
2018-01-26 01:43QinXiuhua
重庆与世界 2018年1期






2017年2月25日,意大利总统马塔雷拉访问重庆。 摄影/陶代明




Italian President Sergio Mattarella Visited Chongqing“Chongqing Left Me a Beautiful and Unforgettable Memory”

President of Italy Sergio Mattarella Donating Books to Chongqing People’s Primary School. Photographer/Tao Daiming

At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, Sergio Mattarella,the President of the Republic of Italy, paid a state visit to China from February 21, 2017 to February 26, 2017. This was the first state visit to China since Mattarella was elected as President in 2015.Besides meeting with Chinese leaders in Beijing, he also visited Shanghai, Chongqing and Xi’an.

On February 25, Sergio Mattarella, the President of the Republic of Italy, arrived in Chongqing by special plane with his party. The entourages consisted of more than 40 people, including Laura Mattarella, the daughter of President Sergio Mattarella, Graziano Delrio, minister of Italy Infrastructure and Transport. During the visit in Chongqing, President Mattarella and his party visited Italian Consulate General in Chongqing, Chongqing Planning Exhibition Hall and Chongqing Renmin Primary School.

In Chongqing Planning Exhibition Hall, Mattarella watched promotion videos carefully, listened to the economic and social development of Chongqing as well as the past, present and future of the city’s planning. What is more, he had some insight into aspects like urban system planning and integrated traffic planning of Chongqing. At the end of his visit, President Mattarella was pleased to write on the guest book of the Exhibition Hall:

“The initiative and urbanization progress of Chongqing are highly appreciated”.

After the visit to Chongqing Planning Exhibiton Hall, Mattarella came to Chongqing Renmin Primary School to meet students who are studying Italian. Students greeted Mattarella, sang songs and recited poems in Italian, which drew applause from Mattarella and his party. Later, President Mattarella presented 800 Italian children books to the school and gladly accepted the students’ handcraft Horse as a return gift given by the school.

Mattarella delivered an impromptu speech to teachers and students present. “I am very delighted to be here and know that there are so many students learning Italian and a lot of children in Italy are learning Chinese as well. Both China and Italy have quite ancient civilizations. China is a large country and Italy enjoys quite ancient civilization and history. The friendship between the two countries relies on cultural exchanges which have a profound foundation.”“In terms of your study, it is very important to the contact between Italy and China. We can know more about each other through your study of Italian. I’ll never forget the time I spent with you today.”

On the guest book of Chongqing Renmin Primary School,Mattarella wrote: “The relationship between Italy and Chongqing is much closer on this day of celebration. I’d like to express my admiration for your efforts and enthusiasm for the development of Italian studies. Language is the expression of different cultures,which is an important tool to understand dialogue. Languagelearning will facilitate the friendship between the two peoples. As knowledge is the most precious thing, thousands of years of the two civilizations, Italy in Europe and China in Asia, can be exchanged.”During his visit in Chongqing, Matarella also attended the “Solo Concert of Italian Female Jazz Pianist Rita Mark Duli” in the Cathay Pacific Arts Center. What’s more, he also met the principal of Chongqing’s enterprise that has invested the manufacture of automobile in Italy. Graziano Delrio, minister of Infrastructure and Transport, made a special trip to visit Cuntan Bonded Area in Chongqing.

■ Editor: Zeng Rui

Tr. by Qin Xiuhua

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