
2016-10-18 05:31建筑设计刘宇扬建筑事务所景会设计
世界建筑 2016年4期

建筑设计: 刘宇扬建筑事务所,景会设计



建筑设计: 刘宇扬建筑事务所,景会设计





1外景/Exterior view

2 首层平面图/Floor 0 plan

3.4改造前外景/Exterior views before renovation


Yun Lu is a boutique eco-resort nestled within a village of the northeastern part of Yangshuo resting along the dramatic landscape of the Li River. The site consists of nine renovated farm houses and one new addition which functions as an all-day dining restaurant for hotel guests. Taking on a sensitive approach to the local culture with villagers still living nearby, the overall planning and landscape design blends into the original village structure without creating new boundaries to the villagers. The rammed earthed buildings were retrofitted to accommodate refreshing and uncompromisingly contemporary living, while the new restaurant addition adopts an understated presence with the use of steel frame, glass pivot doors in contrast with the locally sourced rough-cut stone blocks, charcoal treated wooden louvers and terra-cotta roof tiles to provide a rich tactile experience. The spatial dialogue and the sense of continuity between old and new buildings maintain an order of symbiosis between the foreign (hotel) and the local (village). The same design principle extends into the interior space of the hotel. The dialogue between people, space, light and landscape is well thought out. The typical layout of the vernacular house here is a three bay structure with a double height volume in the middle bay. Each typical building consists of four guest rooms with a shared living and hangout space in the center. Bamboo, wood, galvanized steel, concrete finishes and pebble washed stones are main materials used in the interior. Most of wood beams and existing wooden doors are being refurbished and reused in the project.

There are issues within and beyond our expectation. The owner prefers a certain number of guest rooms that require an additional floor. To make sure the houses are structurally stable after renovation is a major concern. For the interior space, we decided to keep the east and west ram earth brick walls as they are and adding new gypsum boards to the south and north walls. The aperture between the new added gypsum boards and the existing brick walls is used for all M&E ducts and pipes. However, the detailing at the corners wherethe new and old meets takes quite an effort. Besides all the technical issues, we also have to come up with adjustments to comments and demands raised from the villagers live nearby on daily bases.

Our objective is not to simply preserve these traditional houses. We would very much like to see the symbiosis of nature and architecture of conflicting entities, such as concerns of tradition, local villagers,visitors (intruders), and present and past. These conflicting entities being in an interactive collaboration evokes multivalent and ambivalent meanings through differences and tension.

The main material we selected for the interior is concrete, wood and natural finish black steel. We wanted to avoid glitz and glamour in this project. The main idea is to bring clam and tranquility atmosphere into the space. We wanted people to concentrate on enjoying the spatial relationship, the dialogue between indoor and outdoor space and how natural light casts onto the surface throughout different time of the day and of the year rather than concentrate on many different materials. The exterior building material is quite modest and unpretentious to echo to the interior as we expected.

7夜景/Night view

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 曲明(云庐酒店)/QU Ming (YunLu Resort)功能策划/programming: 刘宇扬建筑事务所,景会设计/ ATELIER LIU YUYANG ARCHITECTS,ARES partners

总体规划/planning: 刘宇扬建筑事务所/ATELIER LIU YUYANG ARCHITECTS

新建筑设计/New Architecture: 刘宇扬建筑事务所/ ATELIER LIU YUYANG ARCHITECTS

老建筑改造/Renovation: 景会设计/ARES partners

景观设计/Landscape: 景会设计/ARES partners

室内设计/Interior: 景会设计/ARES partners

设计总监/Design principals: 刘宇扬(ALYA),汪莹(ARES)/LIU Yuyang (ALYA), WANG Ying( ARES)

设计团队/Design Team:杨明喜,刘晓宇,马钟理(ALYA),程辉,徐雅婷(ARES)/YANG Mingxi, LIU Xiaoyu, MA Zhongli (ALYA), CHENG Hui, XU Yating (ARES)综合设计院/LDI: 刘涛(结构),颜兆军(设备)/LIU Tao (structure) YAN Zhaojun (facility)

施工单位/Construction Team: 上海卓浩装饰工程有限公司/Shanghai Zhuohao Construction Co.

结构性质/Building Structure: 钢结构(新建筑),夯土(现存建筑)/Steel frame (new architecture), rammed earth (existing buildings)

基地面积/Site Area: 3700m2

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3000m2

项目造价/Cost: ¥8,000,000

设计时间/Design Stage: 2012.8-2013.5

施工时间/Construction Stage: 2013.5-2014.5

摄影/photos: 苏圣亮/SU Shengliang

1 该项目及周边区域此前面临的突出问题是什么?









客人特别喜欢餐厅与院子的感觉。曾经有位欧洲著名建筑师来到时提到,由于院子、餐厅和周边山的空间尺度关系,客人在用餐前后和在夜间围着院子的聚集和交流,让他想到在希腊山城中的广场(agora) 空间氛围。当然也有客人提出房间里没有电视,或浴缸与房间之间没有门的问题。

8夜间外景/Exterior view at night






WEI Chunyu: There are two highlights in its design value orientation that are worthy of recommendation: one is to retain the small scale and texture of the original settlement by skillfully disposing the low crest and integrating the structural morphology into the village;the other is that the design language of a single building maintains the native authenticity,and that the use of local materials, such as rubble, carbonized wood grill, and clay tiles follows the natural law: symbiosis of nature and architecture.


LONG Hao: Standing out of surrounding self-built brick-concrete farmhouses which are typical for Chinese villages in recent two decades, and the faraway Karst mountains in background, the significance of this project does not lie in how much existing architectural space was occupied or how many kinds of material contrast language were used. And despite the fact that non-professionals may not understand the dialogue either between modern lifestyle and original eco-space, or between the space itself and the light and shadow,which the architect seeks to express, it is meant to present to local people and even a wider range of villages a new possibility for traditional old houses to refresh, as demolishing and reconstructing is not the only approach.

12-14 内景/Interior views

Yun Lu Resort, Guilin, Guangxi, China, 2015
