
2018-07-20 10:17王海峰
广东教育·高中 2018年5期


第二部分 閱读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)



The following is a list of notable trees from around the world. The list includes actual trees located throughout the world, as well as trees from myths and trees from fiction.

The Lost Tree

The Lost Tree is a remote tree in the Tenere region of the Sahara desert in Northeast Niger. The tree is an acacia(刺槐), lying on a small mound on a sea cap. Despite its small size, due to its remoteness, the tree is an important landmark. Thierry Sabine, founder of the Dakar Rally, died in a helicopter crash nearby the tree. His ashes were spread around the Lost Tree. A small monument next to the tree is dedicated to his memory, reading“For those who go a challenge - for those who stay a dream”.

The Cotton Tree

The Cotton Tree is a historic symbol of Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone. According to legend, the“Cotton Tree” gained importance in 1792 when a group of former African American slaves, who had gained their freedom by fighting for the British during the American War of Independence, settled the site of modern Freetown.

The Wonder Tree

The Wonder Tree is a dense forest of parent and daughter trees of the ficus species, which pulls larger number of tourist to Pretoria every year. It descended from a central stem of about a thousand years old. It is situated in the Wonderboom Nature Reserve, Pretoria, and two circular walkways currently protect it from pedestrian traffic around its trunk and roots. As it has grown, its outlying branches have rooted themselves around the parent tree. This has repeated until there are now three layers of daughter trees encircling the mother stem, with 13 distinct trunks, covering a 50-metre area.

The Dragon Tree

In California, close to the Church of San Marcos, stands the famous Dragon Tree(22 m high, lower trunk diameter 10 m, estimated weight 70 t), which is reputed to be a thousand years old (hence its local name, El Drago Milenario: the Thousand-Year-Old Dragon). While no study seems to have confirmed such longevity for the tree because it does not produce annual rings with which to tell their ages, it is the long-time symbol.

21. Where did an airplane crash happen?

A. Near the Lost Tree.

B. Near the Cotton Tree.

C. Near the Wonder Tree.

D. Near the Dragon Tree.

22. Why is the Cotton Tree on the list of four notable trees?

A. Because it serves as a landmark for sailors.

B. Because its attached a historic significance.

C. Because it stands in a unique natural reserve.

D. Because its well-known for its longevity.

23. The Dragon Trees exact age hasnt been identified because ________ .

A. its trunk is too thick

C. it has no growth rings

B. its too old to be measured

D. it doesnt produce any fruit


We shouldnt be asking what happened with Trump. What happened to The Atlantic(美国大西洋月刊)?Ive been a reader for years, after abandoning Time and Newsweek because of their People-like superficiality(肤浅). The appearance of considered thoughts at The Atlantic is what kept me there. But since you decided to take sides in the presidential election, stinging hysterical writing is all I find, especially on November 9.

Thats perhaps understandable The Day After, but, folks, the sky wont fall. It wont fall because the U.S. governments institutions are designed to prevent irrational outcomes to a good degree. Trust the system a little, if you learned anything from history.

I probably do not feel the pain to the same degree as you do, though I am concerned, and on pins and needles. I admit it: I voted for Trump—at the limit of my tolerance for bad taste and unhinged statements. But I did so not because I am an uneducated, violent, intolerant, gun-waving guy—as the press has made habit of defining(定義) Trump supporters. I made my decision based on sensible thinking. I have an MBA. I refuse violence and support gun control. And Im an immigrant, now a citizen after obtaining green cards twice, all by the legal process.

The direct reason to drive me to abandon Hillary Clinton is the fear of the possibility of corruption(腐败): the history of all countries around the world, since World War II, where an immediate relative followed a president or PM (see my list below). In all cases, either the“succession”was made possible by local corruption, or advanced it as a result, or both. This is to be expected when the vested interests(既得利益者)supporting one person get to take advantage of continued control of the government from behind the scenes by electing the relative.

I voted for Trump only because of the smell of corruption resulting from the Clinton Machine. That smell is well documented by Wikileaks and Podestas emails describing the Clinton Foundation / State Department connections. To that you can add the past four decades of continuous scandals(丑闻)—why only them with so many?

24. What can we infer from the first paragraph?

A. Time and Newsweek greatly appealed to the writer.

B. The writer shared the same stand with the Atlantic.

C. The Atlantic lacks for thought and deepness.

D. The writer and The Atlantic vary in election stand.

25. What do newspapers think of Trumps supporters?

A. Positively. B. Negatively.

C. Rationally. D. Objectively.

26. Why did the writer refuse to vote for Hillary?

A. Because he didnt trust the American system.

B. Because Hillary Clinton was corrupted.

C. Because he was afraid corruption would occur.

D. Because Hillary had a corrupted history.

27. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The writers stand was affected by the Internet.

B. Trump won the support of newspapers.

C. Trumps supporters had a positive image.

D. The writer lacked rational thinking.


New Zealand performs well in many measures of well-being relative to most other countries in the Better Life Index. New Zealand ranks at the top in health status. It ranks above the average, environmental quality, civic engagement, housing, subjective well-being, education and skills, jobs and earnings, and social connections but below average in income and wealth, work-life balance, and personal security. These rankings are based on available selected data.

Money, while it cannot buy happiness, is an important means to achieving higher living standards. In New Zealand, the average household disposable income is lower than the OECD average of USD 30 563 a year. In terms of employment, 76% of people aged 15 to 64 in New Zealand have a paid job, above the OECD employment average of 67%. Some 81% of men are in paid work, compared with 71% of women.

Good education and skills are important requisites for finding a job. In New Zealand, 77% of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education, higher than the OECD average of 74%. In terms of the quality of its educational system, the average student scored 506 in reading literacy, maths and science. This score is higher than the OECD average of 486. On average in New Zealand, girls outperformed boys by 6 points, wider than the average OECD gap of 2 points.

In terms of health, life expectancy at birth in New Zealand is 82 years, two years higher than the OECD average of 80 years. Life expectancy for women is 83 years, compared with 80 for men. The level of atmospheric PM2.5 – tiny air pollutant particles small enough to enter and cause damage to the lungs – is 4.9 micrograms per cubic meter, considerably lower than the OECD average of 13.9 micrograms per cubic meter. New Zealand also does well in terms of water quality, as 90% of people say they are satisfied with the quality of their water, higher than the OECD average of 81%.

In general, New Zealanders are more satisfied with their lives than the OECD average. When asked to rate their general satisfaction with life on a scale from 0 to 10, New Zealanders gave it a 7.3 grade on average, higher than the OECD average of 6.5.

28. As for major index, New Zealand is far ahead of other countries in __________ .

A. health status B. civil engagement

C. national education D. average income

29. How does the writer think of the function of money?

A. Money can bring happiness.

B. Money is symbol of social status.

C. Its a key tool to improve your life.

D. Its a short cut to get employed.

30. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Boys perform better at school than girls in New Zealand.

B. Men usually live a even longer life than most women.

C. New Zealands environment is even better than before.

D. New Zealanders are content with their lives as a whole.

31. Which of the following can best show the structure of the passage?

A. Topic + coordinate evidences.

B. Topic + evidences+ conclusion.

C. Comparative evidences + conclusion.

D. Topic + comparison + conclusion.


Besides, what they may feel is that a well-written argumentative essay can receive a falling grade if certain measures arent taken to ensure that the opinions of the writer dont sink into his/her work. Actually, one of the basic rules by which to write an argumentative essay is not to add his opinions into it. To be more exact, your subject must be laid on the ground of facts.

Argumentative essays are often on controversial topics. This makes sense because, after all, if everyone agrees on a topic, theres little to argue about. After reading an argumentative essay, the reader might continue to disagree with the argument of the writer, but the point of the paper isnt to convince the reader that the writer is right, but to present a well-rounded, logical, and rational discussion of the topic.

Although an argumentative essay is likely developed because of a certain opinion that the writer holds, no actual opinions can be included. An argumentative essay is a composition of credible facts and research about a subject which supports the argument of the writer, but that arent opinion-based. This means that although the writer might be using an opinion or belief as a springboard for his/her argument, that argument has to be solidly backed by more than just those opinions and beliefs. After all, it is an article to prove that your thesis is fair and sensible.

An argumentative essay never says“I believe or I think,” but, instead, makes affirmative and definitive statements such as “Funding for the nations financial foundation.”Once the statement , has been made, the rest of the credible evidence that backs up the statement and explaining how, indeed, the evidence does support the statement. It isnt good enough to merely present the facts. The writer must tell the reader how those facts support the thesis.

In addition to presenting credible evidence that back up the thesis, a student has to ensure that the argumentative essay is written in a credible tone. Argumentative reports should never sound as if theyre lecturing the reader or belittling anyone who holds a position contrary to that presented. An argumentative report should instead present the facts in a way as unemotional as possible in order to appear trustworthy, professional, and, above all, credible.

32. Whats the most important to do to complete an essay?

A. Tell the facts from the opinion.

B. Base their argument on facts.

C. Expose their opinions clearly.

D. Combine their beliefs with facts.

33. What is an argumentative essay intended to do?

A. Prove the writer is right.

B. The reader must agree to the topic.

C. Expose what you think of.

D. Show your argument is reasonable.

34. Which of the following is a reasonable statement used in an essay?

A. Maybe addiction to alcohol is harmful.

B. I think greenhouse effect is not dreadful.

C. Rising house prices is harmful to economy.

D. I believe green economy will be successful.

35. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To show how to write an argumentative essay.

B. To show what to do with a topic of a passage.

C. To show how to reason with other people.

D. To show what to do to back up your thesis.



To keep your business running like a well-oiled machine, every part must work harmoniously with the others. 36 If they cant work together in harmony, productivity is reduced. Fortunately, there are many methods that can help businesses achieve closer employee coop eration and promote teamwork in the office.

Make strict company policies. 37 Add key points to address each type of workplace plan that requires teamwork and cooperation. Include detailed information about the consequences of breaking the rules. Have your employees review and sign the policy.

38 Now matter how firm and clearly defined your company policy may be, if you as the employer dont abide by it your staff may follow in your footsteps. For instance, if you plan group projects, meetings and assignments but are consistently absent, your employees may not take such team activities very seriously. So you must observe company rules.

Organize team building games. Theyll help develop and increase employee cooperation in the workplace. Performing casual exercises provides an enjoyable environment in which theyll learn to cooperate. 39 Your participation sets the initial tone for cooperating in the workplace.

40 Though the ability to work independently is a valuable quality, creating a sense of dependency on one another can considerably raise the level of employee cooperation in the workplace. By creating small work groups in which employees are expected to complete assignments as a unit, each person relies on the others to complete the job successfully.

A. Set a good example.

B. The same holds true for your employees.

C. Dismiss those who dont know how to work as a team.

D. Reform your company policy to clarify your expectations.

E. Create work groups to encourage teamwork and dependency.

F. Youd better encourage employees to exchange their positions.

G. You should participate in team building activities with your staff.

第三部分 英語知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Almost all the educated know what the word academy means. Yet, few know how it came into 41 . In Greek myths, Helen was a beauty. She was so 42 that all the men in Greece was willing to 43 her. In her teens, she was married to Menelaus, who 44 became king of Sparta.

One day, Paris, prince of Troy was sent to visit Sparta. As the hostess, Helen 45 him. Paris was deeply attracted by her beauty, so he took her back to Troy 46 , which led to the Troy War. Having fought for ten years, the Greek won the war by 47 a plot which is famous as the Troy Horse. So Helen was 48 back to Sparta.

However, one day, Theseus, an Athenian hero who also came back with 49 from the Troy War, saw Helen. He was attracted by her beauty and took her away by force. Helens two brother 50 every corner of Greece and finally learned that their sister was 51 in Athens. They came to the city gate with a great army and 52 the Athenians to give back Helen or they would destroy the city. At the 53 moment, a farmer named Akademos came out 54 and pointed out the spot where Helen was hidden. To 55 his courage, all the Athenian gods watched his olive garden in 56 . So his olive garden was named after his name and 57 forever.

Later, Plato, the great philosopher, gave 58 to his students in the olive garden. Evince since, academy was used to 59 to the place where Plato gave lectures. In the 16th century, British borrowed the word from French and 60 the modern meanings to it.

41. A. assistance B. existence

C. resistance D. experience

42. A. sensitive B. incredible

C. confident D. attractive

43. A. fight for B. write to

C. make for D. adapt to

44. A. apparently B. obviously

C. eventually D. essentially

45. A. obtained B. contained

C. entertained D. maintained

46. A. externally B. casually

C. typically D. secretly

47. A. applying B. engaging

C. managing D. committing

48. A. restricted B. stolen

C. brought D. rescued

49. A. courage B. regret

C. shame D. honor

50. A. solved B. searched

C. resolved D. researched

51. A. hidden B. released

C. forbidden D. revealed

52. A. intended B. allowed

C. ordered D. permitted

53. A. temporary B. desperate

C. initial D. available

54. A. courageously B. awkwardly

C. efficiently D. ridiculously

55. A. register B. associate

C. recognize D. appreciate

56. A. vain B. turn

C. debt D. trouble

57. A. prevented B. preserved

C. protected D. reserved

58. A. lectures B. adventures

C. structures D. cultures

59. A. imply B. reply

C. infer D. refer

60. A. affected B. added

C. adopted D. attained

第二节(共10小题,每题1.5分, 满分15分)


A crested ibis is a white bird of medium size which only lives in East Asia. It used to live 61 (wide) in East Asia. In the 1970s, wild crested ibises were believed to have died out in China. Meanwhile, crested ibises, 62 (regard) as the national bird of Japan, also were facing the fate of dying out. In 1967, because their number was becoming 63 (small) sharply, Japan set up a protection centre. However, 64 last Japanese crested ibis died in 2003.

In 1982, a few white birds with red heads 65 (report) in Yangxian, Shaanxi. Scientists hurried there. They compared the birds 66 the sample brought from Beijing Zoo and concluded that they were crested ibises. After careful study, they believed there 67 (be) altogether seven of them. To protect these endangered birds, China established a special protection reserve. Thanks to Chinas 68 (contribute),their number increases so greatly that their wild population has surpassed(超過)1500 up to now.

Crested ibises love to be lonely and quiet. They seldom sing 69 theyre scared. People have never seen more than two crested ibises being together. Nor were they seen flying together with other 70 (kind) of birds.

第四部分 写作 (共两小题, 满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)





注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear Sir,

My name is Lihua. Im eighteen year old and Ive just finished high school. Im of good health. I was interested in the position of salesperson. I know it is challenged, but Im sure I can do it well.

To be the salesgirl, one must be not only honest, but also hardworking. What it is more important is what one must be outgoing and patient. To be a member of the marketing team, I will get on good with all my fellows because teamwork very important.

If I am lucky to join your team, I will try my best to do your work well.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假定你是诗歌诵读爱好者李华,准备暑期前往美国旧金山(San Francisco)参加为期三天的首届世界华人唐诗诵读大会。请给你的朋友David写一封邮件请他帮你联系一下住宿,内容包括:

1. 简要介绍事由;

2. 举办地点:华人会馆(assembly hall);

3. 条件:交通便利、提供早餐、日租金不超过500人民币。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear David,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


第二部分 阅读理解


21. A。细节理解题。关键词为crash。按照试题顺序和语篇段落顺序相一致的基本命题习惯,在第一节中可以找到a helicopter crash。

22. B。细节理解题。关键词为the Cotton Tree, 直接進入该段落就可以确认答案。

23. C。细节理解题。以the Dragon Tree为关键词,通过查读找到具体出处,就可以轻而易举地确认答案。

24. D。分析推理题,需要认真阅读该段。第一段包含了三层语义,第一层作者因为Time and Newsweek过于肤浅而改投The Atlantic;第二层作者认可The Atlantic(大西洋月刊)有思想深度;第三层,即最后一句,表明了作者用stinging hysterical(歇斯底里的伤人的)对大西洋月刊在总统选举上的立场表示不满。通过比对,可以发现D项符合段落的第三层语义,反映了作者和大西洋月刊选举立场不同。

25. B。分析推理题。以supporters为关键词,通过查读在第三段第三句找到其出处。作者说“我的确投了川普,但不是因为像媒体习惯上描述的那样没有教养、暴力、狭隘挥动着枪支”。据此,可以得知媒体在报道川普支持者时普遍持负面态度。

26. C。细节理解题。以Hillary为关键词,在第四段首句找到其出处。作者说“促使自己放弃希拉里·克林顿的直接原因就是担心可能出现腐败。”所以,选C。

27. A。推理判断题。作者在文章最后一段说明的自己为什么改投川普,那就是因为读了“维基解密”对希拉里的“丑闻”报道。

28. A。细节理解题。以far ahead other countries为关键词,在首段找到其语义同现词ranks at the top。以此短语为基点,可以找到答案是在健康水平方面。

29. C。观点意图题。由第二段第一句可以得知答案。

30. D。推理判断题。前面三项都不符合事实。唯独D项和语篇结尾段语义相同。

31. B。本文属于典型的事理说明文。首段引出主题,下来通过联合国发布主要生存指标证明新西兰人生活幸福指数很高,文章结尾小结。

32. B。推理判断题。根据第一段后两句可以得知答案。

33. D。语篇知识题。详见第三段结尾句,“毕竟,(议论文)是一种旨在证明你的论点是合理的文章。”其中,D项就是对to prove your thesis is fair and sensible的解释。

34. C。分析判断题。根据第四段第一句可以推断唯有C项符合议论文陈述句式。

35. A。主旨意图题。本语篇的体裁属于典型的事理说明文,即一种非正式的议论文。通过对各段落首句分析研判,可以得知本文的目的是“告诉读者如何写议论文。”


36. B。该句在语篇中起着承上启下的过度作用。空后句的they和指代该选项中的employees。

37. D。由选项中company policies可知其正确。

38. A。根据位置,此题旨在考查考生确认主题句的能力。所以,理应填入一个具有“建议”功能的祈使句。根据空后句“无论政策多么严明,如果你作为雇主不遵守,那么你的员工就会踏你的后辙。”由此,可以得知答案。

39. G。由空后句中的your participation可知。

40. E。因该选项中的work group在空格段复现。

第三部分 英语知识运用

第一节 完形填空

41. B。固定搭配。

42. D。由前句可以推出答案。

43. A。为他去战斗,由后文可以反推得出答案。

44. C。最终成了斯巴达王。

45. C。由前句可以得知。

46. D。被悄悄带走。

47. A。用计谋。

48. C。赢得战争,结果是海伦被救。

49. D。是载誉归来。

50. B。找遍了每个角落。

51. A。依据上句可以推出是藏在雅典。

52. C。领着大军,所以是命令。

53. B。在绝望的时候。

54. A。勇敢地,由后文可以倒推出答案。

55. D。为了感激他的勇敢之举。

56. B。in turn 表示轮流值守。

57. C。被保护,preserved“保存”,表示是为了防止腐烂变质;reserved意思是“预留”。

58. A。give lectures to sb给某人讲学。

59. D。refer to“指……”。

60. B。add ... to ...“添加至”。


61. widely 修饰动词,所以用副词。

62. regarded 过去分词作定语。

63. smaller 前面的过去进行时预示着在“数量在持续下降”,所以用比较级。

64. the 因last与first等一样,相当于序数词,前面加the,指“最后一只日本朱鹮”。

65. were reported 被动语态,主语为复数。

66. with 固定搭配compare ... with ...。

67. were 7只,而且是过去时。

68. contribution 空前为名词所有格,所以变名词。

69. unless 连词,表示“除非”。

70. kinds 名词复数;表示“其它鸟类”。

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

1. year → years 十八岁是复数。

2. of → in 因in good health是固定搭配。

3. was → am 作自我介绍,用一般现在时。

4. challenged → challenging 主语是销售工作。

5. the → a 表示泛指,一位女售货员。

6. 因主语是what。

7. what → that 引导表语从句,且从句不缺少成分。

8. good → well 副词做状语。

9. 在very important前加is。

10. your → my 指代混乱do my work才对。

第二节 书面表达

Dear David,

Im excited to tell you that I will go to San Francisco to take part in the First World Chinese Tang Poetry Reading Conference during the summer vacation. According to the schedule,it will be held in San Francisco Chinese Assembly Hall from July 7th to July 9th, 2018.

As you know, this is the first time for me to go to the States. So Id be grateful if you could help me find a family inn which can provide a bed and breakfast. Any inn whose daily rent is less than ¥ 500 is OK as long as its convenient to take buses.

Im looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

責任编辑 蒋小青
