
2017-02-17 03:57山东张树勇
教学考试(高考英语) 2017年5期

山东 张树勇


山东 张树勇

Passage 1

At 29 years old, Ding Ding, who has cerebral palsy, has been accepted to Harvard University.Ding Ding attributes his success in his academic studies as well as overcoming many of his physical handicaps to his mother’s persistence and endless devotion.

In 1988, he nearly died during a birth complication, which left him with cerebral palsy(脑瘫).Doctors suggested to his mother Zou Hongyan that she give up the baby, saying it was worthless trying to rescue him as he would grow up either disabled or with low intelligence.Even the boy’s father agreed with the doctors and told Zou that the boy would be a burden for the family for his entire life.But Zou insisted on saving the boy and soon divorced.

To support the family and provide treatment for her son,Zou took up several jobs.In her spare time, she regularly took Ding to recovery sessions.She taught herself how to massage his stiffmuscles, and would also play educational games with him.

Zou also insisted from the start that her son would learn to overcome his disabilities as far as possible.She insisted on teaching him how to use chopsticks during mealtimes, even though he found this extremely difficult at first, so he would not have to always explain his disability to others when he had meals with them.

“I didn’t want him to feel ashamed about this physical problems,”she said.“Because he had inferior abilities in many areas, I was quite strict on him to work hard to catch up where he had difficulties.”

Ding graduated with a degree in environmental science from Peking University’s school of engineering in 2011.That same year, he enrolled in a second degree program at the university’s international law school.In 2016, after working for two years, Ding was accepted into Harvard Law School.

“I never dared to dream of applying to Harvard,” Ding said.“It was my mother who never stopped encouraging me to give it a try.Whenever I had any doubts, she would guide me forward.”

1.Who does Ding Ding owe his success to?

A.His father. B.His mother.

C.Doctors. D.Teachers.

2.Why was the mother advised to give Ding Ding up?

A.She divorced with her husband.

B.She was unable to afford high expenses.

C.Ding Ding was to be disabled or with low IQ.

D.Ding Ding wouldn’t live long even if rescued.

3.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The mother was very tolerant to her son.

B.Ding Ding was ashamed about this physical problems.

C.Ding Ding was admitted to Harvard for his disabilities.

D.The mother has overcome unbelievable difficulties.

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A.Single mom’s persistence pays off

B.Ding Ding gains admission into Harvard

C.Ding Ding recovers in a miracle way

D.How a disabled becomes independent

Passage 2

Take five colours: red, black, blue, green and purple.How do they make you feel? It’s a question of great significance to designers and marketers.British fashion designer Wayne Hemingway explored this topic in a BBC radio programme about the psychology of colour.

Red is, of course, considered fortunate in China.But he points out that it’s a powerful colour wherever you go, with some serious scienti fic bases.Studies have indicated that red“raises blood pressure”, and claim that it stands out from other colours thanks to its long wavelength.Hemingway says it appears to be“coming towards you”,and so is useful for emergency and alarm signs.

Black has a different sense.In the west it’s associated with death, but that hasn’t stopped it becoming a mysterious colour.Hemingway says it’s“very powerful and sophisticated when used as a primary colour in branding.”

Blue, by contrast, is cool and peaceful.The colour is a constant presence in our lives, says Hemingway, being the colour of the sky and the sea.That gives it an air of reliability,which makes it a firm choice with“banks and corporations”.Hemingway says this is also why emergency services often choose the colour.

Green is, unsurprisingly, the colour of nature and the environment.Marketers understand that giving a product green packaging creates the impression it is enviromentally friendly.But wise customers are also aware of this—and now think twice before blindly swallowing environmental claims.Hemingway also says that green is the colour of growth and movement: it’s used to indicate“go”on traffic lights.

Finally, we have purple, which is associated with valuable things.In the past, purple colour was expensive because it was very difficult to produce, and it became the colour worn by royalty in many western countries.These days, companies still use purple to make their product seem more fashionable,whether they’re selling chocolate or cigarettes.

1.Why do people notice red first?

A.Red is associated with luck worldwide.

B.Red stands for emergency and warnings.

C.Red is the most beloved color for most people.

D.Red has a longer wavelength than most colours.

2.Which colour is associated with trust?

A.Green. B.Black.

C.Blue. D.Purple.

3.For what purpose are products given green packaging?

A.To show the product is more fashionable.

B.To instruct people to grow as nature does.

C.To remind that the product is very mysterious.

D.To indicate the product is environmentally friendly.

4.What could be the best title of the text?

A.The power of colours

B.The origin of colours

C.The function of colours

D.The questions about colours

Passage 3

Our language, ourselves

Every sentence we speak reveals something about who we are as humans.Even people speaking the same language have distinct dialects.These are rooted in their history and culture.Whether you say“soda”or“pop”may reveal what country and what region you are from.What you call the night before Halloween may tie to your religious beliefs.What kind of slang you use may stem from the habits of the community you grew up in.

Language also sheds light on connections between us, and our natural environments.Plants and animals that are given names in any language are generally those that are relevant to people speaking the language.The relevance comes from the way that the people have interacted with the animals and plants.In some cases, this has happened over centuries.

While we might think of language as having a fixed set of words and rules that we learn in school, in fact language is always evolving.New words emerge while others fall out of use.Pronunciation changes over time as does the meaning of words.People also borrow words from languages other than their own to add to their own vocabulary.

Our ability to learn language develops when we are young.Sounds heard as infants set the stage for language learning later.Baby cooing is the result of babies’ analysis of the languages spoken to them.Babies are practicing the pronunciation and recognition of sounds that they need for communication.Children exposed to multiple languages early in life, and growing up multilingual, develop enhanced cognitive functions.These may include the ability to focus and ignore distractions.

Languages are as diverse as the communities that speak them.Each of the approximately 7 000 world languages is a proof to a community’s unique human experience.Yet, many languages around the world are endangered.It is possible that as many as half of the world’s languages could go silent by the end of this century.Why? The reasons are complex.But they boil down to social inequalities and disrespect for others.

1.What do we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.The language re flects the information of ourselves.

B.Language has little connections with religious beliefs.

C.The slang people use often borrows from nationalities.

D.People speaking the same language have the same dialects.

2.Which of the following shows language is evolving?

A.Pronunciation remains all the same.

B.The meaning of words change over time.

C.Language has a fixed set of words and rules.

D.People’s vocabulary is gradually increasing.

3.What does the underlined word“These”in Paragraph 4 refer to?



C.Multiple languages.

D.Cognitive functions.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards endangering languages?

A.Amused. B.Doubtful.

C.Worried. D.Cautious.

Passage 4

Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm is probably one of the most popular school reads in the world.George Orwell wrote it as a political symbol and has since then inspired the minds of not only adult revolutionaries but also the younger ones who start feeling the spark of being right and free for all of the humanity in their hearts.

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi

This is a wise, funny, and heartbreaking memory of Maoane Satrapi’s years growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, and how she dealt with life while experiencing the ruinous effects of the war with Iraq.The mistakes she felt she made opened her eyes and shaped her into becoming the in fluential individual she is today.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Regarded as a masterpiece of literature—it is no wonder it won the Pulitzer Prize.The plot and characters are based on the author’s observations of her family and neighbors, as well as on an event that occurred near her hometown in 1936, when she was 10 years old.The novel is famous for its warmth and humor, despite telling a story of innocent Tom Robinson being accused of raping a white woman because he was black.

The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling

A story showing the absolute courage of a young boy,who was never afraid to speak his mind in the face of injustice and would always defend the helpless.A boy shows us the importance of believing in ourselves and others.Harry Potter reminds us that the true power to defeat any enemy is not found in others, but found within each of us.

1.Which book best suits the people who want freedom?

A.The Harry Potter series.

B.To Kill a Mockingbird.

C.Animal Farm.


2.Which author wrote about his or her own experience in the above works?

A.J.K.Rowling. B.Maqane Satrapi.

C.George Orwell D.Harper Lee.

3.What does the author say about To Kill a Mockingbird ?

A.Its author is a young girl.

B.It was written in a serious way.

C.One theme may be racial inequality.

D.Tom Robinson committed a crime.

4.What does the Harry Potter series mainly want to convey?

A.God helps those who help themselves.

B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.

C.Actions speak louder than words.

D.Failure is the mother of success.


Passage 1


1.B 细节理解题。由第一段第二句“Ding Ding attributes his success in his academic studies as well as overcoming many of his physical handicaps to his mother’s persistence and endless devotion.”可知,丁丁将他的学业成功归功于他的妈妈。

2.C 细节理解题。由第二段第二句“...saying it was worthless trying to rescue him as he would grow up either disabled or with low intelligence.”可知,丁丁妈妈之所以被建议放弃这个脑瘫儿,是因为他长大以后不是残疾就是弱智,挽救他没有价值。

3.D 推理判断题。通读全文可知,单身母亲不放弃脑瘫儿,花29年时间全心陪护,治疗、教育孩子,取得成功,从中看出付出了艰辛的努力,克服了种种常人难以理解的困难。

4.A 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是首尾两段可知,文章主要介绍了一位伟大的单身母亲,不放弃脑瘫患儿,花29年时间将儿子送到哈佛大学,母亲的坚持和爱心得到了回报。

Passage 2


1.D 细节理解题。由第二段第三句“...claim that it stands out from other colours thanks to its long wavelength.”可知,人们之所以首先注意到红色,是因为红色比其他颜色波长长一些。

2.C 细节理解题。由第四段第二、三句“The colour is..., being the colour of the sky and the sea.That gives it an air of reliability”可知,蓝色是天空和大海的颜色,这让人想到信任。

3.D细节理解题。由第五段第二句“Marketers understand that giving a product green packaging creates the impression it is environmentally friendly”可知,产品的绿色包装给人一种印象:产品是环保的。

4.A 主旨大意题。文章开宗明义,指出生活中的五种颜色对人有哪些不同的感受。英国时尚设计师Wayne Hemingway做客BBC,探索颜色的心理影响。故选项A适合做标题。

Passage 3


1.A 段落大意题。由文章首句可知,我们所说的每句话都能透露我们的个人相关信息。接下来几句列举事实作为支撑段落主旨的细节。

2.B 细节理解题。由第三段第三句“Pronunciation changes over time as does the meaning of words.”可知,词汇意义的变化体现了语言的进化。

3.D 代词指代题。由第四段上下文可知,多语言环境下长大的孩子发展了多种认知功能。这些功能包括注意和忽视分心等能力。

4.C 推理判断题。由最后一段第二、三句可推知,七千多种语言是社区人类的独特经历的明证。然而,很多种语言面临消亡。所以作者的态度是担心的。

Passage 4


1.C 细节理解题。由第一本书中“...but also the younger ones who start feeling the spark of being right and free for all of the humanity in their hearts.”可知,渴望自由的人最适合读Animal Farm这本书。

2.B 细节理解题。由第二本书中“This is a wise, funny,and heartbreaking memory of Maoane Satrapi’s years growing up in Iran during the Islamic Revolution, and how she...”可知,这本书是关于作者本人经历的。

3.C 推理判断题。由第三本书中“...telling a story of innocent Tom Robinson being accused of raping a white woman because he was black.”可推知,这本书的主旨话题之一可能是种族不平等。

4.A 推理判断题。由第四本书中“Harry Potter reminds us that the true power to defeat any enemy is not found in others, but found within each of us.”可推知,真正打败任何敌人的力量不在别人身上,而在我们自己身上。所以“天助自助者”更恰当。

