
2018-05-23 17:23李文宏
广东教育·高中 2018年4期


第二部分 閱读理解(共两节,满分40分)




Tired of the same old planes, trains and underpowered hire cars? Then why not choose one of our more unusual ways to see the UK? Here are 4 ideas for alternative transport.

The Royal Scotsman, Scotland

Travel straight into the heart of the Scottish Highlands on the Royal Scotsman, the Orient-Express luxury sleeper train. The Royal Scotsman takes 36 guests in 16 twin and 4 single cabins, all with private facilities and comfortable beds, furnished in country style. Dining on perfect seasonal food is an experience thats hard to better

Cycle Touring, UK-Wide

Give up the car and explore Britain by bike. Velodays in Scotland, who will meet you off the Caledonian Sleeper train with bikes, maps and travel tips, while you head off to discover the Highlands is a good option. As is Wheely Wonderful Cycling, a company which takes the load off your back so that you can discover Wales, Herefordshire and Shropshire while they store your bags at family-owned hotels for you.

Llama Trekking(徒步旅行), Lake District, England

These lovely creatures might be a more common sight in the Andes but theyre remarkably at home in Britain where the llama trekking scene is firmly established. Theyll happily carry your bags as you lead them along country tracks. Its the perfect way to see the countryside. As they say at Lakeland Llama Treks, get calmer with a llama!

Wherry Cruises, Norfolk Broads, England

Norfolk in Eastern England is a flat landscape divided by meandering rivers known as ‘broads. Now one of the most important wetlands in Europe and home to countless species of bird including kingfishers, warblers and grebes, the broads are best seen by boat. Hire a traditional wherry to explore the windmills, country churches and local pubs in style. The Norfolk Broads Yachting Company has the wherries for hire on the Norfolk Broads.

21. On the Royal Scotsman, what can be served with?

A. Cabins with public facilities.

B. Cabins furnished with city style.

C. Perfect seasonal food.

D. Comfortable sofa beds.

22. What can we know about llmama?

A. They are common animals.

B. They can be taken home to raise.

C. They can be seen here and there in the Andes.

D. They can be carried in your bag.

23. Whats the passage mainly about?

A. Fresh ways to see the UK.

B. Convenient transport in the UK.

C. Beautiful scenery in the UK.

D. Places to choose in the UK.


A chance observation about nodules(小瘤) on a pea plant led three teenagers to solve the world food crisis(危機). They earned top honors at the annual Google Science Fair in Mountain View, California

Emer Hickey, 16, Ciara Judge, 16, and Sophie Healy Thow, 17, of Kinsale, lreland won the top prize in their age category plus the Grand Prize at Monday nights awards ceremony in Palo Alto, California. “l hadnt expected that we would win,” said Judge, speaking through tears at the awards ceremony.

It all started when Hickey and her mother began gardening. They pulled up a pea plant and saw that the roots were covered in nodules. Hickey brought the plant to her science teacher, who explained the nodules held helpful bacteria known as rhizobia.

At the time, the students geography class was studying the world food crisis, and an idea for a science project quickly began to develop. “We became really interested in what these bacteria can do and what people havent done with them so far,” said Healy Thow.

From the beginning,adults told the three friends that their plan wouldnt work. But they refused to give up. They set up a laboratory in a spare bedroom of Judges home, hand-built equipment for it and went to work. They started with 12 seeds and expanded into a field that now holds 3,600 seeds.

After carrying out more than 120 experiments and recording more than 120,000 measurements, Hickey, Judge and Healy Thow found that rhizobia sped up the rate at which seeds grew by 50 percent and increased crop yield by as much as 74 percent.

“By the year 2050 we actually need 50 percent more food just to feed everyone,” said Hickey. She says the bacteria may also reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, which can harm the environment.

The group now hopes to carry out more in-depth studies to understand how and why the bacteria help seeds grow. “Were not even finished yet,” said Hickey.

24. According to the passage, what are rhizobia?

A. They are bacteria that can make plants grow faster.

B. They are bacteria that can make plants roots get sick.

C. They are bacteria that can do harm to the environment.

D. They are bacteria that can reduce the harm caused by fertilizers.

25. What did adults think of the three teenagers plan at the beginning?

A. It was too difficult for teenagers.

B. There was no hope that it would succeed.

C. It was too small an effort for the whole world.

D. Its results depended on how hard they worked.

26. What does the underlined word “ yield” mean?

A. seeds B. output C. bacteria D. roots

27. What did the three teenagers finally find out after their experiments and measurements?

A. The great harm of chemical fertilizers.

B. The reason why rhizobia help seeds grow.

C. The fact rhizobia can increase crop yield.

D. The amount of food humans will need in 2050.


In a forest outside Oslo, Norway, 1, 000 newly planted trees are growing. In 2114, they will be used to make paper. The paper will be used to make copies of an unusual book. The book will contain 100 stories by 100 authors written over the course of 100 years. Exactly whats inside the book will remain secret until 2114.

The forest and the book are part of the Future Library. Subject, style, and length of the stories are up to the authors, according to Katie Paterson, a Scottish artist who started the project. However, she has two very important rules. The first is that each author has one year in which to write the story. The second: they absolutely mustnt publish it in any form .

Paterson got the idea for the project while drawing tree rings in a notebook. Each ring in a trees trunk represents one year of growth. That inspired her to create a project that ties the present with the future.“I made a quick connection between the rings, and paper, chapters, and a book, “she said. She wondered if she could grow“a kind of future forest that would become a small library of books”.

The idea seemed so far-fetched that she set it aside. But a few years later, Paterson had the opportunity to take part in a program called“Slow Space”. Organizers were looking for projects designed to unfold over time. Patersons was one of three selected.

“Paper books are being knocked out,” Paterson says. She notes that Oslos new library will have thousands of digital books. “Thats one of my reasons for making this project,“she says. “Hopefully, it will leave behind some paper books in a hundred years.”

People can buy a certificate to pass down so family or friends can get a copy of the book. Just who will be its 22nd- century readers? And what will they think of the stories in the collection? Time will tell.

28. What can we learn about the book to be published in 2114?

A. Its stories will be about trees.

B. Itll be made up of 1,000 stories.

C. Its first story was written in 2014.

D. Its first story was written by Katie Paterson.

29. What inspired Katie Paterson to develop the project?

A. Her notes about trees.

B. The image of tree rings.

C. The future of paper books.

D. The program named “Slow Space”.

30. At birth, what can we know about the idea for this unusual book?

A. It won immediate support.

B. It caused widespread debate.

C. It failed to gain public approval.

D. It was picked out by the Future Library.

31. Which might be the best title for the text?

A. Chapters in Time

B. The Future Library

C. Growing Trees for Future Books

D. A 22nd- Century Story-Telling Project


People underestimate(低估)the amount of sugar in drinks which are thought to be “healthy”, research suggests.

The Glasgow University study asked more than 2,000 people in the UK to estimate how much sugar was in a range of drinks. While many overestimated the amount in fizzy(起泡的) drinks, they underestimated levels in fruit juices. The research also found soft drinks could be making up a large part of their recommended calorie intake.

The British Soft Drinks Association says the sugar in soft drinks is not hidden because drinks clearly show nutritional content,including calorie and sugar content.

The researchers asked participants to talk about their weekly drinking habits. Their answers suggested 450 calories a day were being consumed—a quarter of the daily limit for women and a fifth for men.

But it was the lack of awareness about the sugar content of drinks that caused concern. The participants were asked to guess the number of teaspoons of sugar in a range of popular drinks. They underestimated it for pure apple juice and orange juice by between two and four teaspoons.

Unsurprisingly, many participants were not taking the calorie content of their soft drinks into account when thinking about their diet. The team warned that the over-consumption of soft drinks was contributing to obesity(肥胖) and was a major risk factor for conditions such as diabetes,high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke.

Lead researcher Prof Naveed Sattar said, “What you drink can be as damaging to the body as what you eat. There is no question that consuming too many sugar-sweetened drinks can greatly contribute to obesity. Some varieties of drinks such as pure fruit juices and smoothies, which are thought as ‘healthy options, are also very high in sugar. For many people struggling with their weight, reducing their intake of such drinks and replacing with water or diet drinks would be a sensible first target to help them reduce their calorie intake.”

32. What did the Glasgow University study find?

A. Fruit juices are more popular than fizzy drinks.

B. People take in calories mainly through drinking.

C. People dont know fruit juices contain much sugar.

D. The sugar in soft drinks can hardly be found by people.

33. What were the researchers mainly concerned about?

A. Peoples drinking too much soft drink.

B. Peoples not knowing drinks can cause obesity.

C. Peoples not knowing the sugar content of drinks.

D. Peoples overestimating the sugar levels in drinks.

34. Whats the participantsattitude towards the calorie content of their soft drinks?

A. They took it seriously.

B. They paid no attention to it.

C. They were quite clear of its effect.

D. They were curious about its amount.

35. What do many people believe?

A. Pure fruit juices are low in sugar.

B. Pure fruit juices are bad for health.

C. Pure fruit juices contain more calories.

D. Pure fruit juices contain less nutritional content.

第二節 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


Nowadays, it seems that almost all of us are too serious.

36 People are nervous and annoyed about almost everything —seeing someone look at us wrong, paying bills waiting in line, overcooking a meal, making an honest mistake...

The root of being uptight(愤怒的) is our unwillingness to accept life as being different from our expectations. Very simply, we want things to be in a certain way. 37

The first step in recovering from over - seriousness is to admit that you have a problem. 38 You have to see that your own seriousness is largely of your own creation its composed of the way you have set up your life and the way you react to it.

The next step is to understand the link between your expectations and your annoyance level. 39 On the other hand, when you let go of your expectations and accept life as it is, youre free

A good exercise is to try to approach a single day without expectations. Dont expect people to be friendly. When theyre not, you wont be surprised or bothered; if they are, youll be delighted. Dont expect your day to be problem-free. Instead, as problems come up, say to yourself, “Ah! Another barrier to overcome.” As you approach your day in this manner, youll notice how graceful life can be. Rather than fighting against life, youll be dancing with it. 40

A. Most people are serious about their health.

B. And when you lighten up, life is a lot more fun.

C. Dont expect everyone around to be polite to you.

D. You have to change, to become more easy-going.

E. When circumstances dont fit our ideas, they become our difficulties.

F. Even those of us who are committed to non-seriousness are probably too serious.

G. Whenever you expect something to be a certain way and it isnt, youre upset and you suffer.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Last week, I was at my neighborhood Walgreens in Keller, Texas, when I witnessed something pretty cool.

I 41 the counter to pay for my items, and the young man 42 that he couldnt check me out, because he was waiting for the 43 customer to get some money from her

44 . “That one? The one driving away?” I asked. He looked

45 , but then quickly pulled out his wallet and used his own credit card to pay for the 46 of her purchase. I reminded him that they had 47 in the parking lot, and that he should give her information to the 48 . He didnt seem to want to, telling me, “She was buying formula(嬰儿食品).” It was only $6 or so, but I 49 his decision and example of character were priceless.

I 50 shared this story with my neighbors on NEXTDOOR. Two guys from our community 51 , out of appreciation, to each give him six dollars. Several days later, I returned, for the first time since the 52 , and was glad to see him helping customers in his typically friendly 53 . I was buying a gift card, and asked him if I could pay part cash and part debit card(借记卡). “No problem, man.” As he 54 the bar codes of my purchase, he smiled and told me about the acts of kindness that he 55 from the two strangers, and how cool he thought it was that people 56 and took the time to do that.

His eyes widened as I 57 the gift card back across the counter and said, “Sir, that is yours. Its from the neighborhood. We appreciate you.”

“Are you for real? – 58 ?” he said, still processing my words. “Awww mannn, thats 59 !”

BIG THANKS to all of the folks who 60 making this young mans day. And mine.

41. A. passed B. approached

C. worked behind D. knocked at

42. A. apologized B. complained

C. added D. declared

43. A. worried B. dishonest

C. previous D. careless

44. A. purse B. car

C. home D. card

45. A. ashamed B. nervous

C. numb D. disappointed

46. A. balance B. check

C. price D. value

47. A. guards B. drivers

C. cameras D. lights

48. A. public B. police

C. lady D. manager

49. A. analyzed B. commented

C. declared D. found

50. A. casually B. immediately

C. regularly D. normally

51. A. stopped by B. watched out

C. stood by D. gave in

52. A. memory B. mistake

C. incident D. adventure

53. A. mind B. manner

C. case D. situation

54. A. memorized B. recorded

C. wrote D. scanned

55. A. concluded B. learned

C. expected D. received

56. A. argued B. appeared

C. cared D. spoke

57. A. slid B. threw

C. cast D. showed

58. A. Carefully B. Seriously

C. Gratefully D. Hopefully

59. A. nice B. ridiculous

C. specific D. wrong

60. A. were accustomed to B. depended on

C. contributed to D. resulted from

第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


In the last decade, research 61 (show) that resistance exercise can help numerous disease states, including depression. You can improve your overall health just by watching your weight and taking walks in the neighborhood. 62 if you want to improve your fitness---look 63 (good), maximize health, have more energy, prevent injuries---you need to do more. In recent years, emphasis has been transformed 64 a type of resistance training that builds muscles used in day-to-day tasks, helping avoid injury or re-injury, 65 (call) functional strength training. It helps with tasks such as lifting infants in and out of car seats. Another goal is to reduce the risk factors in

66 (patient) with long-term diseases. “Part of my job is trying 67 (convince) people of the need of starting weight lifting. Others who need persuading are women 68 (recent) treated for breast cancer.” says Dr. Dennis Kerrigan.” Friends and family tell them, ‘Take it easy, ‘ but chemotherapy can reduce muscle mass, leaving body fat 69 is linked to cancer returning,” he says.“So I suggest taking strength training. It has taken a long time for women to realize how important strength training is, but once they try it, they 70 (hook).”

第四部分 寫作(共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

It is well-known what we live in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is much important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the problem is not as big as we imagine it .

Take most of us in example, the entrance exam to college seem to be a horrible monster. Accordingly, some people give up,and some insist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, we overcome all problems and challenge. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in the right manner.

Nothing is possible and just do it!

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

假如你是李华,你的英国朋友 Edward正在学习汉语,希望你推荐一个适合他学习汉语的网站。请你根据以下内容,给他回复邮件。



1. 中文情景对话,中国风俗,中国电影,中文歌曲、成语和唐诗等;

2. 有在线老师答疑解惑。

注意:1. 词数 100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头结尾已为你写出。

Dear Edward,

Im more than pleased to know that you are learning Chinese.


Li Hua


第二部分 阅读理解



21. C细节理解题。根据The Royal Scotsman, Scotland中的最后一句Dining on perfect seasonal food is an experience thats hard to better 可知。

22. C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句”These cuddly creatures might be a more common sight in the Andes...”可知,美洲駝在安第斯山脉随处可见。其他几个选项张冠李戴,故均不能选。

23. A主旨大意题。根据第一段第二句”Then why not choose one of our more unusual ways to see the UK?”可知,本文主要介绍了几种新颖的游览英国的方式。

(B)通过观察豌豆根上的小瘤,三名青少年发现了解决世界粮食危机的方法。他们因此而在Google Science Fair中获得头奖。

24. A细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句可知,根瘤菌是对植物有益的细菌;根据第六段可知,根瘤菌能够加快植物的生长速度。

25. B 细节理解题。根据第五段第一句可知,一开始,大人们觉得他们的计划行不通,没有成功的希望。

26. B词义猜测题。上文提到细菌使种子的速度增长50%,后面表达的应是“提高粮食的产量”。从上下文语境意义推测可知是yield表“产量(output)”的意义。

27. C细节理解题。根据第六段可知,这三名青少年通过实验和测量得出的结论是:根瘤菌能够加快植物生长的速度,增加粮食产量。


28. C 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句可知,这本书将于2114年面世;联系第一段第四句和第二段倒数第二句可知,这本书将历时100年,每年由一位作家提供一篇文章。综上可推知,这本书的第一篇文章是在2014年写成的。

29. B 细节理解题。根据第三段前三句可知,Paterson是在画树的年轮时受所画年轮图像的启发才开发了这一项目。

30. C 细节理解题。根据第四段前两句可知,推出这样一本独特的书的想法起初看起来有点让人难以置信,于是Paterson将其搁置不提,直到好几年后这个想法才重见天日。由此可见,这个想法诞生时没能获得公众的赞许。

31. A 主旨大意题。本文介绍的是一本将历时100年、每年一章节集成的书。A项中的chapters不仅影射了文章的中心话题—— 一本独特的书,而且暗示了按章节慢慢累积而成的过程,故A项是最佳标题。


32. C 细节理解题。由第二段可知,英国格拉斯哥大学的研究发现,人们普遍高估了带起泡饮料的含糖量,而低估了果汁等饮料的含糖量,故C项正确。

33. C 细节理解题。由第五段可知,研究人员真正担心的是人们没有意识到饮料中很高的含糖量,故C项正确。

34. B 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,很多被调查者在谈及自己的饮食情况时,根本没有把软饮料中的卡路里含量考虑进去,由此判断B项正确。

35. A 推理判断题。最后一段Naveed Sattar教授的讲话提到:被人们认为健康的纯果汁饮料其实含糖量也很高。由此可以判断,很多人认为纯果汁的含糖量不高。



36. F 上一句提到如今似乎大部分人都太严肃。该空应介绍更甚的情况:甚至连我们当中那些坚持不严肃的人也可能十分严肃,即F项。(递进关系)

37. E上文提到造成不安、愤怒的根源是我们不愿意接受和预期不同的生活。这一根源必然导致当境况不符合我们的想法时,它们就变成了困难,故选E项。

38. D 上一句提到从过于严肃中恢复过来的第一步是承认自己出了问题。既然认识到了问题,你就得进行调整从而作出改变,变得更加随和。此处选D项符合逻辑。(因果关系)

39. G 该空后的On the other hand暗示该空和下一句介绍了两种不同的情况。G项介绍了期望与现实相反的情况,无论从内容上还是从形式上都呼应下一句。(相对关系)

40. B 最后一段主要介绍了一种很好的方法:不带任何期望地度过一天。结合该空前的两句可知,当你放松一点的时候,你会感到生活很美好,也就自然会感觉生活有趣得多。

第三部分 语言知识运用

第一节 完形填空

作者在Walgreens 购物时见到售货员无私地替购物没有付款的顾客付款的故事,以及作者同邻居分享这一故事后在社区引起的反响。

41. B 从上下文可以知道,此处表达“我走近柜台付款”的意义。

42. A 那位收款的年轻人因不能给“我” 结账而道歉。

43. C 因为收款的年轻人在等待前面的顾客去取钱。表“先前的”意思。

44. B 由上下文The one driving away 和47空后的in the parking lot 可知,”她是借口到车里去拿钱”。

45. D 收款的年轻人听说她走了,看上去“失望”。 ashamed(羞愧),nervous(紧张)和numb(无动于衷)都不符合语境意义。

46. A 他掏出钱包,用自己的借记卡付了帐。balance 意为“欠款”。

47. C我提醒他,在停车场有摄像头,他可以把关于她的信息交给警察。

48. B见47题解析

49. D 尽管它只值6美元左右,但是我发现他的决定和个性的榜样是无价的。analyzed(分析),commented(评论)和 declared(宣布)都不合语意。

50. B 我立马在NEXTDOOR 上同邻居们分享了这个故事。表示“迅速”的意义。casually( 随便地),regularly(有规律地)和 normally( 正常地)都同语境意义不符。

51. A 出于欣賞,从我们社区来的两位小伙子路过时停下来,每个人给他六美元钱。stopped by(路过停下);watched out(当心);stood by(袖手旁观);gave in(屈服)。

52. C 这次事件以来,我第一次返回,高兴看到他以特别友善的方式帮助顾客。表示“发生上次那件事情”,所以应用incident。

53. B因in a( ones )...manner (用……方式)是固定搭配。

54. D此处表示“扫描所购物品的条形码”,所以应用 scanned。

55. D 他笑了笑并告诉我他收到的来自两个陌生人的友善行为。表“收到”的意义。

56. C 他认为人们互相关心是一件很酷的事情。语境表“关心”之意。

57. A 当我沿着柜台把礼物卡滑向他的时候,他睁大了双眼。此处作者是顺着柜台把卡递给他,所以应用slid。

58. B 由前面的real可知,此处问“我”是否是“认真地(Seriously)”。

59. A 表示他接受了“我”的礼物卡,所以用nice。ridiculous(可笑的),specific(具体的)和wrong(错误的)都不合句意。

60. C 非常感谢那些使这位年轻人生活有意义的人,使我的生活有意义的人。空白处表“有助于(contributed to)”的意义。

第二节 语法填空


61. has shown 考查动词的时态。因in the last decade 同现在完成时连用。

62. But 考查连词。空格前后表示转折关系,故填连词But。

63. better 考查比较级。本句暗含和上一句的improve your overall health相比较之意,故填比较级形式better 。

64. into考查介词。因transform... into为固定搭配,意为“转移到……”。

65. called考查非谓语动词(过去分词)。所填词及其后面的部分作a type of resistance training的定语,且和该词之间为被动关系,故用过去分词的形式。

66. patients 考查名詞的数。此处指复数意义。

67. to convince 考查非谓语动词(不定式)。try to do“尽力去做……”,符合题意。try doing表示“试着做……”。

68. recently 考查副词。修饰过去分词treated应该用副词,意为”近来”。

69. which/that 考查定语从句。所填词引导定语从句,修饰body fat,并在从句中作主语,故填which/that。

70. are hooked 考查动词的语态。 hook意为”牢牢抓住”,是及物动词,同主语之间表被动关系。

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错

It is well-known what we live in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is much important than hope and self-confidence.

With confidence, we can find sometimes the problem is not as big as we imagine it.

Take most of us in example, the entrance exam to college seem to be a horrible monster .

Accordingly, some people give up, and some insist . In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, we ∧ overcome all problems and challenge. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in the right manner. challenges

Nothing is possible and just do it !

第二节 书面表达

Dear Edward,

Im more than pleased to know that you are learning Chinese. Id like to recommend www.edchinese.com to you. Its a good website for non-Chinese speakers who are learning Chinese, especially for beginners.

Firstly, it provides you with a variety of online courses, such as Chinese idioms, dialogues and customs. In addition, it will help you learn Chinese in interesting and effective ways. Here you can learn to sing Chinese songs, enjoy Tang poems and watch Chinese movies. More importantly, there are teachers online whom you can turn to for help. And all this is free of charge.

I hope you will find this website attractive and helpful.

Wish you a happy learning time.


Li Hua

How much sugar is in a can of coke?