27家外国驻西南领事馆 助推重庆内陆开放高地建设

2018-01-26 01:43范青刘先睿
重庆与世界 2018年1期

□ 文/范青 刘先睿




① 驻渝蓉两地领事官员旁听重庆“两会”。

② 市人大常委会副主任杜黎明(右四)出席意大利国庆招待会。

③ 市政协副主席张玲(右)出席第二届中国西部布达佩斯文化之春开幕式。

④ 市政府外事侨务办主任吴康明(右)会见即将离任的新加坡驻成都总领事颜呈吉,并为其颁发“重庆友好使者”证书。

⑤ 市政府外事侨务办副主任王雯出席庆祝中英建立大使级外交关系45周年活动。





韩国总统文在寅一行来渝访问。在渝期间,文在寅一行来到位于渝中区七星岗莲花池38号的大韩民国临时政府旧址陈列馆参观。大韩民国临时政府于1919年在上海成立并于1932年迁至重庆,该馆见证了中华民族与半岛人民同仇敌忾、并肩战斗的历史,浇铸了中韩友好基础,探寻中韩在渝共同抗击日寇的历史足迹。随后,文在寅一行出席中韩产业合作重庆论坛,参观考察北京现代重庆工厂 ,为中韩经贸合作加油鼓劲。


⑥ 市政府外事侨务办副主任唐文(左二)与多国驻渝蓉总领事馆参加“iChongqing,2017重庆与世界嘉年华”。

⑦ 驻渝蓉总领事参加中国(重庆)自由贸易试验区挂牌仪式。

⑧ 荷兰驻渝总领事孔思哲(左一)参观考察重庆西永综合保税区。






■见习编辑:刘丁睿 编辑:熊怡



Since it is being a municipality, Chongqing has attracted 10 countries to set up consulates,including Japan; Meanwhile, Chongqing is also the consular district of 13 countries’ Consulate-General offices in Chengdu, including the United States and 4 countries’ Consulate-General offices in Kunming, including Malaysia. As a central city in western China and an inland open economy ,Chongqing is a strategic pivot for the development of the western region. As a connecting point on the“Belt and Road” and the Yangtze River Economic Belt, Chongqing is recognized and favored by more and more countries. The consulates of various countries in the southwest China has been active in Chongqing and participates in major economic and trade exchanges, culture, science & technology and sports activities, and actively promotes exchanges and cooperation between them per se and Chongqing, which will expand Chongqing’s influence in the countries, upgrading its level of internationalization, and effectively boosting the construction of making it an open highland in the inland China.

Chongqing: Western Consular Center

The consulates of a multitude of countries are optimistic about the development potential of Chongqing and take the initiative to pitch in the “Two Connection Points” and “Two Places” construction of Chongqing. In 2017, a rich economic and cultural exchange activities were hosted in Chongqing. The leaders of the Municipal Government's Overseas Affairs Office held contacts and interactions with consul generals of the foreign countries and communicated with one another promptly.

In 2017, Wu Kangming, director of the Municipal Government’s Overseas Chinese Affairs Office, met with Christopher Lim, Consul General of Australia in Chengdu, Raymond Greene, Consul General of the United States in Chengdu, Dióssi, Lóránd,Consul General of Hungary in Chongqing, and Cecille El Beleidi, Consul General of the British Consulate in Chongqing. Besides, Director Wu has also received visits before leaving office by Hoshiyama Takashi, Consul General of Japan in Chongqing, Philippe Rheault, Consul General of Canada in Chongqing, Sergio Maffettone, Consul General of Italy in Chongqing, Steven Pang, Consul General of Singapore in Chengdu, giving a positive assessment to the resigning Consul Generals. On the other hand, he welcomed the new diplomats:Komatsu Michihiko, the Consul General of Japan in Chongqing, Consul General of Canada in Chongqing, Jim Mullinax, Consul General of the United States in Chengdu, Filippo Nicosia, Consul General of Italy in Chongqing, and Pang Chee Wee,Consul General of Singapore in Chengdu, and offered hope and advice.The year of 2017 saw Tang Wen, deputy director of the Municipal Government’s Office of Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs, meet with Consul Generals or deputy consul generals of Consulate General of the following countries in Chengdu or Chongqing, including Netherlands, Ethiopia, Hungary, Italy,Canada, the Philippines, Japan, Thailand, South Korea and Israel.In return, our consular officers had met and discussed their work with the consular staff at irregular intervals, learning and sharing with one another.

The Ethiopian Style Coffee Exhibition Area of The 6th Chongqing Culture Industry Expo.Photography / Tang Anbing

More high-level visits to Chongqing and expand its international influenc

In 2017, the Foreign and Overseas Affairs Office of the Municipal Government will work in partnership with the consular offices in various regions of the country to encourage a number of foreign high-level visits to Chongqing. In cooperation with the Italian Consulate General in Chongqing, the Office has received the Italian delegation led by its President Sergio Mattallera.This is Mr Mattallera’s first visit to China as the President of the Italian Republic and his first visit to Chongqing. During his stay in Chongqing, President Mattallera and his entourage visited Italy's Consulate General in Chongqing, Chongqing People's Primary School, Cuntang Port in Liangjiang New Area, Chongqing Planning&Exhibition Hall, etc. and enjoyed the performance of the Italian pianist at Guotai Art Center.

During his stay in Chongqing, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and his entourage came to visit the exhibition hall of the former site of the Provisional Government of Republic of Korea at No. 38 Lotus Pond, Qixingang, Yuzhong District. The Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea was established in Shanghai in 1919 and relocated to Chongqing in 1932. The museum witnessed the history of the Chinese nation and Korean Peninsula people fighting side by side with their enemies, which had later served as a foundation for friendship forged between China and South Korea to explore the historical footsteps of the two countries jointlyfighting against the Japanese in Chongqing. Subsequently, Moon and his delegation attended the Chongqing Forum on Industrial Cooperation between China and South Korea and visited and the Beijing Hyundai Chongqing factory to pep talk for the economic and trade cooperation between China and South Korea.

The Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the Municipal Government, in cooperation with the Canadian Consulate General in Chongqing, hosts Canadian Governor General David Johnston and relevant delegations. During his stay in Chongqing, Governor Johnston attended the China-Canada Roundtable on Science,Technology and Innovation at Chongqing University to discuss potential commercial opportunities for bilateral cooperation. At the same time, Mr Johnston expressed their stress on science,technology, innovation and their support on science and technology cooperation with China.

Mr. Pschierer, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy, Media,Energy and Technology of Bavaria, Germany, led a 35-member governmental, economic and trade delegation to Chongqing for his visit. Secretary Pschierer also paid a visit to Tan Jialing, vice mayor of Chongqing and exchanged views on strengthening the cooperation between the two regions in economy and trade,science and technology, health, culture and tourism. At the Matchmaking Symposium between the two regions held during the same period, relevant departments and business representatives in Chongqing also conducted "one-on-one" exchange with entrepreneurs from the state on seven sections: electronic technology, machinery manufacturing, international logistics and medical and health care, etc., and they have come to a series of cooperation intentions.

François-Philippe Champagne, Minister of International Trade of Canada, visited Chongqing and met with Liu Guiping, vice mayor of Chongqing. Mr Champagne also met with leaders and students from Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing Technology and Business University, and exchanged views with scientific researchers from a number of colleges and universities,including Yunnan Normal University; besides, he went forward in discussions with some local real estate companies on topics like the use of construction timber and Canadian timber exports.

Minister of Environment and Agriculture of Saxony, State Councilor Thomas Schmidt led a delegation to visit Chongqing and met with Zhang Xuan, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress. He exchanged views with entrepreneurs from Chongqing, inspected Chongqing University and attended“European Day” Activities, with the German Consul General in Chengdu Klaus Schmidt keeping the delegation’s company.

Italian delegation headed by Ivan Scafarot, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Italy, paid a visit to Chongqing and met with Chen Lvping, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee, deputy mayor of the Municipal Government, Party Secretary of the Liangjiang New Area Party and Labor’s Union, and director of the CMC, expounding on further deepening the cooperation between the two sides on commerce and trade, automobiles, logistics and building a Sino-Italian industrial park. They also witnessed the signing ceremony of “the Cooperation Agreement between Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Management Committee and Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing on Jointly Establishing Sino-Italian Industrial Park”, and “the Bilateral Investment Facilitation Center Agreement between Italy and Liangjiang New Area (Chongqing)”. According to the agreements, the two sides will carry out in-depth cooperation in such fields as automobile, bio-medicine, aeronautics and astronautics , finance, commerce and trade, logistics, science and technology innovation, environmental protection, machinery and cloud computing.

Pics by Division of Consular Affairs of Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs

Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government

■ Editor: Liu Dingrui Xiong Yi

Tr. by He Jing

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