Unit 3 The world of science

2024-03-03 10:36
时代英语·高一 2024年1期

Section Ⅰ Starting out & Understanding ideas

單词拼写 根据首字母或汉语提示,用本部分所学单词的正确形式填空。

1.All of a sudden, a white light s________ towards my eyes, and I could see nothing.

2.In any unsafe situation, simply p_______ the button and some highly-trained men will come to help you.

3.If you happen to be very f_______ , I can raise your leg high, possibly to my shoulder.

4.If you leave your headlights on you’ll soon run down the b_______. You’d better turn them off because the power’s going to be out all night.

5.She seems to have no d_______ to go there. She prefers to stay at home.

6.Everyone believes that she’s perfectly _______ (有能力的) of solving problems by herself.

7.New technology has enabled development of an online _______ (虚拟的) library.

8.He joked they had to depend on a_______ (指南针) and a lot of luck to get there.

9.It’s easy to _______ (计算) your scores; just add your scores for each subject.

10.What impressive _______(物品)! You must have put a lot of effort into it.

选择填空 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。

in terms of never say never in addition have a strong desire be capable of

1. Both parents and teachers should let kids do tasks that they _______ by themselves.

2. _______ , and always remember you still have the opportunity to win back.

3. The book is well organised _______ plot. That’s why it is so popular.

4. _______, Mr Luo served as a visiting professor at several universities.

5. As a scientist, he always says that he _______ to improve people’s life in some way.


As we all know, there are four great inventions in Ancient China: gunpowder, papermaking, 1 (print) and the compass. These things 2 (change) the world forever. In today’s world, we are 3 the great new age of technology, and most of the new great inventions are tech-based. For instance, advances in virtual reality and wearable tech, as well as the flexible battery, mean we should soon be seeing 4 (far) developments.

New inventions like 3D printers 5 (use) to make replacement hearts and bone parts. Reduced energy supplies and environmental 6 (pollute) have led to more advances in the technology for new vehicles.

Most inventions start with 7 (recognise) a problem that needs a solution. In terms of the environment, it is possible to create an intelligent walking house, 8 can be eco-friendly because of solar technology. Although there is 9 long way to go to invent a time machine at the moment, we should have a strong desire 10 (think) and create, and what remains important is that we never say never.

1. _______  2. _______  3. _______4. _______  5. _______

6. _______   7. _______ 8. _______9. _______  10. _______


I’m sure you’ve used the zipper many times. It can be seen almost everywhere today. But have you ever wondered who invented it?

Whitcomb Judson was an inventor. He had a friend who had a sore back. Judson’s friend couldn’t bend over to tie his shoes. In order to help his friend out, Judson designed what he called a “clasp locker” for him, basically a slide fastener that could be opened and closed with one hand. He patented (获专利) the idea in 1891. Even though he started his own company to make the clasp locker, Judson didn’t make his invention famous.

The zipper as we know today is a result of the work of a Swedish-American engineer called Gideon Sundback, who worked as head engineer at Judson’s company. Sundback improved on Judson’s design. His design was stronger, faster and more reliable than the former one, and Sundback patented it in 1917, calling it the “separable fastener”. With World War One fully underway, the army used his design on its clothing and equipment for the soldiers, although the invention still hadn’t become popular with the public.

However, that all changed in 1923 when the B. F. Goodrich Company decided to use Sundback’s invention on their new rubber boots. A leader at the company named them zippers after the noise they made, and the name became accepted. As the invention became popular, it caught the attention of fashion designers in France, who used zippers in men trousers.

The zipper not only makes it more convenient to fasten clothing, but plastic zippers are also wind-, dust- and water-proof, and they don’t stick or rust (生銹). The invention of plastic zippers also meant they could be created in any color, making them another great tool in the fashion industry. Overall, it simply makes life easier for everyone, especially for those with disabilities.

1. Why did Whitcomb Judson create the “clasp locker”?

A. To make a friend’s life easier. B. To help out his own company.

C. To stand out in the fashion industry. D. To avoid the trouble of tying his shoes.

2. What can we learn about the “separable fastener”?

A. It failed to work very well. B. It gained immediate success.

C. It was one of Judson’s designs. D. It got the army’s attention.

3. What can we infer about the zipper in the last paragraph?

A. It is a significant invention. B. It develops people’s interest in art.

C. It requires complex production work. D. It changes people’s attitudes to fashion.

4. What does the text mainly tell us about the zipper?

A. Its benefits. B. Its history. C. Its real inventor. D. Its different designs.


Characteristics of an Excellent Scientist

The Free Dictionary defines (下定义) a scientist as a person having professional knowledge on one or more sciences, especially natural science or physical science. 1 Let’s look at some characteristics of an excellent scientist.


2 Scientists such as Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse discovered things mainly because they wanted to know how things worked. If a scientist doesn’t have the drive to ask questions or even wonder, then he/she never gets to the first stage of the scientific process.


3 There are very few jobs that take longer than this one. Even if you think you have received some education on science, you still have a lot of scientific research to do.

Ethical qualities

In order to truly discover and use knowledge for the greater good, a scientist must have a desire to improve people’s life as well as the environment, since they are linked and they can affect each other in the long run. A scientist must report findings honestly. Sticking to an old belief proved wrong by the evidence (證据) is dishonest. 4

Working habits

An excellent scientist even takes notes of the smallest observation, keeping it in mind and recording it. 5 He/She also needs to communicate thoughts on paper and verbally. Networking skills connect him/her with colleagues working on similar projects where he/she may discover something new.

A. Becoming a scientist takes a long time.

B. An excellent scientist must be curious about things.

C. It also defines a scientist as someone who uses scientific methods.

D. However, that belief shouldn’t be changed without powerful evidence.

E. He/She can work well alone or in groups, depending on what’s needed.

F. One of the main places that many scientists work in is the research lab.

G. To make discoveries in human knowledge, you have to think differently.

1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______  5. _______

Section Ⅱ Using language

单句语法填空 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

1.The landscape of the surroundings is beautiful _____ description.

2.The jeans today have changed very slightly from their _____ (origin) design.

3.In the last few years thousands of films _____ (produce) all over the world.

4.In addition to _____ (be) lighter, this kind of material has other advantages over traditional forms.

5.She lost her job when the factory closed, along _____ hundreds of others.

6.The environment of my hometown _____ (improve) over the past years.

7.We should help those who are _____ (capable) of taking care of themselves.

8.His long and active life must be due _____ his healthy living habits.

9.Global warming is expected to _____ (significant) reduce the amount of the plant.

10.One of the players _____(injure) his knees and had to be carried off.

同义句转换 用现在完成时的被动语态改写句子。

1. A Chinese scientist has already developed a pen-like computer.

___________________________________ by a Chinese scientist.

2. They have collected more than 8,000 dollars in the past two years.

___________________________________by them in the past two years.

3. I feel that her story has given me a second life to do something meaningful.

I feel that ___________________________________me by her story to do something meaningful.

4. The volunteers have sent large amounts of teaching equipment to those primary schools.

___________________________________ those primary schools by volunteers.

5. If I have a new idea, I now quickly look to see whether someone else has already thought of it.

If I have a new idea, I now quickly look to see whether___________________________________by someone else.

完成句子 根據汉语提示,结合本单元所学语法知识完成句子。

1. With the help of high technology, more and more___________________________________ (令人瞩目的东西被发明) in the past few years.

2. The boys ___________________________________ (被告知很多次) not to swim in that lake, but it doesn’t make any difference.

3. All the athletes _____________________ (从数百万人中选出) all over the country in the past two months.

4. Although we don’t know what was discussed, yet we can feel ___________________________________ (主题已经改变).

5. Shakespeare’s play Hamlet _____________________ (被改编成不同的电影) over the past years.


What will man be like in the future? We can only make a 1 of course, but we can be sure that he will be 2 from what he is today, for man is slowly 3 all the time.

Let us take an example. Man, even 500 years ago, was 4 than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. 500 years is a relatively short period of 5 , so we may guess that man will 6 to grow taller.

Again in modern world we use our 7 a great deal. Even so, we still 8 only about 20% of the brain’s capacity (容量). As time goes on, we shall have to use our brains more and more and    9 we shall need even larger ones! This is likely to 10 a physical change, too. The head in    11 , the forehead, will grow larger.

Nowadays our eyes are 12 used. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear 13 . But over a long period of time it’s likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand, we 14 to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more 15 because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair? This will, probably 16 from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful 17 any longer.

Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very 18 creature to look at! In spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in 19 with us. He will still be a human being, with 20 and emotions similar to our own.

1. A. guess B. research C. joke D. decision

2. A. different B. safe C. far D. free

3. A. dying B. changing C. growing D. improving

4. A. thinner B. taller C. bigger D. shorter

5. A. journey B. life C. time D. distance

6. A. try B. continue C. begin D. hope

7. A. minds B. heads C. brains D. hearts

8. A. know B. choose C. control D. use

9. A. lately B. finally C. certainly D. generally

10. A. cause B. take C. find D. expect

11. A. total B. trouble C. particular D. addition

12. A. frequently B. practically C. properly D. falsely

13. A. hats B. smiles C. clothes D. glasses

14. A. plan B. mean C. tend D. aim

15. A. unusual B. sensitive C. beautiful D. creative

16. A. suffer B. recover C. disappear D. survive

17. A. reality B. desire C. contribution D. purpose

18. A. attractive B. ugly C. special D. ordinary

19. A. conflict B. competition C. company D. common

20. A. bodies B. thoughts C. mouths D. noses


Do you know 1 a story gets into the newspaper? Here is an example. Imagine that a city bus has turned over in a ditch (沟), injuring some of the passengers. An eyewitness (目击者) calls the newspaper. Then a reporter is sent to the scene, at 2 he talks to the passengers, driver and witnesses. He finds out what they saw, 3 (set) down their answers or comments. Meanwhile, a 4 (profession) photographer is busy taking pictures.

Many reporters use portable computers which allow them 5 (write) the story on the spot and then send it back to the office.

Next, an editor concentrates 6 the story, checking facts, grammar and spelling. At the same time, a picture is chosen.

The story is set in print. On most newspapers today, this 7 (do) with a computer. The computer makes sets of columns of type, which are passed onto a sheet of paper 8 (exact) the same size as a newspaper page. Only after a proofreader checks the story for mistakes 9 (be) the newspaper ready for printing. Then the presses (印刷机) begin to run.

Miles of paper are turned into thousands of 10 (print) newspapers. They are counted and placed in waiting trucks. Within a few hours, people can read about the bus accident in their daily newspaper.

1. ________  2. ________3. ________  4. ________  5. ________

6. ________7. ________  8.________  9.________  10. ________


As the development of science and technology, our world will change lot in the future. If we like to, we don’t need to go out to buy things, go to the library to read, seeing a doctor in the hospital, and so on. To your joy, it is easy to visit the other planet, such as the Mars. But we will own a tidy and green world because all the energy what we use is from the sun. What’s more, any illness can be cured and many people can live long with a healthier body. All those would be true, I think, through our effort.

Section Ⅲ Developing ideas

单词填空 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1.Yesterday we did an experiment on wood to see whether it _______ heat, and at last we found that wood is a poor ______of heat. (conduct)

2.It is ______ that he changed his will the day before his death. ______, some people are unhappy about it. (significant)

3.He is a well-known ______ who is brave and always takes a ______ way to look for the truth. (science)

4.The ______ of the word remains unknown. Most people don’t know its ______ meaning. (origin)

5.More and more stuff has been invented by ______ technology. It’s convenient for people ______them whenever they go. (wear)

6.He ______forgot he had something important to do today and wasted an ______day on playing games. (entire)

7.As a ______, he spends hours every day doing experiments with ______ in the lab. (chemistry)

8.She’s perfectly ______ of doing it herself. And we all know she does have the ______ to do things well. (capable)

9.There is no doubt that ______ people can also make ______ achievements. (ordinary)

10.It is made of an extremely ______ plastic. Some scientists say it has better ______ than many other materials. (flexible)

單句表达 根据括号内提示翻译句子。

1. 我不知道是谁想出这个主意的,但它真的很棒。(come up with)

2. 现如今学校非常重视传统文化教育。(attach... to...)

3. 你是什么时候决定要当一名志愿者老师的?(强调句型)

4. 我的想法是这个计划应该尽快实施。(表语从句)

5. 最后,我们手里拿着杯子,照了一张合影。(with复合结构)



prepare shake pull... into pull out attach... to It is proved that...

The experiment aims to/is designed to... ... draw the conclusion that...



Since ChatGPT was released to the public, people everywhere realized just how powerful artificial intelligence (AI) already is. Suddenly, we started using the AI chatbot to do all sorts of things, like writing songs, taking the bar exam, and identifying bugs in computer code.

All the wonder and excitement about ChatGPT and other AI platforms come mixed with anxiety: Will AI take our jobs? Will it block democracy? Will it kill us all? Serious people are asking these questions. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the company that makes ChatGPT, once testified before Congress and called for regulation (规定) of AI systems.

But there is a glimmer of hope—in the form of an economic (经济的) study. The study looked at the customer service department of a big software company, and it found that ChatGPT made workers much more productive. More interestingly, most of those gains came from less skilled workers, while the more skilled workers showed only slight improvement. Put in other words, AI narrowed the productivity gap between lower skilled workers and workers with more skills. This finding is very different from previous findings about the effect of technology on workers over the last four decades. A whole generation of economic research shows that computers have been a major force for increasing inequality, and a force for a reduced middle class.

David Autor is a professor at MIT and he is widely regarded as one of the greatest labor economists in the world. He led a lot of that initial research about the computer age and the labor market. And he thinks this study, and another one like it, suggest that we could use AI to expand job opportunities, lower barriers to entry to a whole range of occupations, and reduce inequality.

Today on the show, the American middle class has been reducing for more than forty years. Could AI help change that trend (趨势)?

1. What do “serious people” think of ChatGPT according to the text?

A. It is more powerful than they thought. B. It makes people feel worried.

C. It satisfies the majority of people. D. It is capable of doing all sorts of things.

2. What does the study tell us about AI?

A. It causes inequality. B. It lessens the middle class.

C. It is of little use for skilled workers. D. It improves workers’ productivity.

3. What is David Autor’s attitude towards AI?

A. Supportive. B. Doubtful. C. Objective. D. Unconcerned.

4. What can be the best title for the text?

A. People’s Concern About AI

B. Calls for Regulation of AI Systems

C. ChatGPT Can Make Workers More Productive

D. How AI Could Help Rebuild the Middle Class


Since the 1970s, scientists have been searching for ways to link brains with computers. Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology could help people with disabilities send orders to machines.

Recently, two researchers, Jose Millan and Michele Tavella from the Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne, in Switzerland, showed a small robotic wheelchair directed by a person’s thoughts.

In the laboratory, Tavella operated the wheelchair just by thinking about moving his left or right hand. He could even talk as he watched the vehicle and guided it with his thoughts.

“Our brain has billions of nerve cells. These nerve cells send signals through the spinal cord (脊髓) to the muscles to give us the ability to move. But spinal cord injuries or other conditions can prevent these weak electrical signals from reaching the muscles,” Tavella says. “Our system allows disabled people to communicate with external (外部的) world and also to control devices.”

The researchers designed a special cap for the user. This head cover picks up the signals from the scalp (头皮) and sends them to a computer. The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair. The wheelchair also has two cameras that identify objects in its path. They help the computer react to commands from the brain.

Prof. Millan, the team leader, says scientists keep improving the computer software that interprets brain signals and turns them into simple commands. “The practical possibilities that BCI technology offers to disabled people can be grouped into two categories: communication, and controlling devices. One example is this wheelchair.”

He says his team has set two goals. One is testing on real patients in order to prove that this is a technology they can benefit from. And the other is to ensure that they can use the technology over long periods of time.

5. What is the function of BCI technology?

A. Helping the disabled to recover. B. Controlling a person’s thoughts.

C. Helping to update computer systems. D. Connecting human brains with computers.

6. How did Tavella operate the wheelchair in the laboratory?

A. By using his mind. B. By moving his hand.

C. By talking to the machine. D. By controlling his facial expression.

7. Why will the team test on real patients?

A. To attract more of them. B. To make them live longer.

C. To prove the technology useful to them. D. To learn about their physical condition.

8. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. BCI helps the disabled live normally.

B. The BCI technology is successful.

C. Robotic vehicles could help cure brain injuries.

D. BCI means more freedom for the disabled.


I live in a house with a beautiful view of hills and our little town. When I 1 here 24 years ago the man next door was building a 2 in his backyard and I could 3 him from my window.

He was building it alone. I enjoyed watching the 4 of the boat and I got to know my

5 , Charles. It turned out this was his 6 boat; he had built a slightly smaller wooden sailboat but had sold it before ever sailing it himself. It was a beautiful boat but Charles 7 to get on with the bigger steel boat.

Charles did things very carefully and would not be 8 to finish any part of the boat. He handcrafted it, piece by piece. 9 , with the passing years, Charles’s 10 began to worsen. And work on the boat progressed even slowly. Then he was in a bad car accident which left him with a sore back and that 11 him even more. Although we didn’t 12 it, I know he reached a point at which he realized he would never be able to 13 the boat. He had been working on it almost daily for 25 years but he couldn’t 14 .

Fortunately, Charles was able to 15 the boat and the other day I looked out of the window and the big boat was 16 . I haven’t talked to Charles since the boat was taken away. It was a great 17 to move it and I saw Charles out there helping as he watched his 18 , one that consumed so much of his life, head off to its new owner. I’m sure he is both relieved that the boat is no longer in the yard to make him 19 that he couldn’t complete it and 20 that a huge part of his life is no longer there.

1. A. passed B. left C. moved D. searched

2. A. house B. boat C. garden D. pool

3. A. watch B. warn C. ask D. support

4. A. show B. picture C. progress D. result

5. A. worker B. neighbor C. leader D. owner

6. A. first B. second C. only D. best

7. A. regretted B. failed C. agreed D. wanted

8. A. rushed B. pleased C. patient D. bored

9. A. Strangely B. Suddenly C. Unfortunately D. Quickly

10. A. spirit B. behavior C. safety D. health

11. A. encouraged B. helped C. slowed D. surprised

12. A. talk about B. care about C. wait for D. pay for

13. A. try B. finish C. design D. forget

14. A. continue B. start C. stop D. rest

15. A. take B. build C. sell D. sail

16. A. broken B. done C. replaced D. gone

17. A. duty B. task C. exercise D. idea

18. A. tool B. business C. project D. plan

19. A. remember B. believe C. imagine D. doubt

20. A. afraid B. worried C. angry D. sad











1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:镁条 magnesium rod 酒精灯 alcohol burner 坩埚 crucible



1. 主体人称:第三人称

2. 主体时态:一般现在时

3. 文章结构:(总)说明实验目的—(分)介绍实验用品并说明实验步骤—(总)阐述实验结果并得出实验结论



1. 这个实验是为了测量镁在空气中燃烧后重量是否有变化。(be designed to)

2. 为了进行实验,我准备了以下材料。(carry out)

3. 把坩堝放在天平上称重。(put... on)

4. 点燃酒精灯,把坩埚放在上面,给镁加热。(place... over)

5. 我可以得出结论:镁在空气中燃烧后重量有变化。(draw the conclusion that)



The experiment is designed to find out if there’s a change in weight after magnesium burns in air.

To carry out the experiment, I prepared the following materials: a magnesium rod, an alcohol burner, a balance and a crucible.


First, put the magnesium rod in the crucible.

Then, put the crucible on the balance and weigh them.

Next, light the alcohol burner and place the crucible over it to heat the magnesium rod.

Finally, weigh them again, and compare the two weights.

I saw that the magnesium rod weighs a little more than before. So through the experiment I can draw the conclusion that there is a change in weight after magnesium burns in air.




1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:生的 raw 蛋壳 eggshell 溶解 dissolve 醋 vinegar

Section Ⅳ Presenting ideas



1. __________  除此之外,另外

2. ________谈及,就……而言

3. be capable ________ 有能力……

4. have a(n) ________ desire to 有做……


5. ________ 别轻易说不

6. ________ 例如

7. ________ recognition 无法辨认

8. ________ 由于,归因于

9. ________ 连同……一起

10________ 此外,除……以外

11. attach... ________ 把……系于……;把……附在……上

12. ________ 提出;找到(答案)

13. ________ 发生,进行

14. ________ a conclusion 得出结论

15. be recognised ________ 被认为是

16. die ________死于(疾病等)


1. there be句型的完成时

There ________(有发明的黄金时代) throughout history.

2. with + 宾语 + 宾语补足语

It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places, ________ (利用计算技术控制“双腿”).

3. 强调句

So ________ (是什么) inspires us to invent things?

4. 表语从句

But ________ (一直以来重要的是) we have an incredible desire to think and create...

5. that引导的同位语从句

... there is no proof ________ (它砸在了他的头上).



1. I’m interested in the work of... because...

2. There will be more... because...

3. It will be... for people to...

一道课本题 几点新感情