
2022-07-13 01:50袁丹纯
疯狂英语·新策略 2022年7期

Bad news has wings. So does good news. In 2021, a teacher from Shangqiu, Central China's Henan Province, wowed (博得称赞) thousands of netizens with his neat and immaculate (完美的) chalk handwriting after a video showing him writing characters in various calligraphy (书法) styles on a blackboard went viral. Each stroke (笔画) is so perfectly executed (完成)that it has earned the teacher the nickname “walking printer”.

Graduating from university as an art and craft major in 2003, Zhang Shifeng, now aged 41, has been an art teacher ever since. He took calligraphy as a hobby at an early age, and has put all his heart into calligraphy with chalk for decades.

According to Zhang, writing with a chalk is trickier than using a brush and paper, as the character you write on a blackboard is usually on a larger scale, making the stroke harder to handle and the pattern and composition of each character is difficult to grasp,thus requiring a great practice.

After years of perfecting his technique, Zhang is now capable of chalkboard writing in a dozen styles, including Small Seal script, and Semi-cursive script.

Zhang said he felt exhilarated (高兴的)when his handwriting won compliments from students and believed his continuous efforts would pay off by helping students understand different calligraphy styles in the history of Chinese character development. “Every time I notice kids'keen interest in my class,I see that their enthusiasm for Chinese calligraphy is fueled,which makes me feel so much rewarded.It is my hope that the kids will learn how to write properly through my chalkboard writing and inherit (继承)our beautiful art of calligraphy.You see,we can't let our traditional culture fade away,”he said.

Thanks to Zhang, interest in calligraphy among students is aroused, with many people imitating his writing, and to their credit, “they are doing fairly well,” Zhang added.

For calligraphy enthusiasts (爱好者), Zhang recommends starting off by practicing Kaishu, or Regular Script, as the structure of Kaishu preserves the essential characteristics of squareness (方形) and precision (精确性).

Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅰ. Text-centered chunks

earn the nickname 获得昵称

put all one's heart into 把某人的全部心血倾注于……

on a large scale 大范围地

be capable of 有能力做

win compliments 赢得赞美

pay off 取得成功

fuel one's enthusiasm 燃烧某人的热情

fade away 逐渐消失

arouse one's interest 唤起某人的兴趣

to one's credit 值得赞扬

start off by 通过……开始

Ⅱ. Text-centered sentences


Thanks to Zhang, interest in calligraphy among students is aroused, with many people imitating his writing, and to their credit, “they are doing fairly well,” Zhang said. 多亏了张老师,学生们对书法的兴趣被激发了,很多人模仿他的字体,值得赞扬的是,张老师说:“他们确实做得很棒。 ”

【点石成金】with many people imitating his writing是with的复合结构。




Each stroke is so perfectly executed that it has earned the teacher the nickname“walking printer”. 老师如此完美地完成每一笔,以至于这为他获得了“行走的打印机”的绰号。





It is my hope that the kids will learn how to write properly through my chalkboard writing and inherit our beautiful art of calligraphy. 我希望孩子们能通过我的黑板字学会如何恰当地书写,并继承我们美妙的书法艺术。

【点石成金】my hope后接的that从句为同位语从句,用来对前面的抽象名词hope进行解释说明。



Activity B Reading for writing

假定你是李华,你校的国际交流生Allen对中国书法课程很感兴趣,并写邮件向你咨询相关信息。 请你根据下面的内容要点写信回复他。

1. 中国书法的简介;

2. 书法课程的意义;

3. 练习书法的建议。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 至少需要使用一个with的复合结构、so...that句型或同位语从句;4. 注意段落内的逻辑关系。

Dear Allen,



Hope you may find my information useful. Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua





What is the text mainly about?



Fill in the blanks according to the text.




1. symbolize 象征

2. be considered/seen/regarded as 被认为是

3. a wide range of 多种多样的

4. a variety of 各种各样的

5. Thanks to..., Zhongshan is considered as one of the most livable cities in China.由于……,中山被认为是中国最宜居的城市之一。

6. Sth, invented by..., is a new tool used to... ……发明的……是一种用来……的新工具。


1. deepen understanding of 加深对……的理解

2. enrich life experience 丰富人生经验

3. broaden one's horizons 开阔某人的视野

4. strengthen the bond/ties between/among 加强……之间的关系

5. in memory of 作为对……的纪念

6. it can not only...but also... 它不仅能……还能……

7. without..., we cannot... 没有……,我们就不能……

8. It is on this special day that people mourn for their ancestors. 人们正是在这个特殊的日子里悼念他们的祖先。


本次的写作任务是写一篇融合介绍相关信息和提供建议的告知信,根据写作要求,其语篇结构可定为“简介+意义+建议”。 文章的框架如下:

Hearing that...,I am writing to share with you sth,which I hope will be helpful to you.

It is a fact that... (简介). It functions as...as well as... (意义) When it comes to..., it is highly recommended that sb should do...


根据以上提供的主题、主题表达和语篇结构,我们可以写出文章的第一、二段。第一段点出写信的目的,第二段写对中国书法的简介、书法课程的意义并提出练习书法的相关建议。 总词数控制在80左右。

同时,学习运用前文阅读材料中出现的with的复合结构、so...that句型或同位语从句。 尤其要注意表达的内在逻辑关系,需要注意使用恰当的连词。

Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者