powerful app I know. 700 million users open WeChat every day. It makes me crazy when I think about it, when I think about all the opportunities that we have.

Sometimes we write articles on WeChat, and I share them in my WeChat moments. Previously we wrote an article titled “How WeChat Kills Cash in China”, about the WeChat payment system. This system has made the lives of many much easier. Of course, not all functions are covered, for example, Beijing subway tickets. I think WeChat payment should also include this.

Mikhail: I often post my poems in my WeChat moments

I like WeChat moments. When I post photos, I also tend to add some description as well. Sometimes I post my personal photos, selfies when visiting places, pictures with beautiful scenery. I often post photos that I fi nd beautiful, and I add my thoughts to them. I write poems too.

WeChat is a very popular app in China. I personally think this is one of the most convenient apps I know. Comparing to WhatAPP and Viber, WeChat has more functions, its usability is higher. I fi rst came to Beijing in 2013, and I had never heard about WeChat, but then I found out that everyone was using it here. Actually it was my roommate who helped me to register for it, then showed me how to operate it. And now WeChat and I are inseparable. Chat, video, voice messaging – it has everything and more, for example, posting photos in moments, subscription to public accounts, where I read news and get some interesting information.

Sam: The chatting function, WeChat payment and WeChat empticons, really attract me to this app

I can use WeChat everywhere: Australia, the USA, Canada. I have many groups. Every day I watch some hilarious videos or read interesting news. I do international trade and have to keep in touch

with factories. WeChat is one of my most important conversation tools. I can reach the factories any time, and have them send me photos to see the working process. I also like WeChat payment. In Australia we normally don’t pay with cash, and in China you only need your phone to pay now. I also like emoticons on my WeChat. There are a lot to choose from. I introduced WeChat to many of my foreign friends. I’ve saved many stickers, and every sticker is really funny.


我喜欢用朋友圈,在发照片的时候常常写几句文字,有时候我发跟我相关的照片,像我在名胜古迹的各种自拍,还有我拍的风景,我也常常会发一些我觉得漂亮的图片,图片下写一写自己的随想,或者是自己的诗歌。微信在中国特别流行,我个人认为也是最方便的APP之一,与WhatsAPP, Viber相比微信的功能更多、实用性更高。2013年我第一次到北京,之前我并不知道有微信,我发现每一个人都在用。于是我的室友帮我注册,告诉我使用方法。现在我每天都离不开微信,跟朋友们聊天,文字、视频、语音都有,或是发发照片,订阅一些公众号看看新闻和一些有趣的信息。





“You can fi nd ‘treasures’ on Taobao”

Dmitry: If you don’t use Taobao in China, how do you survive?

When you live in China you don’t have to go out to shop. Just open Taobao.com and buy anything you want. My wife and I follow a healthy diet and sometimes we buy different kinds of food on Taobao, what we can’t buy in offl ine shops. Today I found another function on Taobao called “My baby”, for moms and dads. It helps families to track data about their babie, such as how often mom feeds her baby, how much time it takes, how much time the baby sleeps, and many other features.

I heard from one media channel that Taobao will open a VR shopping function. It will be a very interesting experience to buy something with a virtual reality effect. One negative incident, however, was that once a Taobao seller sent me the wrong shoes size, which caused me a lot of headache.

Martha: You can really fi nd “treasures” on Taobao

Taobao is known for having amazingly fast delivery, an amazing accomplishment in a country so large and diverse. One time my friend asked me to help her buy a very specifi c pair of pants on Taobao, but she didn’t know the name in Chinese, so she showed me a picture. I found the pants from three different shops; she was surprised.

I usually buy something on Taobao at least once a month but lately since my work is really busy it’s more like once a week! Mostly I buy clothes and accessories. I just found this shirt of a cat in space

riding a hamburger spaceship and eating pizza, something I wouldn’t be able to fi nd easily in person!











“There are other good apps”

Mikhail: I use “Didi Taxi Calling”

I really love the app. Their slogan is “Call a taxi, it’s already on the way!” It’s really convenient to use. Through it you can call “fast car”, “auto-stop car”, “taxi”, “special car” etc.

It helps you avoid the situation when there is no taxi in sight. After you call a taxi, it arrives within fi ve minutes. I remember once I was visiting a friend, time was tight and I called“auto-stop car”. Within three minutes a luxurious car arrived. The sight of it and an elegant taxi driver who was wearing white gloves and a black hat, opened a door for me, made me almost faint. “Auto-stop car” can also be a “special car” sometimes. It turned out the driver was working in a 4S shop, so after fi nishing work, he picked me up on his way home, to kill two birds with one stone.

Shin Soun: My Weibo account has many subscribers

I learnt about Weibo also at the “Bridge to China” contest. During the recording, our coordinator showed us how to register an account. After broadcasting of the program, many Chinese viewers found my Weibo account, encouraged me, taught me some things, and gave me many suggestions. Even after the program was fi nished, I received a lot of messages from them. I answered every message that my subscribers in Weibo left for me. I really enjoy chatting with them. I also feel that my Chinese improved a lot. In Korea, I can reach my Chinese friends with a move of my fi nger, so amazing!



Dmitry: Tuangou is really a money- saving app

Usually we use Dianping and Meituan, but I know that peo-

ple in China also use Nuomi.com (Baidu), Lashou.com, 58Tuangou (t.58.com) and many other platforms. In Russia we have similar apps, but I have never used them.








我本人更加离不开手机应用,因为我就在一家APP公司工作。我们的APP叫作平行国(Pingo Space),这是一个把中国人和外籍人士联系在一起的平台,让大家分享知识和技能,拉近外国人和本地人的距离,让大家彼此了解各自真实的生活。比如你是一个居住在中国的外籍人士,你可以到这个平台上建立自己的个人账户,创建自己的技能简介,设置价格、日程。中国客户会按照海量信息进行选择、预订。无论你是一个英语老师还是一个音乐家、舞蹈家,在平行国可以让你分享自己想要分享的东西,甚至如何制作正宗的纽约奶酪蛋糕,如何像宝莱坞明星一样跳舞,如何讲地道的西班牙语等等,这些都能实现。(中文整理:吴星铎、刘鑫莹,英文整理:苏莉)

“I am running an app myself”

Dmitry: We use WeChat API to develop applications in WeChat

We also use WeChat API to develop applications based on We-Chat. One of the big apps is Mirour from the Mirour start up in Beijing. This app helps people make professional selfies in the Mirour photo room. This is an amazing start up and we created amazing applications for their customers for booking Mirour’s services and paying for them right in WeChat.

Martha: I work in an APP company

Pingo Space is a platform that helps connect Chinese locals with foreigners to share knowledge and skills. If you are a foreigner living in China you can go on the app, set up a profile to create gigs (or classes), set your own price, location, and schedule! The Chinese client will then go on the app and book the different gigs you offer! No matter if you’re a full-time English teacher or part-time musician, there’s a space for you to share whatever you’d like on Pingo Space! Pingo Space is the fi rst App in China that gives foreigners the opportunity to freelance their skills. There are many options for Chinese locals to monetize their free time or special skills, but they don’t accommodate the foreign market very well leaving the expats with fewer opportunities. No matter where you’re from or where you’re living you have something unique and special to share. It could be how to make authentic NY cheesecake to how to dance like a Bollywood star to speaking Spanish like a local. (Chinese version: Wu Xingduo,Liu Xinying; English version:Anastasia Sukhoretskaya)
