Module 3?Body Language and Non-verbal Communication

2021-07-29 03:33
时代英语·高一 2021年3期


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. How many people went to the Great Wall?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.

2. What time is it now?

A. About 8:00. B. About 9:00. C. About 10:00.

3. What is the matter with the woman?

A. She couldnt find her handbag.

B. She needs a new handbag.

C. She has lost the way.

4. What does the man mean?

A. He expects the concert hall to be crowded.

B. He does not want to sit close to the stage.

C. He would rather stand than sit.

5. How long did the woman stay in Paris?

A. 4 months. B. 4.5 months. C. 8 months.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A bus stop. B. The way to the zoo.

C. A phone call.

7. Where is the place the man wants to go to?

A. In the center of the city. B. At the end of the road.

C. In the south of the city.

8. Which bus is the man going to take?

A. No. 6. B. No. 14. C. No. 40.


9. What will the speakers have this year?

A. A new vacation. B. A new classroom.

C. A new teacher.

10. Where does Gary come from?

A. A college. B. A middle school.

C. A night school.

11. What does the boy think Gary might be like?

A. Interesting. B. Strict. C. Kind.


12. What does the man find hardest in learning English?

A. Speaking. B. Writing. C. Listening.

13. What does the woman advise the man to listen to?

A. English programs. B. English speakers.

C. English music.

14. What is the womans advice for the man to improve his English writing?

A. Find an English pen friend. B. Listen to BBC Radio.

C. Practice a lot.


15. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends. B. Strangers. C. Husband and wife.

16. How does the woman find her stay there?

A. Boring. B. Wonderful. C. Tiresome.

17. What does the man ask the woman to do when she gets home?

A. Send him an email. B. Write a letter to him.

C. Give him a call.


18. How old was the speakers son then?

A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight.

19. Where were the speaker and her son when it began to rain?

A. On their way to school. B. On their way home.

C. Near a bus stop.

20. How did the driver help the speaker and her son?

A. He gave them an umbrella.

B. He gave them a raincoat.

C. He sent them home.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


● Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee

Type: Fantasy

When Ophelia moves to a strange city where it never stops snowing, she discovers a boy locked away for 75 years in a museum. She must help the boy before the Snow Queen freezes the world. Along the way, Ophelia learns how to believe in things she cannot see.

Targeted readers: People who like fairy tales would enjoy this book.

● A Hundred Horses by Sarah Lean

Type: Mystery

During her visits to her aunt and cousins, the wooden horse Nell is stolen by a girl named Angel. As Nell finds out Angels true identity, a bond grows between them and a group of 99 horses. Word has it that the 100th horse is magical. But where is it? Nell doesnt know, but Angel might know.

Targeted readers: Kids who like animals and nature will be sure to find this book exciting.

● How to Catch a Bogle by Catherine Jinks

Type: Fantasy

Birdie is an orphan who is good at trapping monsters with her singing voice. She is the only goblin hunter (猎人) in the forest. When kids go missing, its up to her to figure out why.

Targeted readers: Anyone who is looking for monsters will take great pleasure in this book.

● I Even Funnier: A Middle School Story by James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein

Type: Fiction

After a car accident Jamie loses his family, so he moves in with his aunt, uncle and his cousin Stevie, whose basic aim is to trick Jamie. But Jamie keeps having a positive attitude and running after his goals. He has been recently honored the Funniest Kid Comic of New York State.

Targeted readers: This book would be great for anyone who is fond of humorous books.

21. Who tells a story about a girl saving the world?

A. Sarah Lean.

B. Karen Foxlee.

C. Catherine Jinks.

D. James Patterson and Chris Grabenstein.

22. Nature lovers may take interest in ___ .

A. A Hundred Horses

B. How to Catch a Bogle

C. Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy

D. I Even Funnier: A Middle School Story

23. Who goes through life challenges without losing heart?

A. Ophelia. B. Nell.

C. Birdie. D. Jamie.


If you travel around the world, you will be surprised to find just how different the foreign customs can be from your own.

A visitor in India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man clearly shaking his head at another and assume that he doesnt agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head is a gesture that shows agreement of acceptance. Nodding your head when offered a drink in Bulgaria is likely to leave you thirsty. In that country you shake your head to indicate “yes”—a nod indicates “no”. The Arabs are known for their hospitality (好客). At a meal in countries on the Arabian Peninsula, you will find that any drinking cup is repeatedly refilled as soon as you drink it up.

In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs when sitting talking to someone, even at an important meeting. Doing this when meeting an important person in Thailand, however, could cause trouble. It is too informal an attitude for such an occasion. Also when in Thailand you are not supposed to touch the head of an adult. In Japan, it is quite usual for men to plan evening entertainments for themselves and leave their wives at home. In Europe such attitude is disappearing.

Customs vary from country to country. Visitors may be at a loss as to what to do in a foreign environment. In such circumstances, the golden rule to follow is: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

24. In which country shouldnt you pass food at table with your left hand?

A. Thailand. B. India.

C. Malaysia. D. Bulgaria.

25. In which country does a person shake his head to say yes?

A. Bulgaria. B. Thailand.

C. Japan. D. Romania.

26. What is impolite in Europe according to the text?

A. To touch the head of an adult.

B. To drink up the glass in your hand.

C. To cross legs while sitting talking to others.

D. To enjoy evening entertainment leaving the wife at home.

27. If you dont know the customs in the country you visit, the rule to follow is ___ .

A. to do as the locals do

B. to turn to the guidebook

C. to ask about the customs

D. to make friends with people there


You may be surprised to learn that English gets 30 to 45 percent of its words from French. The reason goes back to the year 1066, when Norman forces invaded (入侵) what is now Britain. The Normans were from northern France and spoke French. During the Norman occupation, French became the language of Englands rulers and wealthy class. This lasted for more than 300 years. Other people in England continued to speak English during this period.

Over time, the two languages combined and shared words. Some researchers believe that about 10,000 French words eventually entered the English language. However, although English took many French words, their meanings have not always stayed the same. Sometimes the differences in meanings can be very important, and lead to funny or strange situations if the words are used in the wrong way.

Take, for example, the French word college. In English, college can often be used in place of the word university, or sometimes as a school within a university. However, in French, college actually means “middle school”, or the level of schooling for students in grades five or six through eight.

There are many other similar words in the two languages with completely different meanings. In English, the word chat is a verb which means “to talk casually”; but in French, the word chat is the word for an animal: a cat.

If an English speaker says someone is jolly, that means they are cheerful or friendly. But in French, jolie means someone is good-looking or pleasant to look at. In any case, both are nice things to say to someone.

28. What does the writer stress about the French words in English?

A. Their spelling forms.

B. Their changes in history.

C. Their different meanings.

D. Their importance in English.

29. What does a Frenchman mean if he says he likes a chat?

A. He likes a kind of pet. B. He wants to take a holiday.

C. He hates to speak English. D. He prefers to talk in French.

30. In French, the word “jolie” is used to ___ .

A. describe peoples looks B. refer to peoples happiness

C. replace “jolly” in English D. show the change in French

31. What is the text mainly about?

A. Comparison between French and English.

B. Difficulty in learning English.

C. French words in English.

D. Development of English.


A team of engineers at Harvard University has been inspired by nature to create the first robotic fly. The mechanical fly has become a platform for a series of new high-tech systems. Designed to do what a fly does naturally, the tiny machine is the size of a fat housefly. Its mini wings allow it to stay in the air and perform controlled flight tasks.

“Its extremely important for us to think about this as a whole system and not just a bunch of individual components (零件),” said Robert Wood, the Harvard engineering professor who has been working on the robotic fly project for over a decade. “The added difficulty with such a project is that actually none of those components are off the shelf and so we have to make them all on our own,” he said.

They engineered a series of systems to start and drive the robotic fly. “The seemingly simple system which just moves the wings has a number of individual components, each of which individually has to perform well, and then has to be matched well to everything its connected to,” said Wood. The flight device was built into a set of power, computation, sensing and control systems. Wood says the success of the project proves that the flying robot with these tiny components can be built and manufactured.

Wood says the design offers a new way to study flight mechanics and control at insect-scale. Yet, the power, sensing and computation technologies on board could have much broader applications (應用). “You can start thinking about using them to answer open scientific questions, you know, to study biology (生物学) in ways that would be difficult with the animals, but using these robots instead,” he said. “So there are a lot of technologies and open interesting scientific questions that are really what drives us on a day-to-day basis.”

32. What challenge did the engineers have when making the robotic fly?

A. The system is too complex to work.

B. They fail to control all the components.

C. They dont have enough related knowledge.

D. The ready-made components are in shortage.

33. What does the success of the robotic fly suggest?

A. It will help to kill dangerous insects.

B. The flight device needs a few components.

C. Scientists are able to make tiny flying machines.

D. Humans will seldom use animals in biological tests.

34. What does Wood hope to do with the flying robot?

A. To put it to the market.

B. To solve more scientific problems.

C. To fix the system on other animals.

D. To encourage people to learn biology.

35. What can be the best title for the text?

A. Father of Robotic Fly

B. Robotic Fly Imitates Real Life Insect

C. Inspiration from Engineering Science

D. Harvard Breaks Through in Insect Study

第二節 阅读七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)

How can teenagers keep themselves from suffering from loneliness? Here are some suggestions for speeding a recovery from loneliness.

Reach out to others but start small. A smile and a friendly greeting for the student behind you in line at the cafeteria (餐厅) wont make you best friends.        36        It also can make it easier to interact the next time.

Find a safe place to make connections. If going to the dancing party makes you feel like you just dont belong, try joining a special-interest group. Maybe its the drama club or the marching band.        37

Find other ways of making connections. Lonely people hunger for friendship. Sometimes feeling accepted and liked comes more easily when you do something for others rather than waiting for them to make you feel better.        38        Help a child in reading. Take notes for a disabled classmate. You might be surprised at the connections you make.

39        Loneliness is an absence of quality friendship, not of a particular quantity of friends. Thats why its important to know how to select a friend.

You get what you expect, so expect the best. If you expect others to be friendly, you will behave in proper ways that encourage people to be friendlier to you.        40        But starting the first step of positive expectations can make all the difference.

A. Choose the right people.

B. Loneliness wont last long.

C. So consider becoming a volunteer.

D. But it will make you both feel good.

E. It can be hard work to be positive toward others.

F. This harmful attitude can continue into adulthood.

G. Look for a group that allows you to feel comfortable.

36.               37.               38.               39.               40.

59. A. lost B. separated C. unknown D. gone

60. A. patiently B. angrily C. alone D. worriedly

第二節 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Without proper planning, tourism can cause  (problem). For example, too many tourists can crowd public places  are also enjoyed by the inhabitants (居民) of a country. If tourism creates too much traffic, the inhabitants will become  (annoy) and unhappy. They begin to dislike tourists and to treat them  (impolite). They forget how much tourism can help the countrys economy. It is important  (think) about the people of a destination country and how tourism affects them. Tourism should help a country keep the customs and its  (beautiful) that attracts tourists. Tourism should also improve  wealth and happiness of local inhabitants.

Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism  (grow) too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work  the tourism industry. This means that other parts of the  (country) economy will suffer.

61.                              62.                              63.

64.                              65.                              66.

67.                              68.                              69.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

My hobby is rock climbing. Ive been doing them for two years. In the beginning, I wasnt very good, so Ive gotten much better. I started rock climbing in junior high school. On first day, I felt high nervous, so I only climbed low rocks. It was hard, but very interested. So I kept on work, and now I could climb very fast. I like rock climbing because of it helps me stay in shape. Its also a good way to make friend. Ive met a lot of people. We climb, but we also hang out and spend time doing another things now.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)








Dear Peter,

Im very glad to learn that you want to be an international


Best wishes!


Li Hua
