
2018-01-25 10:26湖南
教学考试(高考英语) 2018年6期



英文原著阅读能够带来最直接、最震撼的语言体验,但是鉴于高中生读者往往苦于无从下手或者浅尝辄止,本文特此推荐And Then There Were None(《无人生还》)并辅以六种阅读策略。《无人生还》主要讲述的是十位不同身份的人共同被邀请进入士兵岛做客,在岛上相继发生连环凶杀案件,最后无一人生还。贯穿全书的疑问是:谁是凶手?动机是什么?凶手如何杀人?侦探小说最能激起读者的阅读兴趣,在光怪陆离的案件中锻炼学生的逻辑推理能力,同时在阅读中依托以下六种阅读技巧,通过先赏析后模仿的方式来夯实学生的英文语言基本功,在潜移默化中提升学生的核心素养。名著原文如下:

Chapter 1

In the corner of a first-class smoking carriage, Mr.Justice Wargrave, lately retired from the bench, puffed at a cigar and ran an interested eye through the political news in the Times.

Chapter 1

“Watch and pray,”he said.“Watch and pray.The day of judgment is at hand.” He collapsed through the doorway onto the platform.From a recumbent position he looked up at Mr.Blore and said with immense dignity:“I’m talking to you,young man.The day of judgment is very close at hand.”

Chapter 2

Illuminated by the setting sun, they had their first glimpse of Indian Island jutting up out of the sea to the south.

Chapter 2

The boat grated against the rocks.Fred Narracott jumped out and he and Lombard helped the others to alight.Narracott made the boat fast to a ring in the rock.Then he led the way up steps cut in the rock.

Chapter 2

Mrs.Rogers said:“I’m a good cook and Rogers is handy about the house.I didn’t know, of course, that there was to be such a large party.”...Mrs.Rogers turned to go.Her feet moved noiselessly over the floor.She drifted from the room like a shadow.

Chapter 2

As the gong sounded, Philip Lombard came out of his room and walked to the head of the stairs.He moved like a panther,smoothly and noiselessly.There was something of the panther about him altogether.A beast of prey-pleasant to the eye.

Chapter 3

Only Mr.Justice Wargrave and Miss Brent seemed comparatively unmoved.Emliy Brent sat upright, her head held high.In both cheeks was a spot of hard colour.The judge sat in his habitual pose, his head sunk down into his neck.With one hand he gently scratched his ear.Only his eyes were active, darting round and round the room, puzzled, alert with intelligence.

Chapter 3

Like the judge, Lombard’s eyes wandered slowly round the room.They rested a minute on the open window, then he shook his head decisively.Suddenly his eyes lighted up.He moved forward swiftly to where a door near the fireplace led into an adjoining room.With a swift gesture, he caught the handle and flung the door open.He passed through and immediately uttered an exclamation of satisfaction.

Chapter 3

Mr.Justice Wargrave turned his attention to Mr.Blore....He said:“...Amongst the names recited was that of William Henry Blore.But as far as we know there is no one named Blore amongst us.The name of Davis was not mentioned.What have you to say about that, Mr.Davis?” Blore said sulkily:“Cat_’s out of the bag, it seems.I suppose I’d better admit that my name isn’t Davis.”

Chapter 5

General Macarthur tossed from side to side.Sleep would not come to him.

Chapter 9

Miss Brent was knitting.Vera Claythorne was standing by the window looking out at the hissing rain.Blore was sitting squarely in a chair, his hands on his knees.Lombard was walking restlessly up and down.At the far end of the room Mr.Justice Wargrave was sitting in a grandfather chair.His eyes were half closed.

Chapter 9

A spot of colour came into Emily Brent_’s cheeks.She stopped knitting.She said:“This is outrageous!”

Chapter 11

Emily came to herself with a start.That girl was looking at her very strangely.She said in a brisk voice:“Everything’s ready, isn’t it? We’ll take the breakfast in.”

Chapter 12

“There are five of us there in this room.One of us is a murderer.The position is fraught with grave danger.Everything must be done in order to safeguard the four of us who are innocent.”

Chapter 14

The perspiration broke out on his forehead.Who was it,moving secretly and silently along the corridors? Some one who was up to no good, he’d bet that!

Chapter 15

Philip said:“You’re the one who wants to go into the lion’s den.I’ll come with you if you like?”“No, you won’t,”said Blore.“You’ll stay here.” Philip laughed.“So you’re still afraid of me? Why, I could shoot you both this very minute if I liked.”

Chapter 16

Fear-what a strange thing fear was...Well, it was over now.She had conquered—had triumphed over the most deadly peril.By her own quick-wittedness and adroitness she had turned the tables on her would-be destroyer.




动词和介词通常相互搭配,非常适合用图示来表达动态的含义。例如第1章里的ran an interested eye through...一句中ran 和through非常传神,将眼神的跃动以及人物的神色描写得非常形象,through本义为空间的“穿过”,经过推理可译为“颇有兴趣地浏览”。第1章中的collapse本义为“倒塌”,onto表示动态界面的接触。通过动作加空间的移动可推知He collapsed through the doorway onto the platform为“老年人蹒跚地穿过过道,登上站台”。



英语学习者阅读的一大障碍是对所掌握的词汇不能灵活运用。由于汉语和英语并非全然对应,学生应在阅读中培养英式思维以理解生词含义、熟词生义。例如第2章中的jut up对于高中生来说是未知词汇,但是结合前后文“在落日的余晖中,他们第一眼瞥见士兵岛向南边的海______”,可推知jut up为“突出”之意。第2章中的Narracott made the boat fast to a ring in the rock.此处 fast为熟词生义“系牢的”,ring也有生义,意为“岩石上的环状物”。



英语描述中各种修饰语的采用也使人物形象跃然纸上。常见的有副词、介词短语、非谓语、独立主格等作为状语修饰核心动词。第2章中的moved noiselessly,like a shadow,smoothly and noiselessly,第3章中的darting round and round the room以及第9章中的squarely, his hands on his knees皆能生动地表现出纷杂的动作形态。

动词的精细化体现了英式思维对于细节的关注,例如第3章中五官及肢体动作的描述有:sat, held, sunk,scratched, wandered, rested, shook, lighted up, moved, caught,fl ung, passed, uttered等。运用不重复的词汇表达迅速复杂的动作过程,体现了作者英语词汇方面的基本功及敏锐观察世界的能力。




例如,第11章中的came to herself with a start意为“突然惊醒”,第12章中根据法官总结“凶手就在我们当中”,可以得知is fraught with grave danger,意为“充满了巨大的危险”。高中学习阶段要求记忆的词组break out表示“爆发”,第14章中的The perspiration broke out on his forehead.可灵活理解为“他的前额蹦出豆大的汗水。”可见语块的整存整取有利于提高词汇记忆的效率,在阅读中不断丰富原来语块的含义,有益于学生对相似的语境进行模仿。

拟人能够使表达更加形象生动。将事或物放在主语的位置赋予其动作,这种表达非常新颖、令人印象深刻。虽然第5章中的Sleep would not come to him.的句义(他就是睡不着)不奇,但用睡眠作主语(使用无灵主语)却很出彩。无灵主语的使用,通常是用来形容客观造成的场景或心境。例如高中生所熟知的Years have witnessed great changes in the city.(这座城市发生了巨大的改变)和It escaped my mind.(我忘记了)等。 据此可推知第9章中的A spot of colour came into Emily Brent’s cheeks.表 达 的 是Emily怒不可遏之时的面部神情。






谚语为约定俗成的用法,例如在第3章、第15章和第16章中分别提到的Cat’s out of the bag(泄露的秘密),the lion’s den(危险的境地),turned the tables(反转局面)。在阅读中体会英语的原汁原味能够增强文化意识,在写作中便能恰如其分地运用。


And Then There Were None is a mystery novel by English writer Agatha Christie, her best-selling novel and described by her as the most difficult of her books to write.It was first published in the United Kingdom by the Collins Crime Club on 6 November 1939, as Ten Little Niggers, after the British blackface song, which serves as a major plot point.

On a hot 8 August in the late 1930s, eight people arrive on a small, isolated island off the Devon coast of England.Each has an invitation tailored to his or her personal circumstances, such as an offer of employment or an unexpected late summer holiday.They are met by Thomas and Ethel Rogers, the butler and cook-housekeeper, who state that their hosts, Mr Ulick Norman Owen and his wife Mrs Una Nancy Owen, whom they have not yet met in person,have not arrived, but left instructions, which strikes all the guests as odd.

The US edition was released in January 1940 with the title And Then There Were None.All successive American reprints and adaptations use that title, which is taken from the last five words of the song.

It is Christie’s best-selling novel, with more than 100 million copies sold; it is also the world’s best-selling mystery and one of the best-selling books of all time.Publications International lists the novel as the sixth best-selling title.

