
2018-11-16 06:49尹佳

尹 佳(YIN Jia)

主编 中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志

Editor-in-Chief,Chinese Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology

会长 中国医师协会变态反应医师分会

President, Chinese College of Allergy and Asthma



《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》2007 年创立至今已经进入第2个10年。在过去的10年,本刊为全国从事变态反应疾病和自身免疫病的临床医生及研究人员提供了展示研究成果和交流信息的平台。从2018 年起,本刊由季刊改为双月刊。

由于地域和语言等因素,我国多数医生不能及时获得世界最新的变态反应疾病资讯。为更好地服务于我国变态反应和自身免疫病的临床与科研,《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》从2018 年第1期开始,引入世界变态反应疾病领域的顶级期刊,美国变态反应、哮喘和免疫学会(AAAAI)官方专业杂志—— The Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology ( JACI ),创立JACI 中文版专栏。JACI选择《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》授予首个翻译版官方授权,充分体现了JACI对中国同道的重视和尊重,以及对中国患者的关注。富博思市场咨询有限公司帮助获得此授权。

Dear colleagues and readers:

More and more people became allergic in last decade in China, and the demand of efficient diagnosis and therapy to allergic diseases has been growing.Compared to the great requirement, specialized allergists are far from being enough in China, even many of them are scattered in other allergy associated departments. Allergic diseases are multi-systematic,involving many organs, and may take various forms during one’s whole life, affecting both adults and children. It is a challenge to effective diagnosis and treatment as limited number of allergists face to hundred millions of allergic patients, and it is in dire need of the most cutting-edge information for various physicians working on allergic diseases to improve the clinical performance.

The Chinese Journal of Allergy and Clinical immunology (CJACI) started publication in 2007, and is in its second decade now. This journal has been being a professional medium of research displaying and academic communication for physicians and researchers specializing in allergy and clinical immunology for a decade. Since 2018, it has been published from quarterly to bimonthly.

Duo to differences in regions and languages, lots of Chinese physicians cannot obtain international news and information about allergic diseases in time.Thus, aiming to provide with better service to clinic and research practice on allergy and immunology,we introduce the Chinese edition of the top journal in allergy category, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI), the official journal of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) , since the first issue in 2018. Choosing our journal as JACI first licensee for translation indicates how much JACI values and respects our Chinese colleagues and cares Chinese patients. Focus-Insight Strategic Consulting Co. Ltd contributed in this licensing.

JACI 中文版专栏对JACI 近期发表的文章,经过《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》主编及编委会精心遴选,由优秀青年学者和医生团队翻译,并由知名专家审阅并结合国内情况点评。希望JACI 中文版专栏的推出,能帮助我国变态反应和自身免疫病领域的医生们提高诊疗水平,推动此领域的科技创新。

从2018 年第1期开始,我们还将推出《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》微信公众号,除向专业医生提供指南、继续教育、会议、培训等信息外,还将面向患者提供变态反应和自身免疫病的科普资讯。希望本杂志平台能成为医生和患者的朋友,大家共同进步,一起成长!

The Chinese edition will show new articles in JACI,which are well chosen by CJACI editors, translated by excellent young physicians and researchers,finally reviewed by domestic experts, and commented based on Chinese situation. We cordially hope JACI Chinese edition will improve the clinical performance of Chinese allergists and promote technological development in the field.

In the meantime, official Wechat platform of CJACI is set up, which not only provide information about guideline, education, conference, and training to doctors, but also offer popular scientific knowledge of allergic diseases to patients and the public. We hope that the CJACI platform will become a friend of both doctors and patients, with them step forward and get better together.

Zuhair K. Ballas, MD

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

主编 变态反应与临床免疫学杂志

Dear Allergist/Immunologists in China:

It is my distinct honor to introduce the inaugural Special Column of the Chinese Edition of The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JACI).Global outreach is a core mission of JACI. JACI is the official journal of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology representing global professionals specializing in food allergy, airway disease, skin disorders, immune deficiency and immune dysregulation.

Choosing your journal as our first licensee for translation indicates how much JACI values and respects our Chinese colleagues. The allergy and immunology specialty has been expanding greatly,resulting in continued, significant scientific contributions to the field. We are very excited to know that our licensee, Focus-Insight Strategic Consulting Co. Ltd has successfully embarked on this Special Column, together with Dr. Yin Jia, the Editor of the Chinese Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. I trust that you will find the translated articles informative and intellectually stimulating.It is my sincere hope that this Special Column will evolve into a unique medium of promoting international academic exchange.

JACI publishes high-impact, cutting-edge clinical and translational research papers for allergists,immunologists, dermatologists, gastroenterologists,and other physicians and researchers interested in allergic diseases and clinical immunology.Articles cover such topics as asthma, food allergy,allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, primary immune deficiencies, occupational and environmental allergy,and other allergic and immunologic diseases. JACI content includes clinical trials and mechanistic studies that report on novel therapies, including biologics, insights into underlying mechanisms, and other discoveries that will inform our understanding of these diseases and ultimately improve the diagnosis and management of patients. With an impact factor of 13.081, JACI ranks 1st of 25 in the Allergy category and 6th of 150 in the Immunology category in the 2017 Journal Citation Reports®, published by Clarivate.



JACI选择《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》授予其首个翻译版官方授权,充分体现了JACI杂志对中国同道的重视和尊重。近年来变态反应和免疫学事业欣欣向荣、蓬勃发展,并取得了令人瞩目的成就。当得知JACI杂志出版商和富博思市场咨询有限公司(Focus-Insight Strategic Consulting Co. Ltd)与《中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志》主编尹佳教授已经开始精心筹备JACI中文版专栏时,我们感到十分激动。我相信这本杂志将会带给各位同道一场学术的饕餮盛宴。在此,我由衷地希望本专栏能够发展成为促进国际学术交流切磋的桥梁。


On behalf of the Editors of the JACI, we are confident that our colleagues in China will benefit from this Chinese-language Edition of the Journal. We invite you to submit your best papers to JACI for consideration for publication, and look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration.


廖凡 赵涛 江湖儿女,同道殊途