
2017-02-23 05:50祝亚云曹龙熹吴智仁陈冲梁
土壤学报 2017年1期

祝亚云曹龙熹吴智仁陈 冲梁 音†

(1 中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室(南京土壤研究所),南京 210008)

(2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)

(3 江苏大学环境与安全工程学院,江苏镇江 212013)


祝亚云1,2曹龙熹1吴智仁3陈 冲1梁 音1†

(1 中国科学院土壤环境与污染修复重点实验室(南京土壤研究所),南京 210008)

(2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049)

(3 江苏大学环境与安全工程学院,江苏镇江 212013)






1 材料与方法

1.1 研究区概况

研究区位于福建省长汀县,地处福建西部,属亚热带季风气候,年均气温在17~21℃,年均降雨量为1 600~2 000 mm,土壤类型以花岗岩母质发育的红壤(湿润富铁土和湿润雏形土)为主,土壤质地主要是砂壤。据2008年崩岗分布调查数据[14]表明,全县崩岗侵蚀面积为7.28 km2,崩岗数量为3 583个,分别占全省的11.36%和13.76%,崩岗侵蚀严重,治理难度大。

1.2 供试材料

供试材料W-OH由江苏杰成凯新材料科技有限公司提供,W-OH材料化学式为(OCN-R-NCO)n,呈淡黄色,常温密度1.18 g cm-3,黏度650~700 m Pa s,硬化时间30~1 800 s,具有以下应用特性[10]:(1)极易溶解于水,与水反应可迅速聚合形成弹性凝胶体,且不再溶解于水;(2)能以任何浓度与海水在内的各种水质的水发生反应;(3)耐久性良好,通过添加防紫外线添加剂可实现对凝胶体降解周期的调控[9];(4)对多种材质(土、沙、混凝土等)具有很强的附着力;(5)通过选择调整W-OH材料浓度,可设计凝胶体的性能,并满足固土、固沙、防尘、防渗等需要;(6)具有高度的安全性,对植物不产生药害,对生态环境不造成二次污染。

1.3 样品采集与分析

样品采自长汀县黄坑村的一处大型崩岗(116°26′23″~116°26′27″E,25°42′2″~25°41′7″N),面积约9 800 m2,是一处典型的活动型大型花岗岩崩岗。采集崩岗崩积体土壤,风干过筛后测定土壤有机质和机械组成。土壤有机质采用重铬酸钾容量法测定,土壤机械组成采用吸管法测定,土壤容重采用环刀法测定,具体测定方法详见文献[15]。供试土壤的基本理化性质见表1。

表1 供试土壤的基本物理性质Table 1 Basic physical properties of the test soils

1.4 试验设计

将野外取回的土样过10 mm筛,根据土壤含水率和崩积体原状土的容重,将土壤均匀填入环刀(铝环,直径10 cm,高5 cm)。试验设计W-OH溶液4个浓度处理(2.0%、3.0%、4.0%、5.0%)及一个空白对照(W-OH浓度0.0%),按照厂家推荐用量3.0 L m-2的标准将W-OH溶液均匀喷涂于土样表面。参照前人研究方法[16],试验装置采用长4.21 m、宽0.3 m的水槽(图1),水槽坡度分别设定为8.8%、17.6%、26.8%、36.4%和46.6%(%表示坡度的正切值)。试验流量设定为1.0 L s-1、2.0 L s-1和3.0 L s-1,由一系列阀门调整,用标有刻度的标准径流桶标定供水流量。同一种浓度处理在5个坡度及3个流量下进行水槽冲刷试验,计三次重复。

图1 试验装置结构示意图Fig. 1 Sketch of the experimental device

试验开始前土样预先浸润12 h至饱和,浸泡时水面略低于环刀上表面,且注意水位变化以便随时加水。将水槽坡度和供水流量调整为预设值,然后将土样放进水槽下端的土样室,调整使其上表面与水槽底面平齐,开始实验并立即计时。冲刷结束条件采用Nearing等[17]的方法:每个土样的冲刷时间基本稳定在使冲刷深度大致相同(约2 cm),以避免因深度不同而导致环刀内土样侵蚀不均,对于较难冲开的土样,冲刷时间以10 min为限。流速(V)测定采用染色法[18],每次测定12个重复,剔除最大值和最小值,取剩余10个的平均值乘以0.8得到平均流速[19]。

1.5 数据处理


式中,Dr为土壤分离速率,g m-2s-1;Wb为实验前土样干质量,g;Wa为实验后土样干质量,g;t为冲刷时间,s;A为土样上表面积,m2。


式中,τ为水流剪切力,P a;ρ为水的密度,kg m-3;g为重力加速度,m s-2;h为径流深,m;S为坡度的正切值。

式中,ω为水流功率,kg s-3;V为平均流速,m s-1。

式中,P为单位水流功率,m s-1。

2 结果与讨论

2.1 W-OH浓度对崩积体土壤分离速率的影响

表2为不同处理条件下的土壤分离速率。可以看出:W-OH能够显著降低土壤分离速率,且土壤分离速率总体上随W-OH浓度的升高而降低。这是因为崩积体土壤表面在经W-OH处理后,W-OH会与土壤凝结形成多孔结构的固结层,该固结层能有效地抑制表层土壤颗粒的分离。W-OH浓度越高,固结层降低土壤分离速率的作用越强。在坡度为8.8%且流量为1.0 L s-1与2.0 L s-1时,土壤分离速率随W-OH浓度升高而降低的趋势并不明显,主要体现在施用W-OH溶液的各处理间土壤分离速率差异较小。但与对照相比,施用W-OH溶液的各处理土壤分离速率下降了2至3个数量级。坡度大于8.8%,各处理间土壤分离速率呈现出明显的梯度。其中,W-OH溶液浓度为2.0%的处理,土壤分离速率基本与对照在同一数量级上;W-OH溶液浓度为3.0%的处理,在1.0 L s-1时土壤分离速率较对照下降了1至2个数量级,在2.0 L s-1与3.0 L s-1时土壤分离速率与对照处于同一数量级;W-OH溶液浓度为4.0%的处理,在1.0 L s-1与2.0 L s-1时土壤分离速率较对照下降了2至3个数量级,在3.0 L s-1时土壤分离速率较对照下降了1至3个数量级;W-OH浓度为5.0%的处理,各流量下土壤分离速率均较对照下降了3个数量级。

虽然W-OH溶液浓度的升高意味着土壤分离速率的减小,但应用该材料的成本也会增加。此外,过高浓度的W-OH会增加土壤硬度,影响种子的萌发以及植物根系对水分和养分的吸收。因此,在不同的坡度及流量条件下,选择适用的W-OH溶液浓度是十分重要的。以土壤分离速率下降2个数量级作为标准,并结合成本考虑,可以对W-OH溶液的适用浓度进行筛选。如在坡度为8.8%且流量为1.0 L s-1或2.0 L s-1时,2.0%浓度的W-OH溶液即可以作为适用浓度;而在坡度为36.4%或46.6%且流量为3.0 L s-1时,5.0%浓度的W-OH溶液才能被选作适用浓度。

2.2 不同坡度、流量下土壤分离速率的变化趋势

从图2中可以看出,流量不变时,各处理土壤分离速率随坡度的升高而增大。W-OH浓度不同,土壤分离速率随坡度的增大趋势存在明显差别。例如,对照处理(图2a)土壤分离速率均与坡度呈线性关系(R2> 0.80),W-OH溶液浓度为4.0%的处理(图2d)土壤分离速率均与坡度呈指数关系(R2> 0.95),W-OH浓度为5.0%的处理(图2e)土壤分离速率均与坡度呈线性关系(R2>0.95)。对应试验过程中土样的变化可以发现,固结表层的存在使得土壤侵蚀过程发生了改变,当坡度超过36.4%时,对于W-OH浓度为4.0%的处理,土样固结表层破坏程度随坡度升高而加大,使得土壤分离速率在坡度达到36.4%后大幅提升。而对于W-OH浓度为5.0%的处理,土样的固结表层始终保持完整,侵蚀仅限于表面未参与固结的浮土。蒋芳市等[20]对崩岗崩积体原状土的研究表明,土壤分离速率与坡度间呈线性相关关系,这与本文对照土壤的研究结果一致,而施用W-OH使得土壤分离速率与坡度的关系变得复杂。受到不同浓度W-OH所形成固结表层的影响,土壤分离速率随坡度变化的趋势不再一致。

表2 不同处理下的土壤分离速率Table 2 Detachment rate relative to treatment(g m-2s-1)


2.3 不同水流剪切力、水流功率及单位水流功率下土壤分离速率的变化趋势

为便于采用土壤侵蚀模型来估算W-OH材料的减蚀效益,试验研究了土壤分离速率与水流剪切力、水流功率和单位水流功率之间的关系(图4)。土壤分离速率与水流剪切力(图4a)的关系除W-OH浓度在4.0%时呈指数关系外(Dr=0.0002τ0.1613x,R2= 0.90),在其余四个处理下(对照、W-OH 2.0%、W-OH 3.0%和W-OH 5.0%)均呈线性关系,表达式如下:式中,Dr(g m-2s-1)为土壤分离速率,τ(Pa)为水流剪切力。在式(4)~式(7)中,斜率为与土壤可蚀性等因素相关的参数,直线与横坐标的截距为水流剪切力的临界值,即临界水流剪切力,径流超过一定的水流剪切力才能将土粒脱离土壤表面[21]。可以看出随着W-OH溶液浓度的升高,与土壤可蚀性相关的参数基本呈递减趋势,且在W-OH浓度为5.0%时降低为对照的千分之一,表明了土壤抗蚀能力的显著提升。除式(7)外,临界水流剪切力呈递增趋势,说明随着W-OH溶液浓度的升高,土粒越不容易被水流分离。对于式(7)中临界水流剪切力的反常现象,可能是因为W-OH浓度为5.0%时,固结表层在水流冲刷下始终保持完好,侵蚀仅限于土样表面未参与固结的土粒且侵蚀量较小。各处理下,土壤分离速率与水流剪切力(图4a)、水流功率(图4b)及单位水流功率(图4c)这三种水力参数的函数关系较为一致。但水流剪切力的模型决定系数(R2)要高于其余两种参数的模型决定系数(R2),这说明在施用W-OH材料后,水流剪切力对土壤分离速率的描述要好于其余两种参数。

图2 各流量条件下土壤分离速率与坡度之间的函数关系Fig. 2 Soil detachment rate as a function of slope gradient under different flow condition

图3 各处理不同流量条件下各坡度土壤分离速率均值Fig. 3 Soil detachment rate relative to different flow conditions at mean slope

3 结 论


图4 土壤分离速率与水流剪切力、水流功率及单位水流功率之间的函数关系Fig. 4 Soil detachment rate as a function of flow shear stress,stream power and unit stream power

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Impact of W-OH on Soil Detachment Rate of Colluvial Deposits in Collapsing Hill

ZHU Yayun1,2CAO Longxi1WU Zhiren3CHEN Chong1LIANG Yin1†
(1 Key Laboratory of Soil Environment and Pollution Remediation,Institute of Soil Science,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)
(2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
(3 School of the Environment and Safety Engineering,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013,China)

【Objective】Collapse of hills is a form of soil erosion widely distributed in South China. It occurs mainly in denudated granite hilly areas where vegetation has been destroyed. The collapses threaten the security of farmlands and residents,and cause huge economic losses. A typical collapsing hill contains five parts,that is,catchment slope,collapsed wall,colluvial deposits,gullies and alluvial fan. Colluvial deposits are poor in soil structure,posing the main source of erosion sediment in collapsing hills,weak in erosion resistance and very susceptible to runoff scouring. The traditional method of managing collapsinghills combines land leveling and planting of trees and grass. However,the method per disturbs the soil and besides,the benefits of revegetation come into being slowly. Soil particles in colluvial deposits are readily detachable with surface runoff. Now a new type of hydrophilic polyurethane,called W-OH,is available and good to intensify the cohesive force of soil particles between each other,and hence can be used to make up the weakness of the traditional method. 【Method】In this study a slope flume experiment was carried out to analyze effect of W-OH on soil detachment rate of colluvial deposits. The experiment was designed to have four W-OH concentrations,i.e. 2%,3%,4%,5%,five slope gradients,i.e. 8.8%,17.6%,26.8%,36.4% and 46.6% and three flow rates,i.e. 1.0 L s-1,2.0 L s-1and 3.0 L s-1. The slope flume had a chamber to hold soil samples. Before the experiment,the soil samples were soaked in water for 12 hours to make the samples saturated and in the process of soaking,the water surface was kept slightly lower than the upper surface of the ring-knife. Slope gradient of the flume was regulated with a pulley system and water flow with a group of valves. Before the scouring process started,soil moisture content of the samples was measured,and soil detachment rate was calculated out of the difference between the soil samples before and after the experiment in dry weight. In order to facilitate the use of soil erosion models to estimate the effect of W-OH mitigating erosion,relationships of soil detachment rate with flow shear stress,stream power and unit stream power were analyzed. 【Result】Results show that as affected by a specific combination of slope gradient and flow rate,soil detachment rate decreased with the increasing concentration of W-OH. Such a trend was not obvious when the slope gradient was 8.8% and the flow rate 1.0 L s-1or 2.0 L s-1。When the flume was over 8.8% in slope gradient,soil detachment rate displayed a clear gradient between the treatments and dropped by 1~3 orders of magnitude,as compared to CK,and the higher the W-OH application rate,the greater the descend gradient of the soil detachment rate. The analysis of relationships of soil detachment rate with hydraulic parameters shows that compared with CK,critical flow shear stress of the soil applied with W-OH increased. 【Conclusion】All the findings listed above indicate that the effect of W-OH reducing soil detachment rate is remarkable,and such an effect increases with increasing W-OH application rate. Under different circumstances,to reduce soil detachment rate decreases by two orders of magnitude,it is necessary to apply W-OH at a corresponding rate. Once W-OH is applied,a consolidated surface layer is formed with the surface soil of colluvial deposits,thus altering the process of soil erosion. When the consolidated surface layer is intact,soil erosion is very weak,and once the consolidated surface layer is ripped by surface runoff,soil erosion aggravates dramatically.

Collapsing hill;W-OH;Soil detachment;Hydraulic parameters





* 国家科技支撑计划项目(2014BAD15B0302)资助 Supported by the National Science and Technology Support Program of China (No.2014BAD15B0302)

† 通讯作者 Corresponding author,E-mail:yliang@issas.ac.cn




放缓坡度 因势利导 激发潜能——第二学段自主习作教学的有效尝试